The Justice of Predators by M.B - HTML preview

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They are reluctant to declare the land fallow for, perhaps thereafter, the reforestation, as well as allow them the regulations at this time, but prohibit them to cultivate for five years. This time they seem so very long for the good result of the project. In addition, because it prevents them from having an income they might need.

They have many arguments for that, and arguments against that. It is true that it would slow down a bit the implementation of subsequent phases of the project, but no more .... Yet it is also true that this would allow them to move faster restoration work, or more in rhythm with their financial resources. 

Yet today, in hindsight ... they remain convinced that it would have been the best thing to do ! 

However, even then, they considered that their choice would concentrate their investments in the restoration of buildings and the development of certain parcels. They would then be released purchase of agricultural equipment, needed for crops during the first five years, since they would have to buy only one or two tractors to facilitate the work during restoration.

They feel that if the consulting business works well, it would not be a bad thing, if that could generate income farming come to miss. They have already taken a significant risk to the life of the loan ...

Remained to be determined whether, in this context, as they would postpone the start of rabbits and poultry farms, or if not, what solutions they have for their food. They have until the end of the year to make a decision regarding the set-aside, as the son of their farming neighbours, C., has hitherto rental. 

That is why Peter acquired a tractor, used, rustic and powerful enough to meet their individual needs. He also prospected in the area to find a supplier of building materials, which proposes to provide in part against him preferential rates or attractive discounts. 

Days shorter more, becoming cooler. As the nights are cold now, Peter moved the stove in the main room to improvise as a guest room in a corner with insulating panels. Landscape it so comfortable and welcoming.

The following weekend, that of Halloween, it used to house E. and S. came, too, to lend a hand. On this occasion, Peter and S. implement the bar cabinet in a corner of the future living room. They inaugurated in a good mood.

These moments, along with some others remain in their memories, their warm heart, later when they are in trouble. 

Autumn continues to gild the surrounding countryside. Apple trees promise a good harvest the son of  C. will this year. His cows graze in the meadows around their home, they are rotated during the day. From time to time, are they hear when tractor goes into the fields he cultivated.

One day, he tells them that he want to acquire the property, before they come to visit, but the bank denied him the loan he had sought to do so. He now plans to purchase the land that his father runs, detached from his own, when he will cease his activity. For now, he rented a farm, a few minutes away on the same municipality. The son of C. is a little younger than them, but his children about the age of Boris. 

The month of November with sunny days ahead. Peter moved their "camp" in the large room, where he set up a kitchen on the other side of the wall, slatted facing the "guest room" near the stove, and a dining area to the chimney, he began to repair (the existing one having been rendered unusable by old renovation), and near the bar, a small seating area with garden furniture.

For a few days, he sleeps in the big room, time to open a door in the contiguous and mount a partition to divide into a smaller room and entrance, where he built a stairway to attic became mezzanine above the great room. Here, space is organized !

In the second long weekend in November, D., and E. and S. are there. All together joyfully celebrate the anniversary of Peter. Monika is happy because the current contracts for her activity are renewed for the following year, while new contacts she takes is positive. Peter and Monika working a lot and expect it to be so in the coming months. 

Around the house, in the fields, hedgerows, red alongside all shades of brown. The weather becomes colder. In the morning, the rising sun reveals the first frosts : a real landscape Christmas card ! In Paris, Monika has a rather hectic pace of life. On his side, Peter meets against many-time. It is hard to move as he wishes.

One day, while he makes adjustments to the staircase, provided in the entry, Bd works on his side in the attic above. Suddenly, a stone rolling down the stairs, and through the wall, under construction collapses. No one was hurt, fortunately, but the partition is again !

In the days that followed, Peter realizes that rodents are interested in insulating plates, rows in the attic to make their favourite restaurant. It was a lot he had to promotion, it will be impossible to replace the damaged plates, and it is not enough that he left ! 

One night, as the storm moves away, Peter understood as a crackle. Quickly he puts on his shoes and clothes. Equipped with a flashlight, he began the inspection. Nothing in the house. He goes out and saw flames to the attic above the barn. He runs the electric meter located below where the fire apparently taken.

Quickly, he took an axe and cut the cord. For we do not know what chance, they are ultimately, but there is no land EDF. Current, he enters the house to call the fire department. He was told not to worry, they will arrive quickly.

Without waiting, Peter takes a fire extinguisher, and started spraying the flames. Boris woke up. In pyjamas on the door, he looks at his father. Neighbours, G. see the light and join Peter and Boris quickly.

At that time, Peter begins to control the situation, since the fire is confined to a single facade attic, one end of the building. The G. offer to take Boris home for the rest of the night, just in case ... and they do not understand why so many fire-fighters coming soon, especially as they called them. 

Soon the fire is extinguished. Despite the night, Peter comes out the old straw was left in the attic for safety. Still no fire. Tired, but very excited, Peter went back to bed, anyway, he cannot do anything more in the dark.

The first day of September, Peter had an initial inspection of the electrical installation, rather old and outdated, which showed that it was better to redo everything. Indeed, rodents had gnawed the son in several places. He then turned off the power to avoid existing accident. Subsequently, he had installed new cables on and off the counter.

Since then, he had begun to empty and clean buildings, crowded with all sorts of things. However, he had not finished cleaning out the attic above the stables where there were still some straw bales. 

The next morning, Peter inspects the attic fire had gone far. It also checks the feeds, which are based on the counter, where the fire started. Everything is in order, he calls into service. Peter fetches Boris still in G. where he finished the night. He must go to school. Again, there was more fear than harm ! Peter is happy to have fire extinguishers buy a few weeks ago ! Happy coincidence !

Nobody saw fire-fighters. The G. say, when they called, they were told that someone had already called, but he had to give them time to arrive. They will never know what really happened, or why they did not come. Forgetfulness, poor coordination, against order problem  ... ?

A little later, EDF redo the power line and replace poles. First, Peter and Monika receive electricity bills shortly after the fire : according to it, they would have consumed as a small factory ! After many steps, and justification of their usual consumption, appliances, etc., they arrive at a compromise "acceptable". 

Here, the tone is set by the following "incidents". Gradually, the indoor climate has increased, but for now, even if they have more or less aware, they continue in their tracks, straining their purpose, determined to succeed to achieve their project ! 

Despite all this, but already against all (or all?), they continue to advance, or at least try. While Bd cleared the hedgerows in need and delivers wood for heating, Peter rehabilitates the building located opposite the house, the roof collapsed, turning it into a garage for cars. Gradually, things take shape.

When the weather is bad, Bd and Peter continue insulation work in the house. In mid-December, they begin to prepare the holiday season. Doing the weekly shopping, Monika and Boris buy new decorations for the Christmas tree.

For this first Christmas at home, they want news, sequins. Boris is worried about his gifts, for which he has some strong opinions. Peter invites Dd., One of his oldest friends, they were often before moving, and D.

The week before Christmas, Peter draws a tree in the main room, and then decorates with the help of Boris. The following Friday, Monika and D. found Dd to take the road facing traffic jams that go on holiday.

When they arrive, Peter has just completed the refurbishment of the fireplace with a few bricks and some plaster. They lit the first fire with all the ceremony that is required. They are happy to spend the first Christmas in their home, with D. and Dd., whom are long gone to their pets.