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Resume Tips


1. Determine who would be reading your resume.


If you know who is going to read the resume you are going to submit, then you would be able to decide on the kind of content you want to establish on it. For example, if the resume would go through a Human Resource person, then you simply have to indicate the necessary information, which would make you qualify for the job. However, if it is going directly to the manager or employer, then you will have to be more specific.


2. Make your resume easy for a person to read.


You have to keep in mind that in most cases, your resume is just one of the many resumes submitted on a daily basis to the company you want to work for. Thus, the person reading it may simply get a quick glimpse of your resume to make a decision. If it is not easy to read, then it may get tossed out by the person easily.


3. Include the details that the reader wants to hear from you.


It is very important that you become more familiar of the requirements of the company, when it comes to hiring you. This is because, it can help you determine the more important details that you can include in your resume. For example, if you are applying for a managerial position, then you should focus on indicating related experiences, which can help you do the job well.


4. Make your resume short and direct to the point.


Since there is a huge possibility that you are not the only applicant of the position you want, then you should make your resume short and direct to the point. When a manager reads your resume, it is safe to assume that he does not have all day to do that. Thus, he may not have too much patience in looking for the information he wants from your resume.


5. Determine the very purpose of the resume.


Although you are making the resume to get the job you want, it is actually just the first step that you are going to take for it. Thus, the very purpose of the resume is to get your potential employer to contact you for an interview. Once that happens, you can then focus on your interview performance to land on the job you have been dreaming of.


6. Provide examples to back up your strengths and qualities.


Many people create resumes and list down their strengths and qualities like being creative, problem solver, hardworking, and such. However, this actually does not prove anything, for anyone can create a long list of it. What you can do to stand out is to connect them with real experiences you have in your work or life in general, to illustrate that you do have such qualities.


7. Determine your priorities.


In coming up with your resume, you have to determine what you really want, so as to make something that is really effective. You need to determine whether you want a job for career advancement or simply to earn money from it. By doing that, you would eventually see the steps that you need to take in order to reach your goals.


8. Take some time.


Take your time in coming up with your resume for the job that you want to apply for. Make up a rough draft of it, perhaps in a form of a word document, before finalizing it. While checking your draft, you should check out not just its content, but also how you have formatted it, since it is also important when it comes to considering the reader’s experience in checking it out.


9. Do your research.


If it is going to be your first time to create your resume, then you should do your research about it. There are lots of books as well as websites, which can provide you with resume samples. By checking them out, you would be able to have something, which you can base your resume on.


10. Double-check the information.


Before finalizing your resume, you should thoroughly check its content, so that you can ensure that it is free from errors. You need to see to it that the dates, the numbers, and all the other data it contains is correct. When a resume is free from errors, you are increasing your chances of getting the job that you want.


11. Make up your mind about the job.


Prior to submitting your resume, you should properly assess first, if you really want the job that you are applying for. Although you may qualify for it, and you are confident that you are going to get it, it is still best if you land on a job that you really wanted in the first place. This would ensure that you would have the necessary drive to excel on the job and be involved with it for a long time.


12. Applying for many jobs.


Lots of people today send out resumes to almost every hiring company that they come across with. They do it with the notion that the more resumes they submit, the more chances they have in landing on a job. Although it is true, it may also increase your chances of landing on a job, which you really do not like in the first place.


13. What to do in responding for job postings.


Whether you have found the job postings through the internet or locally, it is very important that you read thoroughly to obtain the necessary details. Check out where the company is located, the date that they would start to receive resumes, and such. If you feel that there are some details that you need that are not indicated, then make use of their contact information and call them.


14. Learn more about the position.


Before coming up with your resume, you should learn more about the position that you are applying for. When you do that, you would be able to determine, whether you are really qualified for it or not. Aside from that, you should also try to check if you do have past experiences, which can help you in the job, should you get hired for it.


15. Know your potential employer.


Do your research about the company that you want to work for. When you gather information about your potential employer, don’t forget to check out its mission and vision statements, and understand them properly. Aside from that, you should also try to learn more about the kind of working environment the company is trying to develop.


