Proven... We are not Alone by Peter Evans - HTML preview

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20 My Study

This is where I do my study, I would like to make it clear that I am not trying to preach or convert anyone from their beliefs; my aim is to try and make sense of what had happened to me.

My intention is to compare the events taking place today to see if there is a pattern or any written support because things I had been saying were old school and from scripture with scriptural support, signs and wonders had been displayed which need some investigation, so I ask that you bear with me during this chapter, I know it may be hard going for some people and I try to condense things which means you are free to expand yourself by checking my references.

As I have said already that I had got a book on the paranormal, I had also asked my sister in Arizona for a book called the prophets, I got the Greek to English New Testament Interlinear, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, The Complete Jewish Bible, The Ancient Eastern Text Bible, and other translation bibles, my wife had sent me a hard back King James Bible, which I did a collage on the cover.

Please bear in mind that while I am doing this I am still undergoing the abuse, it has never ceased throughout my sentence, it literally was 24/7 with sleep when I could, this made my study extremely difficult, I also sent for whatever information from outside that I could, in order to aid my study because I wanted to be as accurate as I could while looking for comparison with the current events.

I would also like to say to people who have no beliefs; it is easier for you because you may have a more open mind, not blocked by indoctrination. I hope that all sorts of people will be reading this book, also those who don’t like God and blame him for everything that has gone wrong in their lives, may find this very informative.

The word God is a generic name and simply means a power greater than me; this is used in many groups who deal with addictions because it is a well-known fact, so nothing knew there. This book is a spiritual book, not religious, it is not intended for one type of people or person, it is meant for you. I did not ask for this it’s just the way it is.

I first checked the meaning of the word Christian, apparently it means a follower of Christ and Christ also means Messiah, so a follower Christ/Messiah, I was of no denomination because there was not one that was like me, the thing with the Christian faith is it is so diverse, the different versions vary so much, not only in words but also in the meaning, this is because they are done with personal interpretation to suit themselves, one spirit should mean that at least the meaning would be the same.

One very big religion has actually removed parts from the Gospel, I think it’s because it reflects on their faith, so I guess they thought heck we will just take it out, no-one will know, men change things to suit themselves which was often also done to suppress women.

So calling oneself simply a Christian does not say what you believe, only that you are a follower of Christ/Messiah, and that is why there are different denominations I suppose, and I am not knocking it, but I also am a Christian, yet I am also different from the rest, and all of the rest will disagree with me on many points, especially one point, however this is not about what I believe, it is about facts, real life events that have been witnessed by many, and which even prisoners have said “This is just like scripture, but instead of reading about it, were living it” the witnesses have been silenced by the evil-one otherwise this book would not be necessary.

So apart from me being a follower of Christ/Messiah how would I identify myself? Well the name Christalite was what was revealed to me in Gurney, Israelite/Christian.


This is my logo/letter head I was using in Allred, I have done this on my computer the real one I had to hand draw and I am no good at drawing, I’m no good on a computer either, I did stop using it simply due to the effort of always having to draw it.

I saw in a Messianic Magazine  that the Star of David with a Cross was being sold, my first reaction was that even that had been stolen from me, I only had that reaction because the evil- one was having his people steal from me for him, officers did steal on his behalf, however I realised that it was for the people anyway and so was pleased it was out there in production.

My sister never did the necessary regarding the one I had sent her, and so when I saw it on sale I brought one but sadly when it arrived I was called to the mail room where I was told that I would not be allowed to have it, and so I had it sent to my sister in Florida.

I knew it was a recent design because I had been receiving magazines for a while and the Star of David with a Cross was not there, but now it was, and so I sent for a plain one and that is what I was wearing in Allred and in fact a female officer pointed to it as I was walking out of a pod and said to me “That means no parole” so was it just coincidence that the Star of David with a Cross was now in production?

I don’t think so, I was not really after any credit, and I know that the evil-one wants it and whatever he can steal from me he will; and he would even steal this book.

It is strange however that I would wear a Star of David when I had never been interested in it before going to prison. Now I was facing Anti-Semitism as well, but I never removed my Star of David.

I do still wonder if the name should be Christ-A-Lite or Christ-A- Light, because Christ being the light of the world, I had taken the last for letters of Israelite, because I was only given the name and what it stood for but not how to spell it, I don’t want to error, or cause any confusion.

Now where could I go to find information on Prophets? I had wrote to many ministries asked questions however I got no answers, possibly because they never knew, I requested materials and I am thankful, I was surprised at how little was known about prophets even the book called “The Prophets” didn’t tell me what I was looking for, so where could I find out about them? It seemed the only book was the Bible and the scriptures.

