Saved by Grace: A Second Chance by Amachi Iheanyichukwu Emmanuel - HTML preview

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"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " (John 3:16).

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img10.pngou might have heard someone say to you or to another person; “this is your second chance”. Or you might have been the one that had in one way or another, at a particular time or location, and for a particular reason or another said to another person, “this is your SECOND CHANCE”. Well, whether you are the one that said it to someone, or someone said it to you, or you overheard someone else say it to another, the question is, what comes to your mind when you encounter the phrase- 'SECOND CHANCE'?

We will start in Chapter one by breaking the phrase into words, get the meaning of each word and then join them together again. I call it the 'divide and rule' method. Hopefully, after the mathematics, we will derive a generally acceptable meaning or thought about the phrase 'SECOND CHANCE'.

We will also in Chapter two look at what second chance is all about, and some perceptions towards the phrase.

In Chapter Three, we shall consider “Second Chance” and its application to life (What we ought to do with it). Taking into cognizance some cases in the Bible of some people, their encounters. The chances they had and what they did with them.

The author in Chapter Four tells the story of his experience after surviving a very fatal accident.

In Chapter Five, the author also gives in a nutshell what his relationship with his late friend used to be, before they were separated in a way most pleasing to God.

Chapter Six has the author’s appreciation to everyone who in one way or another made his experience during the period bearable.

He also gives a pictorial representation of the event, and shared the words of hope and felicitations given to him by family, friends and well-wishers. And a glossary of some vernacular words used in the book.

Do not skip any chapter as you read through the pages of this book so as to get the full benefit of the message conveyed in the book.


Before you go over to chapter 1, consider this verse:

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9).