The Filthy Rich Life Of Wall Street Billionaires by Kris Spencer - HTML preview

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Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum is ruler of Dubai. But unlike the other country’s rulers, he is different. He grew up in big house but without electricity and water. Now that house may visit tourist from all over the world. Some people are waiting Sheikh in front of that very house asking of him to help them, with a house problems or etc. When he was growing up his father send him to travel. While he was visiting London he saw many modern things that Dubai didn’t have, big buildings and even roads. His goal was to bring all that in Dubai. So when he became ruler of Dubai, he done that. Believe or not he is having cellphone that cost $10. Of course that cellphone is for everybody. Yes you all heard wright. Every resident of Dubai has that number. Hats why he didn’t change number in 10 years. You would expect that his phone is ringing all the time. But no, it hardly rings. So people of Dubai are happy and satisfied. Does any here have number of his country president?

And that was it. We don’t know much personal information about him. All we know that he likes blue color, likes reading, hiking, reading poetry and living in a desert. Well maybe he thinks in mansion in a desert. He is good driver, but sadly I cannot say what cars he owns. You can see that Sheikh Mohammed really likes his people. He mentions some other presidents and say: “You cannot lie your people 40 years and still expecting him to trust you.” That is something you don’t hear every day from rich man. You also don’t hear every day that when Sheikh goes shopping he needs a perfect assistant. During his visit to Europe, he wanted assistant that will help him spend his money. Terms were that applicant must be female, 18-28 years old, to speak English (French and Arab bonus). She will get $100 per day and have ability to meet Sheikh and travel with him. Just imagine how many girls applied. If you want to know more about him and to know where and what is he doing follow them on Twitter. Yes, Sheikh of Dubai has a Twitter. I am surprised why he hadn’t bought till now.


On the other side we have his son Sheikh Hamden bin Mohammed bin Rashid. While his father runs Dubai, 28-years old Prince is making his life a real perfection, full with hobbies. Some of them are horse riding. He competed at the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Kentucky. Besides horse riding he is also fan of:

  • Falconry
  • Hunting
  • Yet skies
  • Body boards
  • Scuba diving

Beside these hobbies he likes skydiving and personal jetpack.

Don’t forget poetry. In this circle he is known as Fazza. At first sight he seems real prince. But looking deeper we heard about his drug and sex problems. His appearance was minimum, even no updates on his site. Why? Maybe he was in rehab. As you can assume he was in a few European rehab clinics. But they fail to cure him down. Another prince problem was sex. Making orgy in private plains. Some people deny this and some are certain in this accusation. I will leave as it is.