Rescue 911 by Cj Randolph - HTML preview

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Computer Dreams February 2005

Computer dreams was birthed as a mainframe chilling nightmare! Could a Justice for All living things Computer eliminate biases? Or is there more to the story? God allowed me to sing His thought-provoking, prophetic downloads in coffee houses, college campus settings, street fests & bars. We pondered every WORD; then recorded The MASTER Chef’s BRAIN SOUP” & gave it away by the hand in love to whom-so-ever we met—East to West across the USA!

“Well I was just wondering if computers can dream & if we have the technical knowledge to create a dreaming computer & how the world might be different if they can? If we fed them enough information, by tapping into the minds, the lives & the eyes of every inhabitant that ever walked the face of this planet?

I was wondering if they might be able to take that—analyze it, calculate it, & suggest a plan to make things better for all world societies to live in peace & harmony ? Well, I was wondering if GOD himself planted the computer seed to enable us to step outside our human limitations? To see what we wouldn’t otherwise see because we’re just too blinded by our own truth. Sort of like a line I heard in the movie The FORGOTTEN Your mind can’t hold the truth”.

I’m wondering if the computer generated outcome—the suggested game plan —might allow us to see 20/20, 10/10 upfront? From every land-land—rather than in hindsight? I wonder if it could lay it out for us, so we could just sit there & look at it for a little while—something like buying a car on-line? Something like Best Would they be able to super-impose seemingly minute changes to the game plan, so we can see the gravity of stepping one step to the far left OR one step to the far right, rather than staying in the center road of what’s suggested? Would it look out for our different spiritual & emotional needs while at the same time lookout for our planets health? And like so much in the human world, would it be able to use its knowledge for evil? Depending on a multitude of hypothetical factors, could it feed us a plate of hypothetical bull-sh-t? Serve it up on a silver platter & have us gobble it on down as if it were some kind of wonderful? Could what computers might show us to the negative deter our efforts to see what they might do to the positive? Are we afraid to feed our computers, like we’re afraid to feed our children, too many uncensored ideas for fear they might be misused? Is it really our children we fear the most OR those of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost AND those of our neighbors of whom we have little or no control? Afterall, how much control do we exercise over ourselves? Can we sit down at the Table of Life together offer up our hand me down concepts & practices—then take one giant step for humankind. Could we please open our hearts a little wider, our minds a little wider & let others come on in & build some bridges to nourish all living things. We would have to sit down as a joint effort to pray & hope It’d be wise enough to read between our distorted truths, our culturally biased preferences, our political self righteous preferences. In fact, fact—what is fact? What are the d-mn facts & according to whose perception? And if our Justice for all living things computer began to after page...would we be willing…? “


Legal Aid

Wow! Holy wow! This song birthed thru HOLY WATERS on Purim/Fast of Esther March 26, 2005! Exactly

 9-months + 7-days before I AM took me to Heaven—Hanukkah day 8—the day Esther was crowned queen

. “The Day was April 19” 2012 = Yom HaShoah—day Israeli citizens remember & reflect, founded 1953.

Birthed onto Earth scene, Oct 3, 1953—exactly 8-years, 1-month, 1-day after WWII ended.

September 10, 2012, I AM said, “Esther is in place” & “2-House become 1

September 17, 2012, I AM—Yom Teruah—“One Hour” struck 1

October 11, 2023—Hour52 closes—Into the wilderness

October 14, 2023—Parashat Bereshit begins

September 27, 2030—Eve Yom Teruah

October 11, 2030 Eve Sukkot Booths

Consider The days of our lives.

Be strong & courageous

GO and Do Not Fear!

Sound the Shofar



The Leaves

Are for the

Healing of Nations

An excerpt from LEGAL AID —followed by commentary—full lyrics in COME ON PEOPLE Let’s WAKE UP “Thinking out loud—black on white—an ode to INDUSTRIALIZED INSANITY Sometimes back home by nine, sometimes still riding our supper-time dime. Brains gone splat against some wall, backs painted black stuck in the flow.

