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Bowling Tips


1. Play bowling with your friends.


Playing bowling with your friends can help you decide if it is indeed the hobby that you want to invest your time on today. Aside from that, it can help you get a better feel of the sport. More importantly, when you play with your friends, it would become a more fun activity, which you can look forward to each week.


2. Watch bowling competitions on TV.


To get you more motivated in honing your bowling skills, one of the things that you can do is to watch bowling competitions on TV. This is because, it would get you inspired on becoming a better player. Aside from that, you can also pick up some pointers by simply watching the professionals do it.


3. Talk to your bowling friends about the sport.


Do not avoid talking about bowling with your friends, especially if they also enjoy playing the sport. When you talk to them about bowling, you would become more enthusiastic about it. Aside from that, it can also make you all look forward for the next time that you would visit the bowling alley to have some fun.


4. Let your family know about your newfound hobby.


If bowling is your newfound hobby, then it is a good idea to let your family know about it. When you do this, they would be able to show their support on it. Aside from that, it can even make them get involved with bowling as well, which can make it more fun for you, especially if they love to go with you to bowling alleys.


5. Pick a bowling icon.


There are lots of professional bowlers that are very popular these days. It is a good idea to pick your favorite one out of the many, since it can inspire you in playing good on your chosen sport. By looking up to someone with regards to this sport, you may be able to follow some of his techniques in achieving success in it.


6. Get your spouse involved with it.


If you don’t have a lot of friends who are avid fans of bowling, then you can get your spouse involved with it. When you do that, it would actually become a more exciting activity not just for you but for your spouse as well. Just don’t make her go with you to the bowling alley each day, since she might eventually get bored in it, especially if she does not share the same passion on it as you do.


7. Dream about bowling.


Think about bowling for most parts of the day, and you can find yourself visiting the bowling alleys many more times in a week, than you have anticipated to. It is actually good to dream about bowling even during daytime, since it can boost your motivation in it. Aside from that, it can also help you think about the things that you can do in order to improve your performance.


8. Check out online bowling videos.


There are lots of bowling videos that you can find on the internet these days. All you have to do is to visit a website that is related to it. One of the best things about these bowling videos is that, they can be accessed for free, and you can copy the techniques that are used by different players through it.


9. Read magazines about bowling.


There are lots of sports magazines today that you can purchase. Pick those types that cover the topic of bowling, so that you would be able to gather more information about the different techniques in playing the sport. Not only are these magazines filled with updated information about the sport, but they can also contain success stories that can inspire you more.


10. Check out bowling blogs or websites.


There are lots of web pages pertaining to bowling that are now being launched through the internet. By visiting these blogs or websites, you can gather valuable information from them about bowling. On top of that, you may even be able to access videos by checking out their pages.


11. Choose the bowling alley you want to play in.


There are lots of bowling alleys that you can visit today in order to enjoy games of bowling with your friends. Keep in mind though that they are not the same. Aside from comparing prices, it is also best to compare which ones you are very comfortable with, since that would be a factor that can affect your performance.


12. Pick up your bowling ball.


When it comes to selecting the bowling ball, it is important to consider its weight. If you are still a beginner in this sport, then it is best if you go with a lighter ball. Always remember that a lighter ball is a better choice, since heavier ones can take its toll on your bowling arms, especially if you have just begun playing.


13. Playing by the hour or by the game.


Playing by the hour or by the game is one of the things that you need to choose from when visiting a bowling alley. As a beginner though, it would become more advantageous for you to choose playing by the game rather than by the hour. This is because, there is more likelihood that you can finish a single game longer.


14. Do not forget to call the bowling alley ahead of time.


Calling the bowling alley that you are planning of visiting to next is an important thing to do. Doing this can provide you a chance not just to check on their rates, but also inquire about other things. Other important things that you should ask about would be their schedules, shoes, balls, and lanes.


15. Things to consider in picking the bowling alley to visit.


Aside from comparing rates, it is also best if you consider the location of the bowling alley that you want to visit. This is because, a bowling alley that is near your place offers utmost convenience. If you can find one that is near your house and is affordable, then you should consider yourself lucky.


16. Hiring a bowling coach.


If you want a more specialized way of learning the game of bowling, then you can always hire a trainer or a coach for it. This way, he can provide you the guidance that you need to get started with the game. With a trainer, you can ensure that you practice good form in releasing the ball, aside from learning techniques for it.


