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Tips to Raise Smart Kids


Probably one of the most universal goals of parenting is to raise children in a safe environment conducive to responsible health and building the different types of intellect. No matter what facet of smartness they choose to nurture, there exists activities and games to keep them succeeding in both school and life. In addition, because proper nutrition filters directly into proper brain functioning, parents who wish to facilitate the intellectual growth of their children should review which foods to feed them and which to avoid. The following list provides a few eclectic suggestions on how to bolster a kid’s brain to keep him or her happy, healthy, and constantly growing in his or her education.




1. Crossword Puzzles


Both online and off, crossword puzzles stimulate the brain in children and adults alike – also serving as excellent periphery education in vocabulary-building and other topics.


2. Word Searches


Like crossword puzzles, valuable vocabulary-building word searches require a hefty amount of concentration to strengthen mental fitness.


3. Mazes


Another excellent exercise in concentration, mazes also build problem-solving and memory skills as well.


4. Risk


This classic board game is perfect for building up the strategy skills of older kids – and more savvy parents may like the idea of using it as a foundation for historical and geographical lessons.


5. Chess


One of the quintessential strategy games, this ancient activity facilitates critical thinking and concentration in young minds.


6. Sudoku


Sudoku has grown to become an exceptionally popular pastime, with many people young and old appreciating it for the mental stimulation and math skill building.


7. Video Games


Contrary to heavily alarmist popular belief, video games actually possess numerous redeeming qualities. Even the ones sans educational content build eye-hand coordination and critical thinking abilities.


8. Checkers


Another classic strategy game, checkers also nurtures strategic and critical thinking skills in a manner requiring far less memorization than chess – making this ideal for much younger children.


9. Card Games


With the hundreds of different card games floating about, parents can pick out any number that appeal greatly to children and stimulate specific proficiencies.


10. Mancala


Mancala games exist in numerous forms, but all of them require participants to strengthen their counting skills and concoct viable strategies to defeat their opponents.


11. Memory Games


Any sort of memory game – be it electronic or analog – keeps the mind nurtured by galvanizing concentration.


12. Go


Also known as weiqi, Go involves a considerable amount of strategy to always keep participants on their toes and keeping their minds active.


13. Pool and Billiards


Both pool and billiards require considerable strategic thinking as well as spatial awareness it is a far more involved and intellectual activity than many realize.


14. Scrabble


The well-beloved board game Scrabble involves vocabulary-building and strategic thinking, providing parents with a great way to intellectually stimulate their children’s impressionable minds.


15. Jenga


How many budding young engineers, architects, and construction workers learned the fundamentals of structural integrity by playing Jenga as children?


16. Logic Puzzles


As one can probably assume, logic puzzles build intelligence and foster far stronger critical thinking and analysis skills needed to succeed in school and life alike.


17. Word Scrambles


Any sort of word scramble, anagram, or similar game does nothing but galvanize vocabulary abilities as well as boosts concentration.


18. Cranium


Perfect for kids and parents to play together, the delightful board game Cranium is specifically designed to facilitate growth in most facets of intelligence.


19. Trivial Pursuit


Available for all ages and skill levels, Trivial Pursuit may focus mainly on brief facts on a wide number of topics – but this does nothing but encourage kids to study and do research on their own!


20. Scattergories


Parents hoping to encourage clearer communication and stronger vocabularies in their children would do well to set them loose upon Scattergories’ immensely fun word challenges.


21. Pictionary


Pictionary fosters creativity in children and adults alike, encouraging them to think beyond the usual restraints of conformity and order.


22. Monopoly


Monopoly remains a much-beloved board game ever since its creation in 1933, and success involves considerable (and stimulating!) strategy, fundamental math skills, and other elements of intelligence.


23. Role-Playing Games


Dungeons & Dragons and its ilk have become saddled with an unfair stigma. When played like a game – and therefore not taken too seriously – it actually challenges kids to think creatively and strategically.


24. Apples to Apples


This extremely fun, humorous game requires a fair amount of creative thinking and strengthens the vocabularies of younger children as well!


25. Clue


Older children who play Clue actually build up critical thinking and concentration skills as they navigate an always entertaining, ever-changing murder mystery.




26. Building Blocks


Whether simple wooden slabs or comparatively pricy Legos, parents can do no wrong handing children building blocks and allowing their imaginations to roam free.


27. Connect-the-Dots


Connect-the-dots activities all require concentration, counting skills, and a touch of imagination and artistry to complete.


