The Filthy Rich Life Of Wall Street Billionaires by Kris Spencer - HTML preview

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You already know who the richest peoples in this area are. Also you know what they are doing with that money. But you don’t know the whole story. As I asked you at the beginning of this article would you like to be a politician and change the world? You can really change it if you are one of the billionaires. This is one more area that billionaires like to do. Controlling the world. Using just money it could be really hard, but using money and influence and you are a king. At first sights this world works normal. People work, buy things and governments are making world a better place. But you should look deeper. People ordinary see just that in front of them. For example in 1938 Germany made new ultra powerful airplane, called “Messerschmitt”. Every secret intelligence service looks for it but Germans put it on the Paris airplane show that year. Everybody saw it, but nobody paying attention to this.

Like this example world is working in same way. You see something but what is it? As we all know it government and politicians are controlling this world. You look but you don’t see. People who become politicians are usually doing that so they could make own profit. In starting period they must work for free, must earn place in that area of life. So, why would someone work for free? To really change something? I don’t think so. Answer is, when that period is over they start earning, and then their lives really begins. It is life full with money and influence. So who can resist in more money. Then billionaires are coming. Simply buying politicians or even whole governments. Making them puppets. In that way rich people can get even richer. Making laws and terms correspond to them. Of course then may illegal thing become legal, so profit is really going up. I assumed it all start before politician elections. Rich people offer them to sponsor their campaign. Politician then have a lot of money on his disposal. Can make better campaign then his rivals. He can even buy voters. So he goes in government and starting two jobs, one for the country and other for his sponsor.

Even on most simply level they are present. Using research I find out that rich people will probably vote more than ordinary people. In 2004 families that have income more than $75.000 vote 84% of them. On the other hand families that have income less than $20.000 vote only 45% of them. So we can see than even on this level they have more control than us. You think that in upper layers things are different. No in 2005 35% of Congress members were millionaires. Things are even more worrying when it comes about food. Only 10 companies control all food in the world. They are:

  • Nestle
  • Unilever global company
  • PepsiCo Inc.
  • Mondelēz International, Inc.
  • Mars
  • Kellog
  • General Mills
  • Coca-Cola
  • Danone
  • Associated British Foods

So you can see that we are controlled in any way possible. You cannot change something because bigger and richer will crush you on your way there. You can just seat and “enjoy” the show. It maybe seems easier if you know that mankind is on bottom of the power table.