My sister in Florida had sent me the Exhaustive Concordance of the King James and so for ease I have used the King James for reference unless I say otherwise.

I am going to share my study with you and where it led I do this without being bias, I am not preaching and I have no intention of trying to influence anyone in anyway, I have already been outlawed by everyone regardless of their faith.


Spirit can afflict flesh, in (Job 2:3-10), Satan who is spirit was able to afflict Jobs flesh, this went on for years, he took everything that Job had, and he brought Job out in boils, now that was spirit afflicting flesh, see in (Job 42). God later restored him, but he still had to suffer. He was allowed to be tested and it was being done by spirit.

Jesus told Peter that Satan had asked his father if he could have him to sift as wheat, and that he had prayed for him that his faith would not fail, (Luke 22:31-32). Jesus also tells Peter that when he returns to him that he would strengthen the brethren, so Peter was going to leave and come back, this sounds like a long issue to me, this had to be for a period of time.

Peter was to be sifted like wheat by a spirit; it was not to be a simple matter because Jesus prayed that when he (Peter) returned to him… So spirit was going to have control over Peter.

This describes my situation perfectly because I am being sifted like wheat, and I am afflicted by spirit, the evil-one has taken everything from me including people who I love, prevents my prosperity. All the above is happening to me today, these are my facts today

The Apostle Paul spoke of a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of  Satan who buffeted him, now this must be spiritual because he prayed three times for it to be taken away, he also says that it was through the abundance of revelations he was receiving, had it of just been people doing it then he would of said so but it was a messenger of Satan, (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) yes he was abused by people but that could not be the thorn, he was also receiving revelations just like I was.

Satan does use people just like the evil-one is doing today, but there are signs of affliction by spirit.

Peter says “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as if some strange thing has happened to you.” (1 Peter 4:12) now that must also be affliction by spirit, as if some strange thing has happened. Neither Peter nor Paul could explain what was happening to them and have both tried to explain it in their own words, but it clearly shows a connection, and fits my situation because I am suffering a fiery trail, and have a big thorn in the flesh, and, a strange thing had certainly happened to me. I also had an abundance of revelations, which is supported in the Bible and I was being persecuted, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, they were also living in times of persecution.

Spiritual Gifts

The Apostle Paul said in (1 Corinthians 12:1), I would not have you being ignorant of Spiritual Gifts.

Ignorance is a weapon that has been used by mainly men in order to maintain power over people, and is a weapon used by the evil-one, people who are in ignorance are prone to manipulation and are easier to deceive, but they can become a force to be reckoned with once they come to the knowledge, so the knowledge belongs to the people and not to the few.

Prophets and Prophesying

This is a big subject because I looked at old and new, I wanted to know about Prophets, so my study took a few turns which I am going to share with you in the best way I can, because I do struggle with words to explain things in the way that I want to, plus I feel it’s important to the people.

Prophets are listed in the Bible separately, in (psalms 105:15), it says, “Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm”

Also in (Ephesians 4:11) it says He made some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers”. Prophets are anointed, but not all the anointed are prophets. And therefore prophets have as much right to live in peace as anyone else does, and they were not replaced but an addition was made, so what of the spiritual gifts?

I was doing this in very tough conditions the abuse has never stopped, this meant my words were being messed up purposely, I was also mocked and endured all sorts of interference, but I persevered and did the best I could with what I had. I do know that I have been messed up big time, and I am trying to sort it out.

There has not been much if anything taught about prophesying, in fact people don’t seem to know what it is or what it  means,  and therefor are unable to recognise it, the main teaching seems to be about speaking in tongues, when really tongues is an additive. This lack of knowledge about prophesying has led to much wrong interpretation especially of things that Jesus said, simply because Jesus Prophesied, and people have not recognise it or been able to tell the difference. Prophesying isn’t something done continually; which means one can also speak from themselves. Lack of knowledge has therefore led people to believe wrongly.

I guess it’s a matter of understanding the difference, for example the woman I call an angel who visited me in my cell at Government Centre was prophesying; when she said,

My rod and my staff will comfort you” this caused much controversy, and so the prisoners were saying God isn’t a woman, and there right God is not a woman, she was not speaking her own words. Not only were there prophets but also prophetesses.

