The Justice of Predators by M.B - HTML preview

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The next day, the weather is to rain. While they eat breakfast, they prefer to spend the first day to make purchases necessary for their installation. In fact, they had chosen to leave the apartment in Paris appliances that were there because they are old, as the beds and furniture.

It is true that in the past, they had hardly ever bought something to furnish or equip, as they had recovered many things that Peter had repaired and restored. They had chosen to work in turn to the other to training of their choice. Thus, one of them remained available to deal with Boris.

Until Monika operates in Liberal, their resources were rather limited, but they managed to create a pleasant and comfortable interior. That is why, on this first day of September, they are happy to make such purchases for the first time. 

However, they turned their choice towards products simple and practical rather low end, they plan to replace them later when the work is completed. Since the morning, Boris is a little ill, so they do not hang around in stores, and they do all these races as soon as possible.

They choose bedding and furniture to equip their future storage room, as well as Boris. They also provide a spare bedroom. They bought a piece of furniture where they can then store the dishes and wooden large shelves, a garden table with benches, a washing machine and a dishwasher and a refrigerator and stove.

Well, they have something to hold to sleep, eat, and pack their stuff ... luxury three stars! With winter approaching, they choose a wood stove and fireplace equipment to distribute the heat, they complement by electric radiators for future rooms. They complete these purchases by various elements necessary for rewiring and plumbing and sanitary, since this is in poor condition. 

A new day is dawning, sunny and clear. They are hard at work early, leading to the cleanup. In addition, places have many needs ! All day long they brush, washes, scraping, .... Boris, who is better, has fun around the house, and then when the temperature is cooler and the rain threatens, he moved to the back of the car with his toys and books.

When evening comes, they are tired, but happy to see two rooms of the house clean. As the sun sets, they return to the hotel for a night of well-deserved rest. During dinner, Peter decided to return alone to the apartment. In fact, he plans to make some purchases of materials and equipment further, that he had seen promotion.

He needs to arrange the room of Boris and the room where, at first, they will settle but will also place kitchen and dining room. It is true that, given the state in which they find there, they decided that the main room, which is contiguous, should be most important work.

Afterwards, they form a large living area, a large room spacious and bright. In the meantime, they hold in the two "rooms" existing. As for the bathroom, it has the merit to exist, but it all has to be redone. In the meantime, it really needs a serious cleaning !  

The following day, Peter takes to the road, while Monika and Boris dealing the last steps for the electricity and telephone are placed in service and that the premises are insured. They also benefit by discovering to walk around. They visit the small towns nearby, discover where they will do their shopping, local attractions, and a campaign full of charms. 

In the afternoon, Monika and Boris go to their homes to make them habitable end of the two parts. That day also, it is nice between showers, which reinforces this vague impression holidays end. Monika and Boris early end, to give them an evening of recreation. 

After twenty-four hours of absence, Peter is back with D. one of his cousins a little younger than he is. In recent years, D. became one of their pets, they often invite, and they repaired several times. Today, he is helping to turn.

Peter began cleaning the stables. Obviously, that was not happened to them since a long time ! The dunghill, that Peter is a little further away, grows up in eye ! Meanwhile, Monika and D. make several trips, back to the store, for to bring furniture and appliances purchased the day before.

End of the day, they all fall, as well as boxes and bags, in one of the barns last practicable. When they return in the evening at the hotel, they are tired, but satisfied with how things are progressing. Now they will be able to prepare their "first temporary camp !" 

On Sunday, in the afternoon, D. returned to Paris, but promised to come back the next weekend and the following, in any case, whenever it is possible, for their help. The following days they continue to clean, sanitize and rid the buildings. They take away the carpet in one of two "rooms" to discover a world teeming with bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Behind the tattered wallpaper and curtains, were thriven spider’s colonies.

Peter then began work in the future Boris chamber so that he can find a pleasant living environment as soon as possible. He cleans the soil, insulates the walls and ceiling, installs electricity, paints, and restores the window. Monika and Boris go to his future school. They meet one that will, very soon, the next teacher for registration formalities. 

In a few days, it will be returned. Meanwhile, Boris spends his time giving small helping hand to his parents, playing and exploring around the house. At the end of the week, the room is ready, clear and comfortable. They can install a bed and put these bags containers their personal affairs as well as Boris, not to mention his books and toys. 

Finally, after these first days spent cleaning the place, they begin to see things a little clearer. Peter is relatively optimistic about the continued renovation. That is why he arranged with his cousins in Paris to continue to move their business remained in the apartment. Their efforts can already set up a "temporary camp first."

This Friday, in the main room they set up their bed, fridge and microwave and a few dishes, this, the time to make habitable another "room". In the next room, they also prepare mattresses, indeed, this weekend, they will visit. Peter takes the path of the Paris region in the early afternoon, while Boris and Monika relax while visiting small towns.

Since their arrival, the weather is uncertain, hesitating between late summer and autumn. Monika and Boris discover a very verdant countryside where the forest is near crops and grasslands. Like every  night since this last day of August, there is little more than a week now, where they signed the deed, they return to the hotel. 

What quickly passed time as they were so busy ! So that is that next Monday Monika will find Paris and her work, as regards Boris, he will take the path of school shortly after. In addition, Peter has before him so many things to do ... But these insights do not begin their courage or their enthusiasm ! 

In the Saturday, Monika and Boris, who left the hotel, are waiting in their home for arrival of Peter. Earlier in the day, they went shopping and Monika prepared beds for everyone, while Boris took possession of his new room.

Soon, vehicles back the small road through fields at home. Peter, D., and other cousinsdown while laughing. Their journey was punctuated by a few incidents become subjects of jokes. A guided visit takes place under the leadership of Peter, after which these gentlemen go to work, always in joy and gaiety.

When night falls, all vehicles are unloaded and their contents stored in barns. They then improvise a drink in what is their room, sitting on fortune chairs. Can not reach the glasses, Monika serves drinks into ice glasses, to the chagrin of one of the cousins. The atmosphere is relaxed and fun. They then dine at the restaurant where they spend a very pleasant evening. 

The next day, they all get up later. Then they organize tours to use the bathroom, too, to wait, they take a breakfast that drags in the right mood, because they again use the famous ice cream cups, which gives rise to a few jokes.

That is when they visit their neighbours C., farmers close to retirement, who come forward and seem a bit taken aback by both the decor and the atmosphere. Peter and Monika host their best despite the disorder. They are a little embarrassed to receive this, but the comedy of the situation triggered, by the later, of laughter.

A little later in the morning, some will walk, others fall or occupy small craft, and while Monika and a cousin of Peter take a walk, in the nearby where they observe the first crocuses. Under the September sun, it floats back perfumes.

Mid-day, they draw up a table in front of the house to enjoy the sun. While relaxed, they always cheerfully lunch, Peter decides to capture this moment. They take some pictures while achieving the somewhat surrealistic framework where they are. Indeed, a little later, at the end of the stables is a heap, they formed in the week, and they came out of the burning buildings in the coming days. 

As the afternoon advances, the cousins took the road to be in Paris in the early evening. After their departure, they fall. This time, the "holidays" are over ! Night falls, spectacular countryside views. Peter, Monika and Boris enjoying this first evening together at home. Standing in front of their house, they watch the sun set in a riot of orange and purple.

Concerned for the welfare of Peter and their son, Monika handles matters of Boris for his return to school, then she puts on hand some of their clothes. While preparing a dinner that takes the picnic, she also provides their meals for the week, which she had thought to do errands. The old that Peter and Boris lack nothing during her absence. Monika knows that Peter will not have much time for household chores.