Saved by Grace: A Second Chance by Amachi Iheanyichukwu Emmanuel - HTML preview

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img5.pngo the Almighty God I give my sincere thanks for his mighty deliverance from a fatal accident, and this privilege He has granted to me once again to pen down a word of hope to many, may Him be praised now and forever. Amen.

This book has been made possible by the sincere commitment, encouragement and support of many people, some of whom are acknowledged hereunder.

I thank in a special way the Enugu Conference President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Pastor Dr. O.Pu Nwankpa who made out time from his very tight schedule and read through the pages of this work, offering his candid advice and recommendations to make this work appear in its best.

I must acknowledge the efforts of Pastor H. U. Nwosu (Nike District leader), who at the time of notification of this book was extremely busy, but he still squeezed out time from his busy schedule to go through the book and draft a foreword. Eld. N. N. Nwachukwu took time to go through the pages of this work, made some recommendations and drafted the Preface. He was handy as well in the translation of the Igbo adages and statements.

I also want to thank my Ogas: Dr. Onwuegbuchulam Onyekachi, (my Oga in the Sabbath School Department), Eld. Chigozie Oriaku, (my Oga in the Youth Department), and Eld. Ikechukwu Alum, (my Oga in the Music Department). They have been a source of courage and inspiration.

I thank in a special way Dr. Felix Arinze Okonkwo, whom I have tapped greatly from his wealth of experiences and wisdom. I am grateful to you, Sir for your counsels and pieces of advices.

I got a great encouragement and strength, Pastor Ifeanyi Zechariah Onyebuchi, from the words you spoke to me when I was confined to the hospital bed, that was why I couldn't help but ask you to please tell it also to the world; and you wrote: 'A word to the reader, “Ebenezer”'.

Amy, thanks for your consolation and words of encouragement in the form of 'A Word to The Author’.

For your moral and financial support, I thank you, the entire members of Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nike, and I pray that the Almighty God will meet you all at the point of your needs.

My gratitude also goes to the Okike family, especially Mr. Ndubuisi Okike, who also read through this book, made some recommendations and encouraged me to forge ahead with the production of the book.

My sincere gratitude also goes to you, Silver, for taking time to narrate to me all that happened in the Hospital, those that I could not remember. This book would not have been complete without the information you gave me.

To my parents, Eld & Mrs. G. O. Amachi, and my siblings Dede, NG, and Ihy, thank you for your care and support in my endeavours. May God bless and keep you all for me.

I also commend the publisher, DLP Enugu, for a job well done.

This list is not exhaustive as there are numerous others who immensely contributed to the success of this work. My prayer is that the Almighty God in his infinite mercy and grace will grant you all your earnest heart desires, and do for you immeasurably more than you can ask or imagine in Jesus' name. Amen.

Amachi Iheanyichukwu Emmanuel