Rescue 911 by Cj Randolph - HTML preview

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GOD decided a long time ago, that...

Randy would work hard in the field to provide and that I would birth babies in great distress—and be Randy’s helpmate. Great plan! Ultimately, God came down to earth—in a way none other can—by imposing His own Life into His Sonto explain the value of doing all things, “in LOVE”.


Genesis 1:11 fruit bearing trees w/seed inside the fruit (falls to earth & dies so we His seed can live!

Creation 3rd day! Yeshua (Salvation) The Tree’s 1st fruit—lived, died & rose from the grave on 3rd day!


Leviticus 17:11 “life of the body is in the blood” YHWH Life was in His Son&His Son willingly

poured out the Life giving Blood on Cross for us. Together they’re one! Therefore, when—by faith

we Believe—the Life giving Blood is in us—to be poured out serving & loving others! Hear ye: Tav

is last Hebrew letter—it’s a Sign of TRUTH! The ancient tav looks like a Cross! Isaiah 7:14 the Lord

shall give you a sign: Behold, virgin shall conceive...Isaiah 9:6 unto us a child is born, a son is given


Settling 1998

I’m settling to the darkest chamber of my mind

I’m settling to the darkest basement of my mind

One day,

everything was going just fine

Then suddenly I lost my balance & started to fall

Never saw it coming till I crashed into this wall—down here!

Down here! Down here!

Won’t somebody please reach down & give me a hand—

Won’t somebody, please, pull me back up into the LIGHT again!


We Are Who We Are 1999

We are who we are for reasons few more than 

The flags beneath which we’re born;

And the leaders to whom our parents compromise their individual freedoms;

And the religions to which the masses voluntarily succumb

Generation after generation

And the neighbors who judge our comings  & goings—purchases & garbage

And the companions who stand by our sides—arms tightly locked

Against all odds one day...and ostracize us the next. 


We are who we are for reasons few more than

The cultural norms passed down from our ancestors,

Those whom we’ll never know, but whose ideals we feel obliged to follow

And rarely question.

And the collective societal expectations of our national family

Which goes to war to settle international differences

Because it’s the only way seen fit to secure our way of life—

Whether we agree or not

And the political institutions which promise better tomorrows thru taxation

today, except during election years—when we’re offered snake oil moons,

Like those just in time for the MEDIA flash FAKE KISSES placed upon the sticky

faces of strangers babies as part of convincing campaign rituals.




PREJUDICE  March 1999

Ideologies, theologies, possibilities, opportunities,

prejudice & innocence

Who gave you the power? Who gave you the right?

Who put you in charge of my life?

Different theologies. Different possibilities. Different ideologies.

Pounded out by your heart—and it’s alright.

How many years has it been?  How many years has it been?

How many years has it been since your innocence?

Ideologies, theologies, possibilities, opportunities, 

Prejudice & innocence & it’s alright!

Keep your civility. Keep your ideology.

Don’t be telling me what to believe—N-E Way, N-E way

Open your eyes to your prejudice. Open your mind possibilities.

Open your mind opportunities. How many years since your innocence?


*Sounded good, but January 2, 2006, I finally cried to GOD for help & the wrestling match ended!

I asked GOD to show me TRUTH & He did!

“I Gave MY LIFE, MY SON for you!!...I Gave you The WATER!!”

 “You must know the Bible”



Hey Mr. Politician—things are really getting out of hand.

Growing up amidst the propaganda,

The propaganda of the day,

I thought only the Commies spread their word that way.

I thought we were the righteous sooth-sayers,

Saving the world from its own destruction, 

Well somewhere along the way—I saw the light in Plato’s Cave.

Look into the futureGaze into the past

Take time to think about it before it’s too late.

Well, nuclear obliteration—biological holocaust, 

Unencumbered leaders, playing games with our lives.

Can’t you see the future? It’s shaded by the past.

They can’t foresee the future—it’s clouded by the past.

Power is their sunshine—Testosterone-driven rush,

Unencumbered leaders, driven by their own self-righteousness.

I watched you & the family walk up those sacred steps 

In your finely pressed attire.

What ? were you daydreaming about when they said,

“Thou shalt not kill”

A cigar & a smile?


GOD’s Hands & Heart “Pulling back the shades”

“My preparation is slow, gentle—My Wrath Swift & Mighty!”



Senator Barrack Obama revealed his hand regarding Abortion 2001, 2002, & 3

 Abstained Voting 3-Times To Protect BORN ALIVE INFANTSyet claims it’s a lie!

Wash. Post, Sept. 10, 2012.We the peopleElected Obama our President twice!


Every stone cast down July 29, 2001 = 9th Av 5761 we’re living stones

I AM said, “Know when the TEMPLE fellBoth Temples fell 9thAv

 August 2, 2001


20-days later, August 22, 2001: open vision 9-11 WARNING in sky!