I think that I am right in saying that the Muslim faith recognises Christ as a Prophet, and one thing a prophet does is to prophesy. So  then when Jesus prophesied it was God speaking just like God spoke through the mouth of David. (1 Corinthians 14:29-32-37) say’s, the spirit of the prophets are subject to the prophets and if any among you think yourself to be a prophet… prophets are mentioned separately again, prophesying was to become more used not less used, but to be orderly, and judged by others, I will show later how prophets spoke from their own hearts, the thing I would like to mention at this point is the mention of women being silent in church.

I had a letter from another prison saying woman should be silent in church, this is a big misunderstanding Paul was clearly talking about the women who would ask questions of the husband while in church now church is people getting together in fellowship and there is nothing more distracting that someone talking or whatever during the meeting, Paul was simply saying to the women wait until you go home, and that is understandable, but you can see how it has been used, and taken out of context, how are women to prophesy if they have to be silent? It is prophecy that women will prophesy.

In (Acts 2:4) they received the spirit and spoke with other tongues and prophesied. And in (acts 1:8) it says “...that you will receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you...” and (verse 15), says that there were a hundred and twenty disciples in the room, so there was not just twelve persons talking to the people, prophesying is speaking in the language of men, tongues is speaking in the spirit, the people of other languages could understand what was being said because it was being said in their language, and not some big mystery the only mystery I suppose is that they spoke in a language that was not there’s but still the language of man (Acts 2:5-13).

Peter then goes on to speak of the Holy Ghost speaking from the mouth of David, David had received the spirit when he was a lad, and God spoke through David via His Spirit, he prophesied, and I will go through David in more detail later, one thing for now is that David was anointed, he was even a man after Gods own heart, and he still messed up, we are human and far from perfection.

Peter mentions the field brought with the reward of iniquity, he was referring to the field brought with the money paid to Judas for betraying Jesus, the field of blood (verses 9-20), and in (verse 23-26) he says that lots were drawn to decide who would take part in the Apostleship, and replace Judas. The Apostils were still drawing lots even after Jesus had been so does God still work in that way? In (Acts 2:14-16) this is what was spoken of by the prophet Joel.

It has been thought that love has replaced spiritual gifts, so I want to briefly cover this.

Apostle Paul says in (1 Corinthians 13) about love being the greatest gift and it is, but it isn’t a replacement, and is love a gift? Well I suppose charity is and in (1 Corinthians 14:1) it says “Follow after charity (love) and desire spiritual gifts rather especially that you may prophesy.”

He is still saying to seek spiritual gifts but don’t forget about prophesying, pursue love, desire spiritual gifts especially that you may prophesy sounds like prophesying was highly rated.

In (1 Corinthians 14:2), Paul say’s that he who speaks in an  unknown tongue the spirit speaks and it is not the tongue of men (it is the tongue of Angels) so therefore there understanding is unfruitful.

Prophesying is speaking in the tongue of men which people can understand so if you read the whole chapter you will see the preference of prophesying, it also makes sense that Angels would have their own tongue. So there is a big difference between speaking in tongues and prophesying.

So one doesn’t forbid tongues simply use things in a proper way, and do not forbid women to prophesy/speak.

In (Acts 21:8-11) there is an evangelist who’s four daughters prophesied, also there is an apostle and a prophet, see the same faith but with different gifts, also in (acts 13:1-3), there were prophets and teachers, so prophets were still around and were prophesying; prophets were still thought highly of.

Saul was to be the first King of Israel, (1 Samuel 8:4-9), God said to Samuel “…they have not rejected you but they have rejected me.”

Mankind have to have visible things to relate to and so they wanted a king even though man is not perfect, God must have been offended and yet he still gave them what they wanted, and when you think about it he could of said no.

So he chose Saul, (chapter 9:1-2), this is where we start seeing how God works, the asses of Saul’s father was lost and he was sent to look for them, and a time came when Saul said to his servant come let us return;” but his servant said there was a man of God who could show them  the  way,  (9:5-9), “Beforetime in Israel when a man went to inquire of God, he would say, come let us go and see the seer” a seer is now called a prophet.

See the gifts of a prophet, in (1 Samuel 10:1) he anoints Saul and in (10:2) Samuel tells him of the asses, that they had been found and returned to his father, but now his father was sorrowful over his son, in (verse 5-12), he tells Saul that he will meet with prophets and will prophesy with them, and would be turned into another man, when Saul turns his back to leave God gives him another heart. A new heart and being made another person took place all those years before Christ.

