This book would never have been written without the aid of my partner in SOULSPEAK, Scylla Liscombe, because without her persistence, encouragement, and insight, SOULSPEAK might never have taken form. I would also like to thank the following poets and musicians and singers, all of whom have been instrumental in the ongoing development of SOULSPEAK as an art form: Joan Adley, Gary Drilling, Ellie Silver, John Le Gasse, Jack Notestein, George de Jong, Eric Wachsman, Jimi Gee, Jane Odle, and Ally Smith. I also owe a huge debt to the teachers, therapists, and students of the Sarasota County School system for providing crucial feedback on the SOULSPEAK process over the years. I would be amiss if I didn’t thank the many others who have assisted in preparing and evaluating the manuscript as it took form: Jan Dorsett, who was instrumental in shaping this book, Wayne Bussone, Norma deSofi, Lea and Cliff Huxford, Victoria Sullivan, Fran Johnson, and Meg Chow. And finally, I can find no words adequate enough to thank Pauline Spring, my former wife, friend, and the woman who gave me back my true life.