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Make Up Tips


1. Choose your makeup well.


When you buy your makeup kit, make sure to choose something that is known for its quality. This way, you can be assured that you would be able to achieve the kind of effect that you are looking for. Aside from that, you can also ensure that you won’t experience any kind of side effects on your skin with its use.


2. Consider your skin.


In applying makeup, you need to make certain considerations to be on the safe side. For one, if your skin is allergic to certain types of makeup, then you should carefully select the makeup products you would apply on it. Aside from that, you should also consider your skin tone so that you can enhance your beauty with your makeup.


3. Consider your eyes.


When you apply makeup, you should also consider your eyes. Keep in mind that there are certain makeup techniques used for women with deep set eyes as well as for those with regularly set eyes. By considering your eyes, you would be able to come up with a technique that can enhance it more.


4. Taking care of your makeup.


There are certain makeup items, which should not be exposed to open air for a long period of time, since it can become brittle or are reduced in terms of quality. Therefore, you should make sure to close your makeup kit once you are done with it. Aside from that, you should store it in a place that is not too cold nor too hot.


5. Keeping your makeup brushes.


In most cases, when you are in a rush, you might end up living the brush you made use for your makeup by the mirror, or somewhere else. When you do this, you could experience having to look for it for hours the next time you want to use it. Thus, you should put it at the same place where you are usually keeping it, so that you can easily get it anytime you want.


6. Saving money with makeup.


If you want to make use of different shades of lipstick, manicures, pedicures, mascaras, and such, there is no need for you to buy them all. What you can do about it is to simply check out the makeup items of your friend. If you find something that you want to try, offer to swap it with yours or borrow it. You can also let her borrow some of yours to return the favor.


7. Don’t let your kids play with your makeup.


When you find that your daughters are playing with your makeup, you may find it amusing. However, you should not let them play with it, since you might end up with no makeup to use at all. Thus, you should keep your makeup items where your kids would not be able to reach it. Only let them use it, if you are around to monitor them.


8. Learning to apply makeup through the internet.


If you have just begun applying makeup, there are actually lots of things you can do for it. One of which is to search for the information that you need through the internet. All you have to do is to use your favorite search engine for it. Through the web, you can check out eBooks about the right way of applying makeup. Aside from that, videos are also available for you to access for free.


9. Hiring a makeup artist for your wedding.


If you are in the process of hiring a makeup artist for your wedding, you need to see if she is really competent enough. One of the ways to do that is to check out her ideas about the makeup techniques she would use for you. It is very important that she comes up with a style that is fitted for your wedding theme, so that it would blend well with the whole get up.


10. Finding the best makeup artists.


To find the best makeup artists, one of the best ways to do it is through recommendations. You can actually call your friends, relatives, and even your colleagues to ask them about it. Once you have gathered enough names and contact details, try calling some of them, and choose the one that you are most comfortable working with.


11. Have fun.


To become more effective in applying makeup on your face, you should see it as a fun activity. Don’t put yourself down just because you are not able to perfect it on your first few attempts. Practice more, and be excited on the outcome, so that you will eventually improve your makeup skills.


12. Apply makeup on your kids.


To practice more in applying makeup, you should get your daughters involved in it. Try applying makeup on them, on certain occasions, so that you can also see your own progress. By doing that, you would be able to practice more, since you would be applying on someone else’s face and not just yours.


13. Observe makeup artists practice their skills.


Whenever you visit the parlor, you should try to observe how various makeup artists apply their skills on their customers, in order to enhance their features. By doing this, you would be able to learn more about which shades go with what skin tones. Do this more frequently, and apply what you learn to yourself.


14. Establish your goals well.


In applying makeup, it is not just something that you have to do, simply because everyone is doing it. You need to have certain goals in mind, when you apply makeup. For instance, you should try to decide if you are applying makeup to enhance your eyes, nose, lips, or all of them. With certain goals on your mind, you can properly apply the right techniques in order to achieve them.


15. Visit your friends.


Whenever you don’t have anything to do on weekends, you should visit your friends, and practice applying makeup. Aside from providing you a chance to enhance your skills in it, you and your friends can also exchange ideas and tips about applying make up. Try it out this weekend, so that you can have some fun.


16. Use your imagination.


If you are trying to design on the kind of style that you want to have in applying makeup, you should use your imagination for it. It is a good idea to not just stick on the basic techniques that you have learned through books and magazines. Try to explore new possibilities, since it may help you come up with newer techniques.


17. Read magazines.


To learn more about various makeup techniques, you can always read more magazines for it. This does not mean that you should limit yourself to reading the articles about applying makeup. You should also check out pictures of celebrities and see how their makeup experts enhanced their beautiful faces. By doing that, you can learn more about the various techniques that you can use on yourself.