This is Gods way but history tells us that it never stopped men from turning away because we still have the freedom, and it has happened to the best of men, (verse 10-12), he meets the prophets and the spirit of the Lord comes upon him and he prophesied among them, and when people found out, it became a proverb, is Saul also among the prophets? When the prophesying was over his uncle asked him where he went, and he explained, (verses 13-16). So King Saul was anointed, yet was still able to disobey God, and so God rejected him from reigning over Israel, (1 Samuel 16:1-3), you can imagine the problem God had with men, we always mess up.

Then God chose David to proceed Saul, (16:12-23), Samuel anointed him when he was a lad and the spirit came upon him, then at the same time the spirit left Saul.

God then sent an evil spirit to trouble Saul, and that is how God got David into the court of King Saul, when David played his harp, the evil spirit left Saul, spirit can cause untold trouble to people just don’t blame God for it all, and it has been proven possible today.

David became King and we know he was anointed with Gods spirit, and that he was a prophet, but he also wasn’t perfect and did evil in the sight of God, (2 Samuel 11:--), he saw a woman called Bathsheba washing herself and that she was beautiful to look upon, so he had her called to him and they went to bed, she became pregnant. She was married to Uriah the Hittite, David tried to get Uriah to come back from the war and sleep with Bathsheba so he would think the baby was his, when this failed he had Uriah set up to be killed and then married Bathsheba, and yet he already had the wives of Saul, about five I think  it was.

God sent Nathan the prophet to David, God did not tell David himself he sent one prophet to another prophet, Nathan doesn’t tell David direct instead he tells him a story about a man who only has one lamb and he loved it as one of the family it had grown up with his family, and there was also a rich man who had many lambs, and yet took the poor man’s only lamb to feed a visitor.

King David was furious and said who did this thing? And Nathan said you are that man.

This says the Lord God of Israel,” I anointed you King over Israel, and I delivered you from out of the hand of Saul; and I gave you his house, and his wives into your bosom, and I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little I would of given you more.” And then he goes on to say how David had done this thing, he had killed Uriah and taken his wife. (2 Samuel 12, 1-13)

I noticed that David already had more than one wife which was given to him by God, wouldn’t this be adultery? King Solomon was anointed, and was given wisdom, which is a spiritual gift, (1 Corinthians 12-8 ;) he was anointed but not a prophet that I know of. He still became a fool, so this tells us that even the wisest man can do foolish things.

Word spread even in them days; without the media we have today,  so the Queen of Sheba heard of his fame; she had to go and see him for herself, 1 Kings 10:1-9. In (1 Kings 11:1-10), it says that he loved many strange woman including the daughter of pharaoh, despite warnings that they would turn his heart from God he went on and built alters to their gods, now he was warned twice by God but still he continued. And that is certainly foolish, not wise.

However the point is that under Gods law, (and when I mention the law I refer to the 10 commandments and not the Law of Moses). Adultery is a crime, so because no mention was made of this to Solomon or David, then in God’s Law more than one wife cannot be adultery.

I always thought that this type of thing would be sexual immorality? So I wondered what adultery in Gods eyes is. I won’t try to venture in  to that.

Prophets and gifts

Spiritual gifts are now the subject, I am doing comparisons between old and modern days, I will try and keep things brief and in order.

Moses was a prophet, and he laid hands on Joshua who then received the spirit of wisdom, (Deuteronomy 34:5-10), the laying on of hands also took place in the days of the apostils.

In (Numbers 12:6-8), God says “if there be a prophet among you I will make myself known to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream”. I did receive dreams and visions.

In Allred they would project things to me thus abusing my gifts; however it is the same type of thing that is done by spirit, I will go into that in more detail but there is still much more to write first. Now I am going to check out the prophets Elijah and Elisha.

I hope that you can follow where I’m going with all this?

Elijah had told Ahab that the Lord had told him there would be no rain for the next few years unless as his word, this caused a drought during the drought God had ravens feed Elijah then later he came upon the widow that God had sent him to, (1 Kings 17:4-9).

The widow was to look after him and there was a miracle where the meal and oil was increased so it never ran out, (verse14-16) apart from the miracle of the increase of meal and oil, Elijah also brought her son back to life, (verse 17-23). He lay upon her son three times while calling on God and the boy came back to life, he used his body.

Elijah faced the prophets of Baal, (1 Kings 18:17-39), who were four hundred and fifty men; Elijah said to the people how long will you be of two opinions? “If the Lord be God, then follow him: but if Baal, then follow him,” so he had them prepare a bullock and put wood under it, while he did the same thing, he then told them to call on their god Baal to put fire under it,