Proven... We are not Alone by Peter Evans - HTML preview

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 Mystery of the Red Leaf and Feather

Some years ago I got hooked on a TV series called the 12 Monkeys; I was binge watching it on a TV box, while in bed on morning about 3am I was at the part where in was showing the red forest and all the leaves falling, it was at that point I switched the TV off and went to sleep.

The next morning when I went out to my back garden and after a moment I saw a red leaf laying on my decking, I was amazed how  could this be, I immediately thought that someone was playing a prank on me, but who why and how?

I started to look for more and could not find any, then I noticed sticking up between my paving slabs was the feather of a pigeon and so I went to remove it and found it was firmly stuck in and  needed pressure to pull it out, it was just like pulling a weed.

This was impossible I thought, a feather is in no way heavy enough to fall down and embed itself firmly between garden slabs, I went to my neighbour a few doors down and showed him the leaf, he said that’s red alright but we have no trees with red leaves around here, we do a couple of trees at the back but none are red and so I drove around looking for red leaves but never found any.

I live in an end of terrace bungalow my back garden has a six foot wall on one side by an entry way which is covered in brambles on the entry side and so no-one could climb it, on my neighbours side is a six foot wooden fence and also my back fence is six foot with a six foot gate which is bolted and so I am well enclosed and the prospect of anyone entering my garden was very unlikely and also very difficult.

So the idea it was planted was out of the question it had got there by other means, also the pigeon feather how could that of fell with such force and accuracy to hit a small target between two paving slabs and embed itself there, nobody could have planted it, we do have plenty of pigeons around but a falling feather would simply drift to the ground and I do find them, the feather I pulled was a normal feather just like any other the only question is how could it embed itself.

These are questions are left unanswered and may always be and so will remain the mystery of the red leaf and feather.

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