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Weight Loss Tips


1. Make a plan


If you want to lose weight, you need to make a plan for it. Planning involves setting your goals both short term and long term ones. With proper planning, you would be able to have an effective guide on the steps that you want to take, towards losing pounds of weight. Aside from that, it would also keep you motivated.


2. Watch sports


When you watch people playing sports, whether you are going to do it by visiting stadiums or simply watching them on television, you would see how fit the athletes are. Because of that, you would be inspired more in hitting your fitness goals. Aside from that, you might even be motivated in getting involved with certain types of sports.


3. Maintain proper posture


When you stand or sit down properly, you would not just ensure that you would be able to practice proper breathing techniques. It would also help you look thinner, aside from the fact that it can develop the core muscles of your body. Standing straight would keep your abdominal muscles tightened, which can develop the strength of your stomach and make you lose weight.


4. Make a list of the disadvantages of gaining more weight


One of the things that can provide you the motivation to lose weight is to make a list of the disadvantages of gaining more. When you gain more weight, you may find it harder to fit into your clothes. Aside from that, it can also put you at risk to certain diseases. Other disadvantages would include easily becoming fatigue, not being able to perform certain physical activities, and many more.


5. Get yourself a pet dog


When you go and visit the park, take a look around you, and you will see people with their pets. One of the things that you can observe is that, most pet owners are not fat. This is because their pets can increase their daily physical activities, when they walk them around the neighborhood each day. Aside from that, if you have a pet, you can play with him all day, without realizing that you are already burning calories.


6. Warm up before starting your workout routine


Warming up prior to starting your workout routine would give you lots of benefits. Aside from preventing certain injuries, it can also ensure that your muscles are loosened up properly. Because of that, you would be able to perform the routines the right way, and benefit from them.


7. Motivate yourself


Without the right motivation, you may not be able to reach your weight loss goals. Thus, it is best if you come up with ways to get motivated. One of the ways to do it is to imagine yourself when you have already lost weight. Aside from that, you can also list down the advantages that you can enjoy with it.


8. Inform your friends and family of your plans


Prior to taking the steps in losing weight, it is best to inform your friends and family about it. This is because, they can provide you with the support you need. They can provide you encouragement, and they can also help in preventing you from eating foods that are unhealthy.


9. Dream about losing weight


Before you sleep at nights, you should dream about what you would look like when you lose weight. You should picture yourself and the other things that you would enjoy when you already lost some pounds. This would help you get motivated just before sleeping, which would help you start your day the following morning, thinking about the things to do to lose weight.


10. Take a picture of yourself prior to taking the initial steps in losing weight


One of the best ways to monitor your progress is to take a picture of yourself just before you start. By doing this, you can compare it with a new image after weeks of doing certain things, which can help you lose weight. Thus, it is also best if you take pictures each time you lose a certain amount of weight.


11. Chew your food thoroughly


When you chew your food thoroughly, you would not just enjoy your food better, but it can also help you lose weight. This is because doing that would prolong your time of eating, which would provide your body a chance to distinguish being full. In short, when you eat slower, you would be consuming lesser amounts of foods, than eating faster.


12. Avoid sitting down for long periods of time


Sitting down for long periods of time can develop back or neck pain. Aside from that, it can also prevent you from losing weight. However, if you cannot avoid it, you can still help yourself lose weight by walking around the hallways from time to time. You can also walk around the building during lunch and break times.


13. Make use of your feet instead of your hands


It is always better to stand and make use of your feet instead of your hands, so that you would lose weight. An example for this is when you need to communicate something to your colleague, who is just a few meters away from you. Walk towards him instead of using your email, so that you can burn some calories in the process.


14. Use the stairs instead of the elevator


When you are on your way to your office, which is located at a certain floor inside the building, make it a point to use the stairs instead of the elevator. This would help you burn more calories and lose weight. Do this everyday, so that you can achieve your goals soon.


15. Park your car a few blocks away from your destination


Whether you are going to a grocery store or to your office, parking it a few blocks away from your destination would help you lose weight. Doing this would let you get some exercise, by walking a few meters to get to your destination. Aside from that, it would also help you in saving some gasoline.


16. Play with your kids more


Losing weight can be fun, especially if you have kids who are longing to spend more time with you. Schedule a playtime with them each day, such as after your work or during your lunch time if you go home. When you play with your kids, since it is fun, you won’t even notice that you are already burning more fats and calories.