Staring blanks thru purple potted people space,

Freaky fetish foots caught up in some race, seems our bodies aint going no place Big blue flutter butters, painted psycho-delic colors on our hinge sprung doors. Knobby knockers knocking—downing pink pumpkin poppy poppers in cool night air. Floating free, flying high—we try, try, try to catch them...geez doctor please, tell me—What was it that you gave me to glue me back together when my streamers started streaming, breathing screaming chocolate demons in the sky?

It’s late, late, late hand me a plate & open the pillbox Mr. Pontiac Snake… Which brings me back to the irony of it all—smoking weed’s illegal, but these purple pocket rocket launchers are LEGAL AID at 24-Hour pharmacy doors.

Raising the QUESTION ?

Who do you fear the most—the FATHER, SON, & Holy Ghost or

Brother brass who can chill your class behind sliding, slamming locking doors?”

I wrote this song at a very different time in my life. God used the experience to open the windows of my mind—to see the insanity of Pharmaceutical Nations’ being given Political Thumbs Up to manufacture & sell over-priced, mind bending drugs to HELP (?) US RELAX from the challenging days of our lives—while Father GOD’s free & perfect ‘In the beginning3rd day of CREATION’ is outlawed!

Did you know marijuana was not widely illegal until 1930’s? Did you know that until recently—in most states—its use sent many to prison for long sentences? Check out Mary J’s very interesting history “How Did Marijuana Become Illegal in the 1st Place?” by Dr. Malik Burnett & Amanda Reiman, PHD @


Summer BLAME GAME 2005

Near naked truth...Soul side up on our 2-seater, faded blue paddleboat...included in



Been thinking a lot lately about what is & was & could be—and where I’ve been standing all these years. Seems I spent a lotta life watching & listening, thinking & being—without a whole lotta doing. To a large degree it served me well, filled my head-pack with most everything I might ever need. Somewhere along the way, I took to the fence, tablet in tow, dodged prime-time lime in the finger-pointing Blame Game, occurring down below. Wasn’t trying to hide, but it worked to my advantage just the same. Thought I was squeaky Palmolive clean. Didn’t suffer from being near-sited or far-sited. Pretty certain I was 20/20 10/10. A peace-loving individual. How about you? Can you relate to anything I’m saying? Are you sure you’re so pure or maybe just a little to blame, like I’m sculpting about myself. Seems I should spend more time reading between the fine-print lines of my own dang book. And though they say, “You can’t judge a book by its cover”, we seem content catching eye-ball glimpses of each others. Study them hard , study them twice trying to value surmise the superficial hidden prize. As for us paperback writers, we rack up millions, billions, ga-zillions in plastic indentured servitude interest for camo clothes, tucks & creams, bells & whistles, & knock your drool gleam. Rarely do we invest a hard-days cent on mental matters that really matter. Say, hey, if somebody walked up to you today & promised to follow your lead if you would simply illustrate, dictate a 12-point plan that could better serve all humans—could you? Would you take time to plant fresh seeds for humanity if it might feed every child in every land, treat the ill with docs & pills despite their ability to pay or geographical local, & build bridges of peace across every hill? Or should our tax dollars set us free from further responsibility? Do you just sit around like me content with your perfect minded ideology—scrutinizing B-grade actors dole out their near-sited ill-logic across life’s big screen? You know, you & I—FENCE SITTERS ANONYMOUS—are the heart of the blame, Caught strangle hold deep in this fence sitting game— blind to the power we hold. We’re like fleas on a dog, causing more itch than scratch. Time to jump down & Stand Up—hard plan in hand—ROCK the ACTION! Are you w/me man? If we were asked to draw a map to the Bling-Bling store where you can score Old School answers from Yesterday’s more—for a whole lot less time & effort, you know we could & would, not even saying if we should. Seems we’ve been expecting someone else—some outside source—to nudge the buds & minds of those leading the show, rather than getting our fence-sitting, grassroots fingers down & dirty in the sands of time—make mud pies stirred up creamy nice. Hey! You and I both know that if any real change is gonna come, it’s up to us—the Fence-Sitters of the World—to climb down & bridge the gap, because the Age Old

BLAME GAME pot hole just keeps getting bigger & bigger, deeper & deeper.


