SoulSpeak: The Outward Journey of the Soul by justin spring - HTML preview

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This book is about unlocking a source of beauty already within us—a source that has been with us since we first became human. It is the first poetry—a musical, spontaneous poetry that will rise out of us as easily as gossip does, once we reawaken it. I call these poems speakings because they are created by two or more people speaking out spontaneously from their deeper selves.

Some will be drawn to the history and nature of this ancient poetry, and some to what it can teach us about poetry in general. Others will be challenged to create their own speakings.


The book has been laid out in five sections and an Appendix to accommodate the needs of a wide range of readers:


Part I looks at preliterate, tribal poetry from an historical and artistic perspective. The term speakings is introduced to describe that poetry.


Part II is background material about the nature of SOULSPEAK, a contemporary version of preliterate speakings.


Part III details the actual SOULSPEAK processes used in creating a speaking.


Part IV looks at the value of speaking in contemporary life.


Part V looks at contemporary poetry through the lens of the ancient art of speaking. Contemporary poetry, the art of Homer, and rap are examined under a new and revealing light.


The Appendix contains detailed information on SOULSPEAK programs available for the general public, at-risk children, and adults in therapy.


As much of the material in this book has no counterpart, I would suggest that the reader first approach the book as a whole and read it in its entirety, then decide which sections are of primary interest.


Finally, I’d like to say that this book was not created as an abstract exercise, but is the end result of my efforts, along with Scylla Liscombe, my partner in SOULSPEAK, to create a more speakable written poetry. These efforts eventually allowed us to step through the looking glass into the ancient world of oral poetry. The journey that awaited us was far beyond our expectations and still continues for us. This book is an invitation for you to join us on that journey.