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Travel Tips


1. Do your research.


If you are traveling to a particular foreign country for the first time, then you should do your research about it. You should gather information about the country’s culture, learn more about their language, check out the prices of commodities, and more. By gaining valuable data about your destination, you can ensure to have a glorious trip whether it would be for business or leisure.


2. Do not book at the last minute.


Booking at the last minute may happen if you are traveling for business purposes. However, if it is for a vacation with your family, then you should book it ahead of time. Booking a trip ahead of time does not only mean saving more money, but it also means that you are able to plan it well.


3. Tell your friends and relatives.


Prior to going on a trip, you should inform your friends and relatives about it. This way, they can give you some insights about the place that you are going to visit. Aside from that, they would know where or how to get in contact with you, just in case something comes up.


4. Know the necessary requirements for your destination.


Some countries may require only a passport, while others would also require visas. It is best that you know your destination’s requirements regarding this, so that you can prepare them beforehand. Keep in mind that these documents may take some time to acquire or renew.


5. Get vaccinated in time.


There are some countries that may require you to get vaccinated for certain diseases, before granting you access to their land. Thus, it is best if you learn more about them, so that you can make the necessary preparations. Get your vaccinations weeks or months before your travel date, so that you won’t have to rush.


6. Don’t forget to inform your banks about your travel plans.


Telling your banks about your travel plans can prevent you from experiencing something inconvenient when it comes to using you credit or debit cards in a foreign land. This is because, some banks may put a fraud hold on your cards, once they realize that the cards are used overseas. By informing them where you would go, they can put a note on your account, so that you can continue using your cards, without hassles.


7. Bring a small notebook that fits into your pocket.


Bringing a small notebook can come handy when it comes to traveling. With a small notebook or notepad, you can easily jot down important things that you need to remember along the way. You want to make sure that it fits into your pocket, so that you won’t have to hold it in your hands all the time.


8. Don’t forget the numbers.


When you travel, there are lots of important numbers that you want to take note of. Some of which would be your itinerary confirmation number, your flight number, your hotel room number, your flight seat number, as well as a bunch of phone numbers you may need. Write them all down in a notepad or a piece of paper that you can fit into your wallet, so that you can easily refer to it.


9. Double check your health insurance coverage.


Weeks prior to traveling, it is important to check your health insurance coverage. This should be done in order to see whether it can provide you coverage while traveling or not. If it does not, then checking it early would provide you time to look for an alternative option, so that you would be covered just in case.


10. Bring a carry-on bag with you.


It is better if you can bring a small carry-on bag with you during the flight. When you do this, you would actually be saving some money, when it comes to baggage fees. Aside from that, it can offer you an easier way to keep track of your important documents and other important things, by putting them into your carry-on bag.


11. Don’t forget your computer files.


If you have lots of important files on your computer, then you should back them up prior to leaving. This way, you wouldn’t be risking losing them while you are traveling. Make sure though that you keep your back up at a safe place, so that no one would be able to gain access to them.


12. Sign up with travel websites.


There are lots of travel websites available today, which you can use to book flights, hotel, and car reservations from. To ensure that you would be one of the first persons to know about their travel deals and promotions, then sign up for their newsletter. By doing that, you are increasing your chances of getting the best deals.


13. Access blogs and sites about traveling.


Accessing more web pages about traveling can provide you with more benefits, especially when it comes to enjoying your trip. Lots of these websites offer important information about certain places you can visit, while you are visiting a particular country. With that, you would be able to plan out your trip better by knowing what attractions to go to, and what places to visit to enjoy sumptuous meals.


14. Sign up with frequent flyer points.


Whether you are a frequent traveler or not, signing up for airline frequent flyer points may provide you with lots of advantages. The more points you would be able to rack up, the more money you may be able to save in your future travel plans. Just make sure that your account is duly updated with your frequent flyer points, so that you can take advantage of it soon.


15. Never forget checking the expiry date of your passport.


Embarrassing moments can be avoided if you are able to check the expiry date of your passport. Thus, it is best if you check it at least a couple of weeks prior to traveling, so that you can still have enough time to renew it just in case. Aside from that, keep in mind that some countries may require at least 6 months left on your passport before it expires, in order to allow you to visit them.