Journal entry 1999 Plant Your Seeds September 15, 2005

GOD blessed me to PLANT my SEEDS in college campus classrooms, courtyards, theater, library, coffee houses, bars, outdoor events, Internet Radio Cafes’, and other places I’ve failed to report :)

I was

Looking out the back door

Heading for the front door

Wondering if we’re wasting our time

Speaking our minds?

Because they aren’t ready—not ready to see.


the Voice inside

Said to me,

They weren’t ready for Emerson or H.D. Thoreau

They weren’t ready for Socrates or Plato did you know

They weren’t ready for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or Mohandas Gandhi

They weren’t ready for John F Kennedy or JESUS CHRIST

No they weren’t ready—

Weren’t ready to see.

Still they

Followed their hearts

And followed their dreams

And planted their seeds because they Believed

Did it with sincerity, did it with real dignity, did it for you & me

Did it for H*U*M*A*N*I*T*Y

Many people

Through out history

Have done the same thing

Even though ridiculed & ostracized

Take ol’ Johnny Appleseed for example—truly must’ve faced scorn

Still he got out there & planted his seeds

Did it with sincerity, did it with real dignity, did it for you & me

Did it for H*U*M*A*N*I*T*Y


Like Sheryl Crowe once sang,

What it all boils down to, iswe ain’t got it right, quite yet!


Let’s Gut it Up




Let’s do it with sincerity, do it with real dignity, do it for you & me

Let’s do it for H*U*M*A*N*I*T*Y

You can’t go forward, looking behindthus said “I AM”


WHY¿ in A World of Plenty November 2005

*July 8, 2020 This is not a call for ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT—or for Draconian laws.

It’s a Call to LOVE—act justly, love mercy & walk humbly w/ I AM our Father-in-heaven

My name is Cj & I’m a fellow TIME-Traveler

I have just ONE QUESTION & the QUESTION is WHY?

It all started one morning while I was stretched out full-long in my big comfy bed,

Talking to our Father about the job He’s done, while soaking in Early’s slow rising sun.

Giving thanks for this decked out ride—given to me & mine, you & yours

Those of us riding these North American shores, feeding from the pantry of

Mother Nature’s corridor

And as we talked, cause we talked for awhile, I mustered up the courage &

Asked Him WHY?—so many others around this world got to die?


Now I know it sounded ungrateful, but still it was true

I simply had to know WHY so much was given To me & You?

I think a TEAR fell from the sky.

I think it was us both that started to cry.

He said “I gave This MOTHER EARTH’s Big BOSSOMED Teat--enough to feed every

Mother, Father & Baby from sea-to-shining sea around The World

“Now, I Think It’s TIME for You to crawl out of your bed & spend more TIME inside

your head. Take a Deep Think with the face-in-the –mirror. Let your glare hang there.

And when you’ve had all you can take & you can’t take No More,

Walk outside your door. Study eyes & lives and ASK One Another WHY ¿

There’s hunger & poverty, death & decay, & Mother’s laying babies in premature graves


So brothers & sisters,

That’s WHAT I’m here to do—sent by our Father to inquire of you


Hunger & poverty, death & decay, and Mother’s laying babies in premature graves?

Let’s take our shoes off for a minute or 5—and set our pigs free—free to fly!

Free to see the WORLD from Heaven’s Eye

Beyond borders & boundaries—stars, sea & sky

Beyond human made fences built of weathered boards

Nailed tightly shut with rusted nails and hinge-sprung doors—

Rusted by the Tears of Time & Glued Together by the ignorance of our minds.

