The Filthy Rich Life Of Wall Street Billionaires by Kris Spencer - HTML preview

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Lets talk about their way of lives. They don’t have ordinary problems as we do. Like, I don’t have money to buy that, or I cannot go there etc, but is it their life without problems? Of course NO. They have many other, for us incredibly huge problems. A huge amount of stress every day. Imagine this. You are walking on the street and lose your wallet. Inside you have 100 dollars. Many of us would get upset. 100 dollars are not big money, but you can buy a tons of stuff for them. And now imagine when one of Wall street billionaires loses 1.000.000 dollars on stock market? List all of things you can buy for that amount of money. Would you be depressed? Or how would you feel to be abducted? In 2003 Edward S. Lampert was kidnapped from parking. His captors ask from him $5.000.000 ransom. He was held in a motel for 39 hours. During that time he convinced captors to release him for $40.000. Do you know some person who can do that? Anyway when these people get upset they can simpy go somewhere. On their yacht or flew somewhere with their private jets. So, stress will diseappear a bit. We, ordinary mortals cannot afford that.

Money buys everthing. For one example Jeffrey Epstein, highschool math teacher, who became rich, bouth a real school. He payed it $20.000.000 and instantly invested in that school $10.000.000. Making it a most expensive single resident home on whole Manhattan. Imagine what this school-house have. I will tell you just one. It melts snow and ice in front of the entrance door. Cool? Some of more of his real estate are part of Vigins island, ranch in Mexico and who knows, maybe more. He also have and a small fleet of airplanes, including Boing 727. Remaked especcially for him, with of course built in trading office. Why you need commercial airplane? Well, maybe to offer a ride to Bil Clinton. In 2002 Jeff flew with Bil in Afrika. Besides all of this he have a team of scientists and gave them $20.000.000 per year so they could research what they want. One of them is Hardvard professor and one in Nobel prise winner. So team must be successful.

Even better or should I say even more expensive was house of J. Christopher Flowers. Who in 2006 bought a real mansion in the middle of Manhattan. This pleasure cost him $53.000.000. Who would even pay that much of money just for house…

But what all of they have in common is, that when city life become boring to them, as I said earlier, they just go. Almost all of them have houses in suburb. One interesting fact is that in 1999 Edward S. Lampert bought a mansion in New York suburb for $20.000.000 just so he can demolish it and make a new super-mansion. Money really makes you do interesting stuff.

Naturally yachts are thing must to have. So they have them. The winner in this subject is John Devaney. While most of Wall Street rich mans have one yacht, John has believed or not 10 yachts! One of them is 118Ft called “A time for us” and other one is yacht that he bought for his mother. It is 129ft long and called “The big easy”. His favorite is without any doubt “Positive Carry” with a price of $26.000.000. But why he has 7 more of them? I was curious about price of this yachts and monthly cost for them. So I did I research. Price of his yachts was from 15 to 23.000.000 dollars. Monthly cost for one yacht was $15.000. So simple math, he has 10 yachts so every month he must pay $150.000 just to keep them safe. But this man has 27 real estates. So it isn’t any wonder. His mortgage is $700.000 per month.

On the other hand in 2002 Alex Shnaider Russian-Canadian businessman paid $50.000.000 so he can make his own Formula 1 team. But don’t think he done this just for the love for F1. In 2005 he sold that same team for $100.000.000. That is profit.

They even go in space using money. In 2001 Dennis Tito paid $20.000.000 to go in space. He was first civilian who went on a space station. Reason for that is simply. Before he was billionaire he was a rocket scientists. So finally he could make his dreams come true.

We saw that some of Wall Street billionaires have 10 yachts, some make F1 teams and some of them even go to space. But unique pleasure, the one they all like is art. Steven Cohen is absolutely king in this category. He spends seven times more money than New York Metropolitan museum. In 2004 he bought a real tiger-shark suspended in a tank of ballasting fluid. This pleasure cost him $8.000.000.


A year after he paid $137.000.000 for a single painting. And here it is.


Le Rêve (French, “The Dream”) is a 1932 oil painting (130 × 97 cm) by Pablo Picasso, then 50 years old, portraying his 22-year-old mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter. It is said to have been painted in one afternoon, on 24 January 1932. What do you think, does this worth this much money? Is Steven insane? I wouldn’t think so. He has a psychiatrist in his team. His task is to talk everyday with Steven’s employees and help them submit fear from simply said losing money on stock market.

One question is even more interested than Wall Street art. It is where this people go on actually? Literally they can go in space. But are there vacations ordinary? What a silly question, of course they aren’t. Like their life its self, holidays are unique. It made real estates so expensive that now only richest people can buy them. So you wouldn’t find a lot of movie stars there. Price starts from $5.000.000. Jeffrey Epstein paid his Palm beach villa $6.8 millions. Great place to stay. But the most expencive super-villa in Palm beach is in property of Henry Kravis, with astonishing price of $2.6 billion. It is one of the most expensive villa in the world. It is even more expensive then Louis Bacon’s island, Robin’s island. Funny fact is that Henry doesn’t every time use real estate agent. When he likes one other house he simply knocks on the door and asks owners to sell him. Can you assume what they did?