18. Ask questions.


When you are in need of more information about applying makeup, you should ask more and more questions about it. There is no need to ask only one or two persons regarding this. You can ask your friends and relatives about it. Aside from that, whenever you visit a beauty salon and you are seated next to a makeup artist while waiting for your turn, then ask her questions, so that you can satisfy your hunger for information.


19. Check out blogs.


Gone are the days when you need to step out of your place to acquire important information about applying makeup. You can simply do it by accessing the internet, and checking out blogs about it. Lots of blogs are launched with topics related to makeup. Aside from offering informative articles, you can also post your questions on these blogs, which may be answered by the person behind it, or by other people who are visiting the site.


20. Start with light makeup.


To be on the safer side, it is best that for your first few tries of applying makeup on yourself, you should do it lightly. With that, you won’t have redo everything, when it comes out not the way you want it to be. Aside from that, it would also be easy to correct, since you won’t be dealing with heavy makeup.


21. Applying stage makeup.


If you are tasked to apply makeup on yourself for a stage play, you should keep in mind that it is entirely different to applying makeup for parties. For a stage play, your makeup should be something that can stand the hot lights, and be visible to people that are seated at the farthest row from the stage. However, you should also control it so that you won’t look like a clown for people seated at the front row.


22. Makeup for sensitive skin.


If you have sensitive skin, then it may take you some time to choose the makeup that won’t get your skin irritated. Having allergic reactions from makeup is not something that you want to experience. To go around it though, you can always do a spot test prior to purchasing a product. This can be done by applying a small amount of the makeup on your skin. Wait 24 hours and see if you have any allergic reactions, before making up your mind.


23. Applying makeup for men.


There is nothing wrong if a guy wants to apply makeup, especially if he only wants to cover certain imperfections. To do this, you can actually make use of the very basic makeup items. For example, to cover imperfections, you can use a concealer for that, and choose one that is a shade lighter than your skin.


24. Storing your makeup in the bathroom.


Storing your makeup inside the bathroom is not a good idea. This is because the bathroom is usually filled with a lot of moisture, which could be floating around midair. With this moisture would be bacteria and other germs, which can eventually get to your makeup, and affect its quality.


25. Using sponges.


If you like to use sponges in applying makeup, you should also take good care of it, aside from taking care of your other makeup items. The sponge should be washed clean every couple of times that you use it. If you want to make sure that you have a sponge that is top in quality every time you apply makeup though, you can always use a new one after using the sponge twice.


26. Washing your hands.


It is important that you wash your hands thoroughly prior to using your makeup. This is to ensure that you won’t get dirt on your makeup, as well as your face. If you find it such a hassle to go to the kitchen or bathroom to wash your hands though, you can always have a bottle of antibacterial lotion at the place where you are going to apply your makeup.


27. Store makeup testers.


If you want to see if the color of the makeup would match your skin tone, or if you are allergic to it or not, you should avoid using the testers found in the stores. This is because they can harbor different types of diseases, and you might get affected of them just by trying them out. The best way to test a makeup is to visit a friend for it, or contact your makeup artist.


28. Makeup hygiene.


It is very important that you practice good makeup hygiene, since your makeup can make you visit your doctor soon. Some of the things that you need to take note of when it comes to this would be the proper storage of your makeup items, cleaning the brushes and sponges regularly, and many more. By practicing good makeup hygiene, you can prolong the life of your makeup items, and avoid going to the doctor due to it.


29. Infected makeup.


If you do get infected with a sort of disease, which you suspect came from your makeup, you should not be ashamed of it. You should still visit your doctor as soon as you can. If you experience allergic reactions, then take antihistamine, or call your doctor, so that you can take something that can provide you with immediate relief.


30. Using the concealer.


When you want to make use of a concealer to hide blemishes, pimples, or any other imperfections, there are things that you can do, in order to prolong its effects. One of which is to apply a light dusting on your face with loose powder. By doing that, you would be ensuring that the effects of the concealer would last for the whole night.


31. Using a lip balm.


Lip balm can be used by both men and women, although some males hesitate using it, by thinking that it is unmanly. However, using a lip balm can actually help you in hydrating your lips. Therefore, when you use it in adequate amounts, you can prevent or take care of cracked lips.


32. Enhancing your lashes.


If you are a guy and you want to look like a rocker or a hipster, then you should consider using an eyeliner. A black eyeliner pencil can help you a lot in achieving the looks that you want, by using it to line your upper and lower eyelashes. Choose a pencil that is really dark, so that you can really emphasize your lashes.


33. Using a concealer for a guy.


Aside from making sure that th