Reach across the ocean & pick-up another Mother’s hungry-eyed baby

Snuggle it nice & close—feel its waning breath upon your chest.

See the mothers & fathers crying beside near-death beds

Pleading to GOD their starving children be fed?

Before vacay-ting this desperate daily scene

Bend down & kiss the little heads

A final Goodnight

Before the

Life Light turns



You Should Have Seen Him Walking

Fall 2005, I was an adjunct instructor at Navarro College. A new friend of ours Randy Lee Tredway invited me to perform at INSOMNIA COFFEE HOUSE in Waxahachie, TX where he hosted singer/songwriters. November 5, 2005, I strutted into the Insomnia fully prepared to change lives & serve up a big heaping bowl of BRAIN SOUP fresh off the stove at Freedom Farm Road Café. But GOD had a Bigger Plan! That Holy night, as the last song filled the air, I ate something I’d never tasted—Mana from Heaven served by the hand & heart in love by our newest friend. Story goes that in the 90’s God spoke, You’ve written a lot of songs for you. Time to write one for MeSo, Brother Tredway picked up his Bible, sat down at the piano & birthed this song.

There’s zero doubt this seed planting Tribute prepared me to meet I AM 58 days later


The guys & I were sailing out on old Galilee.

John was catching some shut-eye—Andrew was talking to me.

All of a sudden it happened—a STORM came from out of the night.

The wind & waves were tossing us about—we were fearing for our lives!

Just when we thought it was hopeless—JESUS to the RESCUE, again.

He made it calm in the bat of an eye—the weather listened to Him.

You should have seen Him walking; You should have seen Him walking on the water;

You should have seen Him walking on the water to me.

I asked Him, “LORD, can I do that?” He just said, “COME MY FRIEND”

The water seemed so solid—as I focused on Him.

I was doing alright for awhile—but then I glanced around.

I saw the STORM & fearing again—I started sinking on down.

The peril of the moment—went away—with the reach of His Hand.

He pulled me up—put me back in the boat—back with all of my friends.

You should have seen Him walking; You should have seen Him walking on the water;

You should have seen Him walking on the water to me.

That seems to be the way of life—It’s just the way that it is.

When we take our eyes off the MASTER—we get lost in our sins.

But we’ve got an intercessor—who loved us right from the start.

He’ll SAVE US from our difficulties—He’ll RENEW our hearts!

You should have seen Him walking; You should have seen Him walking on the water;

You should have seen Him walking on the water to me.


Brothers & Sisters—this song captures the “UNTHINKABLE JOY” of a born again life, & the undeniable BEAUTY and REALITY that Almighty YHWH LIVES & Is LOVE!!!

As Randy Tredway has said many times, according to his beloved Mother,

“When the student’s ready, The TEACHER will Come”

“I AM your Father” sang His HEART Song thru me January 2, 2006. On Hanukkah Day 8at my lowest point of Settling”—58-days after God sent Randy Tredway to press You Should Have Seen Him Walking into my heart—the Ancient of Days responded exactly as 2Chronicles 7:14 declares: “And if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves…& cry out to Me...I will hear…& heal…”

“Every thing’s gonna be ALRIGHT, yeah.

Everything’s going to be OKAY, yeah



Come On people; Come On people; Come On people

Do you hear Me? Do you hear Me, child? I’m calling to ya


Do you hear Me?

I am looking down from out the Heavens

Can you hear Me? Can you hear Me?

Can you hear Me, people? I’m calling out your name.


My Tears are dry.

I’m sending you My EVERYTHING.

I have given you ALL that I have.

I GAVE My LiFE!!—My SON!! for you!!!

And I gave you MY ARMS & MY WILL.


I gave you everything—MY FEET, MY HANDS, MY EYES—

That you could SERVE One Another— That you could LOVE One Another—

That you could SERVE ONE ANOTHER for ALL of ETERNITY!!!


I thought you would TEAC