16. Shop around.


When it comes to booking your flights, do not purchase the one that you come across with immediately. Shop around first, until you can find the best deals. Keep in mind that there are lots of travel sites you can book your flights from; and, they are in constant competition against each other, which means that they are trying their best to come up with excellent deals.


17. When to book flights.


Flights are always more affordable when you book it months before you travel. However, you can also save more money, if you schedule your vacation during off season. Research more about your destination, so that you would know when is the best time to visit it, in terms of affordability.


18. Red eye flights.


Red eye flights are usually more affordable than the regular ones. However, you need to keep in mind that they are called as such, since the travel times fall late at night or even at dawn. Thus, if you are traveling with kids, then this may not be something that you want to do, unless they are really up to it.


19. Selecting your seats.


Selecting your flight seats can actually be done days before your actual flight. Although this may depend on the type of airlines you are booking it from, most of them offer seat selection online. Therefore, instead of waiting for the day to take the flight, select your favorite seats online ahead of time, so that you would have utmost comfort in traveling.


20. Double check the website.


If it is your first time to book online, or at a particular website, don’t forget to double check if it is really a legitimate site to purchase an airline ticket from. One way of doing it is to see if its web address starts with “https://” which basically means that it is secure. Aside from that, you should also check out reviews about it.


21. Booking online.


When booking your travel items online, you will need to have a credit or a debit card on hand. It is actually better if you the card is in front of you when you book it, since most sites would ask not just for the credit card number. Sites would actually need the last three digits at the back of your card, the name that appears on your card, its expiry date, as well as your billing address.


22. Using credit or debit card.


Some people like to use credit cards in booking through the internet, while others want to use debit cards. Keep in mind though that when you use a debit card, it will automatically deduct the money from your bank account. Aside from that, you should also check with your bank if your debit card has a daily spending limit, since your online transaction may not go through if it is more than that.


23. Calling the online travel site.


If you want to feel more secure in booking your flight and hotel reservations, you can actually call the hotline number of the site you are looking at. One advantage you can gain from that is the agent may be able to provide you with more options. Aside from that, if you have certain requests for the hotel or flight reservations, he may also be able to process it for you.


24. Take note of the baggage requirements.


Prior to booking your flight reservation, you should check its baggage requirements first. In most cases, international flights usually provide you with more baggage allowance than the domestic ones. Aside from checking on the check-in baggage terms and conditions though, don’t forget to read the terms for carry on bags as well.


25. Print your itinerary.


If you booked your flights through the internet, do not forget to print out your itinerary confirmation for it. If you don’t have a printer at your house, you can simply email the confirmation page to your own email address and print it out someplace else. Bring the printed copy of your itinerary, so that you can simply show it to the attendants.


26. Booking through a travel agency.


If you are more comfortable in booking through a travel agency than online, then make sure to check the price difference before making the payment. Aside from that, don’t forget to tell the agent about what you want to have on your trip, so that he can setup an itinerary that would suit you best. Moreover, make sure to ask necessary questions to the agent, since they are usually very familiar about certain vacation spots.


27. In boarding the plane.


In boarding the plane, keep in mind that you can actually carry your mobile phone, wallet, and passport with you. It is actually a better idea to keep them in your pocket, so that you can easily pull them out when needed. Don’t worry about your mobile phone, since you can always turn it off, just before the plane takes off.


28. Try not to drink alcohol.


When traveling on a plane, it is always better to skip the alcoholic beverages for a while. This is because boarding on a plane, taking care of your luggage, minding the weather, can already provide you with lots of stress for the day. Instead of drinking alcohol, drink lots of water, so that you won’t get dehydrated.


29. Wear comfortable clothing.


Going overseas usually involves very long flights, which is why it is a good idea to wear comfortable clothing. Aside from that, you should also bring a jacket so that you won’t feel cold. Moreover, for women, it is best to wear flat shoes, so that you won’t have difficulties in boarding and getting off the aircraft.


30. Book the seats you are most comfortable with.


If your budget allows you to do so, you should book flight seats that you are most comfortable with. For example, if you can afford to upgrade your ticket for a seat that can be folded into a bed, then do