16. If you want a long term job.


If you are applying for a job position that you want to get involved with for a long period of time, then you should carefully select your potential employer, prior to coming up with your resume. Choose an employer that has been in business for quite some time, so that you are assured about its stability. Aside from that, don’t forget to indicate in your resume qualities of an employee that is committed enough for long term involvement.


17. Coming up with your main resume heading.


There are lots of options that you have when it comes to your main resume headings. You can choose to have headings that show your qualifications, work experiences, skills, languages, and such. Some people also start with their objective; however, this one may be omitted, since it is quite obvious that the objective of your resume is to get the job,

or to get interviewed.


18. Seek help from a friend.


If you are having a hard time in trying to come up with a resume format that you can start with, don’t forget that you can always ask your friend about it. Approach a friend who has successfully landed on the job he wanted, and check out his resume. Just take note of the format, and start from there.


19. Adding more headings.


When you have other specific headings that you want to add on your resume, you should consider whether your potential employer is interested in it or not. For example, if the company you are going to apply a job for is involved with computers, then adding Computer Skills heading could be a good idea.


20. Make use of quality paper.


One of the first things that employers would notice about the resume is the quality of paper that is used. There is no need to go with the more expensive ones. It is best to focus on quality, and veer away from papers, which may have certain scents. Focus on papers that are quite sturdy, so that the reader won’t have difficulties in reading it.


21. Uncover unstated needs.


In job postings, you can be assured that the company that made it has unstated needs, and they may base hiring their employees to that. Therefore, you should try to do more research about it, so that you can uncover their unstated needs. If you are able to do that, then you can improve your chances in getting the job that you want.


22. Submit your resume to an online job portal.


There are lots of potential employers today, which depend on certain job portals to find people to hire. Thus, it is best if you submit your resume to these job portals. This way, aside from hunting for the job that you want, you can also let potential employers find you.


23. Using keywords for your resume.


In submitting your resume to online job websites, it is best if you make use of certain keywords, so as to increase the chances of companies in finding it. Many companies already make use of online databases to find potential employees. By making your resume easier to find with the right keywords, you are also improving your potentials in getting the job you want.


24. Using the right titles.


Since people, who are tasked in selecting potential candidates for the jobs they posted, also are pressed for time, then in most cases, they only take about a few seconds in checking out your resume. Thus, you should focus of titles or headings, which can grab their interest. Provide it with the right description, so that employers would become more familiar about your background by simply checking on them.


25. Proofreading your resume.


The importance of proofreading your resume cannot be overemphasized. Just a small error on it, can already end your chances of getting the job. Thus, it is best if you proofread your resume at least twice before submitting it. If you have a resume that is short and precise, then proofreading it would not take you too much time.


26. How to shorten your resume.


Since most employers do not have the time nor the patience to read through long paragraphs, what you can do is to make use of bullet points in your resume. Using bullet points and numbering can actually help you in summarizing all the things that you want your potential employer to know about you. With that, it makes reading it a more pleasant experience to your potential employer.


27. Establishing the right resume order.


When it comes to having the right order for your resume, you should come up with the most important information first. For example, if you deem that your work experience is the one that is most important for your employer, then you should put it at the top most portion. This should also apply in enumerating skills that you have gained through your experiences or trainings.


28. Determine your direction.


Indicating certain things in your resume, which can help your employer learn more about where you are going, could also improve your chances of landing on the job. This is because employers want to hire employees who have clear pictures of what direction they want to take in their lives. Thus, indicating your professional goals can be a wise decision, or at least make your resume in a way that it communicates it.


29. The Font.


Since there are lots of fonts that you can choose from in writing your resume, it is best if you focus on certain guidelines about it. One of the most important things about writing a resume is to make it as clear as possible, so that the reader won’t have difficulties in reading it. Thus, when it comes to the size of your font, you should focus on 11 or 12, while Arial and Times New Roman are good choices for the style.


30. Availability for job interview.


In submitting your resume, it is best that you tell your potential employer about your availability for a job interview. Aside from that, you should also indicate that