28. Journaling


Encourage children to write out their feelings or any story ideas at the conclusion of every day, which allows them to become more in touch with themselves, open up floodgates of creativity, nurtures improved communication skills, and provides a boost their mental health.


29. Dancing


Not only does dancing build a healthier body, it also bolsters the imagination and encourages children to understand and explore the space around them in creative ways.


30. Coloring Books


Regardless of whether or not they stay inside the lines, coloring books allow children an opportunity to experiment with different colors and artistic mediums to create unique masterpieces.


31. Reading


A simple pleasure, encouraging children to read fiction and nonfiction alike stokes the fires of their imaginations and constantly challenges them to consider new ideas, concepts, and themes.


32. Musical Instruments


Children who spend their time learning to tinkle on their pianos or toodle on their saxophones engage in activities that bolster their intellect through math (yes, math!) and creativity.


33. Foreign Language Lessons


Bilingual parents (or those hoping to learn a new language alongside their children) imbue the younger generation with knowledge regarding not only linguistics, but cultural comparisons and contrasts, enhanced communication, and other valuable life skills as well.


34. Jigsaw Puzzles


Jigsaw puzzles teach children problem-solving, memorization, spatial awareness, and the importance of playing close attention to details without losing sight of the larger picture.


35. Running


To ensure a healthy body and mind, running makes for an excellent way to pass the time and promote bonding between parents and children.


36. Walks


Like running, walks also stand as an excellent way to nurture the overall well-being of children. Unlike running, however, slower paces allow for better observation and learning experiences.


37. Cooking


Cooking is a valuable life skill that all people need to at least try and learn. Get children started off early by showing them the basic safety precautions and techniques it definitely helps them make better choices when it comes to eating nutritious meals.


38. Yoga


An excellent conduit for promoting physical flexibility and relaxation, yoga also opens up a child’s mind to new cultures and helps them attain a degree of mental clarity.


39. Martial Arts


Though far more intensive than yoga, engaging a child in one (or more!) of the martial arts serves as a great introduction to one element of another culture, teaches them discipline and self-defense, boosts confidence, and – of course – exercises their growing bodies.


40. Science Experiments


Books and the internet come chock-full of kid-friendly science experiments that illustrate the basic principles of numerous disciplines while simultaneously entertaining.


41. Genealogical Research


Close generational gaps by putting together a genealogical project that asks children to learn everything they can about the history that spawned them. It also acts as a neat way to begin instilling proper research skills as well.


42. Magic Tricks


Not only do magic tricks entertain, they also challenge children to think critically and logically as well as use creativity and imagination to solve a problem.


43. Painting


The act of painting involves more than just a keen imagination. It also provides some great lessons in color, line, form and the other elements of art as well as improves eye- hand coordination.


44. Playing with Clay


Few tactile activities encompass creative and spatial intelligence quite like handing a nontoxic clay over to a child and allowing them to mold it and shape it to their very will.


45. Making Collages


Hand children some old media, some glue, and a pair of scissors and let them create collages to express themselves. Add a bonus challenge by asking them to form their own mixed-up animal, person, specific scene, or whip something up around only one theme.


46. Watching Films and Documentaries


Watching movies or documentaries together with their children provides parents an opportunity to discuss common themes and characters as well as teach them valuable life lessons about right and wrong.


47. Playing


Even simple dolls provide kids with opportunities to stoke their imaginations. Many adults do not realize how recreational time actually nurtures intelligence in children rather than promote idleness.


48. Sports


Some parents may not like the overly competitive nature of some youth sports, but they really are an excellent way for their kids to build teamwork, interpersonal, and communication skills as well as get some valuable exercise.


49. Theatre


Whether piecing together a small skit in the backyard or participating in a children’s theatre, the performing arts teach children memorization, improvisation, teamwork, resourcefulness, creativity, and valuable interpersonal skills.


50. Make Something


Parents should ask their children what sorts of craft projects from knitting to woodworking to sewing to soap making – interest them most. These inventive activities not only pique their imaginations, but also teach them how to follow direction as well.




51. Grocery Store


Taking a simple foray to the local grocery store or farmer’s market can turn into an intelligent lesson in nutrition, agriculture, and chemistry!


52. Beach


Parents interested in teaching their kids about ecology and biology (not to mention providing plenty of room for playing!) may want to consider a trip to any nearby beaches.


53. Mountains


As with the beach, mountains make for an excellent outdoor classroom for lessons in the inner workings of the natural world.


54. Concentration Camps


For families with