17. Become a do-it-yourself person


Doing lots of things by yourself can help you lose weight. Thus, becoming a DIY person would help you in achieving your goals. What you can do is to take a look around your place, and see if there are things that need to be repaired, and do it yourself. Aside from that, you can also think of certain projects for you home, and do it from scratch, or check for DIY kits in the market.


18. Wash your car


Your car needs washing on a regular basis to keep in clean. To lose weight, instead of taking it to car washing stations, you should wash it yourself, so that you can get more exercise. Make sure to do it properly, so that you can lose weight and have a shiny vehicle as well.


19. Clean the house


Cleaning the house yourself, won’t just help in making it more beautiful, but it can also help you lose weight. Make this a regular activity, in which you can do it every weekend or so. When you do it on a regular basis, you can eventually set a routine that you can follow easily.


20. Organize the things inside your house


Organizing the things inside your house can help you lose weight. This could involve activities like arranging your books, appliances, as well as your furniture. Do it yourself, so that you would also be able to apply your own artistic sense. With that, you won’t just be losing weight, but also improve the ambiance of your place.


21. Water the plants with the use of pail and dipper


Whether you like to care for plants or not, you should water them everyday. Doing that will not just make the plants grow faster, but it can also help you lose weight. Make use of a pail and a dipper instead of a water sprinkler, so that you can do it while getting some exercise.


22. Eat oatmeal


Eating oatmeal can greatly help you in losing weight, especially if you do it in the morning. Oats are actually loaded with dietary fiber, which can naturally suppress your appetite. Aside from that, due to its high fiber content, it can also make your body burn more calories in processing it.


23. Become more conscious of portion size


The more you eat, the more you could actually gain weight. Therefore, you could still gain weight, even if you workout and eat healthy foods, if you are still providing your body with more calories than it needs. Therefore, you need to control your daily portion, so that you can lose weight.


24. Eat an apple before dinner


Eating an apple just a few minutes to eating dinner can help you lose weight, since it can suppress your appetite effectively. You can also do it during snacks. It is better to include the skin, as long as the apple has been grown organically, since it contains lots of essential nutrients.


25. Eat banana when you wake up in the morning


When you eat a piece of banana when you wake up, it would provide your body with the energy that it needs to jumpstart your day. Aside from that, it is also loaded with nutrients, which can help you maintain good health. More importantly, it can also help in suppressing your appetite naturally.


26. Drink water minutes before eating breakfast


Drinking water in the morning, especially before eating breakfast, can give you the feeling of being full. Thus, it can suppress your appetite to some extent. Aside from that, it can also help you cleanse your system more effectively by flushing out toxins.


27. Eat at home


When you eat outside, such as in coffee shops, restaurants, and fast food outlets, there is always a tendency for you to eat foods that can encourage weight gain. Aside from that, you are also not sure about how much oil they cook it with, and what ingredients were added. Thus, it is always better to eat at home, when it comes to losing weight, and keeping your body healthy.


28. Cook your own meals


When you cook your own meals, you can ensure that you are adding ingredients that are not fattening. Aside from that, you can also monitor the amount of salt you would be adding. Focus more on healthy recipes though, so that you can follow a diet that is healthy and not fattening.


29. Pack food for snack


When you work, you may want to eat a sandwich or something, whenever it is your break time. Packing food for your snack can help you ensure that you are eating healthier types of foods. Aside from that, you can also save more money along the way, since eating out for snacks can become expensive.


30. Make sure that your goals are achievable


It is very important to set goals in starting your weight loss program. However, make sure that they are achievable in a certain period of time. By doing that, you would provide yourself with more encouragement and motivation, each time you are able to reach them.


31. Buy a heart rate monitor


Monitoring your heart rate is essential in losing weight. Having a heart rate monitor with you whenever you walk, run, jog, or ride a bike, would help you ensure that you are doing your exercise routines at a pace, which can facilitate losing weight. Thus, it is best if you have this kind of device on hand very soon.


32. Do some stretching before working out


Doing some stretching routines prior to working out can help you in losing weight, since it can prevent injuries. Always keep in mind that one of the main priorities in losing weight is to become healthier. If you get injured due to lack of stretching, you will need to put a stop to your activities and postpone it.


33. Stay as flexible as possible


Staying as flexible as possible can help you maintain your sights on your goals. Keep in mind that in your work, or with your family, there are certain things that may happen, which can change your daily schedule. By being flexible, it would allow you to adjust with certain changes, and still be able to get the exercise that you need.


34. Make losing weight a competition


Losing weight can become more effective and fun if you make it a competition. Thus, it is best if you can convince someone to do it together with you. You can have your friend or your spouse as your competitor when it comes to this. After some time, check which of you is able to lose more pounds,