Proven... We are not Alone by Peter Evans - HTML preview

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6 Here I Go Again

I went to an agency in Kingston with beds so that I had somewhere to sleep, they got me a job at Moor Place Esher Surrey as a grill chief, my Wimpy bar experience had paid off however this was a restaurant with five grills with a golf course just up from Sandown racecourse and so obviously it was quite high class it wasn’t long before I had my own grill.

My accommodation was on the golf course where Patrick Tallack gave lessons and I could play whenever I wanted to, I don’t know the first thing about golf so I would just hit the balls around the course, there was a hut with weights so I could pump up, I could never put on body mass even when I was younger at home with my mum I got the Bullworker with Charles Atlas workout and still remained skinny.

We were right next to Sandown Racecourse, a very nice place but there was nothing else there and I am a city boy therefor I would go into London for night life, eyes still light up when I say I lived on a golf course.

I was out in London and met a couple of girls who were going to Portsmouth the next day it was my weekend off and they agreed to pick me up in the morning and so I was off to Portsmouth we had a good time and when we returned I brought a Ford Anglia, my little love bug, she was great car.

I decided to came up to Coventry for a couple of days and went to Ann’s where I saw Scott, I had promised to take him away when he was 18, because things were not good for him and were now even worse after the loss of his brother which his mum never got over, she had her daughter and two more sons but Scott was always the black sheep, and he wanted to come with me this meant I had to quit my job at Moor Place and take him to Kingston.

We arrived and he got a job as barman in Paddington, I got a job at the Horse and Groom, Hare Hatch Twyford as grill chief at first I was sharing the grill with a guy from Wales put he went back to Wales and so it was my grill, I also had to cook meals for the staff and so it involved some proper cooking, I would go into Paddington and see Scott even when he was working, he was my responsibility and so I made sure that he was okay and I got him the job of barman where I was and he had a room next to mine.

I gave him driving lessons and then I brought a second vehicle a Morris 1000 Traveller which had a leaking radiator this was no big deal and would have made good for Scott he was having a good time and had a nice girlfriend however he was out of his depths, although he had a comfortable life with good potential not as a bartender either, however there is no place like home and he was homesick, my taking him away had done him the world of good, I agreed to take him home.

This was at a cost to me because I had to quit my job in order to do this and would have to abandon my Morris 1000, I didn’t want a career as grill chief anyway, and so we headed back to Coventry, I knew he was going home but I had no home to go to, I was homeless and going back to nothing, there is a price for being me.

On our return the relationship with Scott and his family was much better and he was better for the experience, I stayed the night on Ann’s sofa no idea what my next move would be, this is the game of life and it’s how we play the game.

The next day my brother Taff showed up, we were chatting in the living room when I went out into the back garden for a short while.

Scott had two brothers Ronnie and Barry, both Scott and Barry were there Taff went out the front to look for me, he never knew I went out back and so he wondered where I was, when he saw a group of maybe 10 guys coming down the road and so Taff asked them if they had seen a curly headed guy, they responded hostilely and one started to poke Taff and that is something you don’t do and so Taff started to fight, I wondered aimlessly out front to see this free for all taking place, and so I joined in and injured my big toe in the process, but we won the fight.

The police were on their way so Taff took off and I found him up an entry being sick, this was all my fault, there was a lot of blood back there and some injuries and Taffy with his record could not be involved, we were all fine except for my broken toe, don’t laugh I broke my big toe and went to A&E to have it strapped together.