17. Selecting the trainer.


When it comes to hiring a trainer for your newfound hobby, you should consider the fact that there may be lots of them available, and they are not all the same. In other words, they may differ not just in their fees, but also in their styles of teaching. It is best to gather a lot of information about the coach that you are considering hiring, so that you can ensure that he is the best one for you.


18. Finding trainers to hire.


To hire a bowling coach or trainer, you need to find them first. There are lots of places that you can visit to find trainers to hire. The best one though is the bowling alley. All you have to do is to observe and you should soon be able to identify players that are being taught by their own personal trainers. Aside from visiting alleys for bowling though, you can also check out websites about them.


19. Know how to score.


Playing bowling with your friends would become useless if you do not know how to score. Thus, you must know how to do it, so that you can also monitor your progress. Scoring for bowling is actually very easy to do. Just ask anyone around the bowling alley about it, and you can do it even at the first instance of playing the game.


20. Buy a bowling book.


There are lots of books today that are written for the sports of bowling. Buying even just one of it should get you on the right track, especially if the book has been written by one of the reputable writers about bowling. Make sure to check out reviews about the book, so that you can ensure that your investment is worth it.


21. Don’t forget to bring water at the alley.


When you play bowling with your friends, you should not forget to bring your own bottle of water. This way, you can ensure that you can maintain proper hydration from the start of the game, until it ends. Although bowling may not look very physical for you, it can actually work lots of your muscles, which can make you long for more water eventually.


22. Take a deep breath.


Just before swinging and releasing the ball, you should take a deep breath. This is because, it would help in calming your nerves, which can also improve your concentration. On top of that, it would also ensure that you would have enough strength in swinging the ball, and executing the technique that you need to apply.


23. Do some stretching.


Just like any other sports that you can participate in, playing bowling also requires you to follow the right stretching exercises, so that you can improve performance in it. With that, prior to any bowling session, you should not forget to stretch your back. On top of that, it would also be good if you can stretch your muscles at the back of your legs.


24. Take precautionary measures.


Just before picking up your ball, you should take precautionary measures, such as checking out the approach. See if there are any oily spots that you need to get rid of. Aside from that, if you can see moisture, then it is best if you use a towel for it. Take these steps, so that you would be safer in releasing the ball.


25. Making sure that your fingers fit the ball properly.


Just before picking up the ball that you want to use, you should test out the holes if it properly fit your fingers. By doing this, you are making sure that your fingers would not get sore as the game progresses. Make sure that you are comfortable with the ball, so that you can perform well.


26. Picture how you want to release the ball.


Just before you go for the approach and swing the ball, you should try to picture yourself swinging it. Picture out how you want to swing and release the ball, so that you would be doing it just as you have planned to. When you do this, you may be able to improve your points in just a short amount of time.


27. Study the game.


Gathering information about the game of bowling can improve your skill in it. To achieve that, you can study about the sport by visiting lots of websites about it. On top of that, you can also talk to your friends and relatives about it, especially those that are also involved with the sport.


28. Play with your kids.


If you have kids, playing bowling with them can be a very fun and exciting activity. This would not just help you improve your game, but it can also give you a chance to bond with them. Take your kids to your favorite bowling alley every weekend, so that you can all look forward to it.


29. Think positive.


Always think that you can improve your performance in the game, so that it would become a reality. Thinking positive would go a long way, since it would make you more confident as well. Don’t entertain negative thoughts, especially while playing the game, so that you can properly concentrate on it.


30. Feel your bowling ball delivery.


Each time you release the ball, you should feel each and every delivery that you make. This way, you can be more familiar of what your natural delivery is. On top of that, it would also tell you more about the things that you can improve on, so that you would become more consistent in how you release the ball.


31. Take note of the direction your bowling ball is headed to.


Every time that you release the bowling ball, you should take note of the direction it is headed to. This is important, since some players tend to release the ball in a particular way, which would head either towards the left or the right. By knowing the direction your bowling ball is headed with your natural release, you can see to it that you would be able to release the ball at right spot, in order to hit the pins.


32. Adjusting the steps you take in your approach.


As a beginner, you may tend to become uncomfortable in taking the steps towards your approach. Aside from that, you may also have the tendency to take different numbers of steps. It is best if you can determine the comfortable number of steps that you want to take as you approach, so that you can become more