The Love Spirits - The Little Girls who came from the Stars by Marcos Aragao Correia - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

a ight had fallen. The waves were gently lapping the sand on Praia da Luz.

After having gone to visit the lake where Madeleine’s body was located and having acquainted themselves with the police investigation surrounding the case, Ijyu, Kami, and Yania, now prepared to sleep, were still reflecting on how they could rescue their sister’s body.

Yania and Kami were exhausted and quickly fell asleep. They slept in the same room, right next to Ijyu’s, who was still awake, thinking.

They could not take the body from the water by themselves because if they did so, for example using their psychic powers, they would alter the crime scene and disrupt the police investigation. But could it be possible that the police would even be interested in finding the truth about Madeleine? Nothing was for certain, so it might be best to first try to direct the attention of the police to the lake in order to pressure them to do a proper search.

While Ijyu’s mind was preoccupied with these issues, a faint light began to appear in his room. The light gently increased, slowly taking a human form. Ijyu was not frightened, since he felt from the beginning that it was a good presence, given the intense loving vibrations that accompanied the light.

“My dear,” said a sweet voice, while her gentle ethereal form leaned over Ijyu, “thank you for coming.”




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A soft dialogue began, filled with Love.

“Don’t worry so much, as everything will be easier than it seems.

Truth and Justice will win in the end. Yours and the girls’ role on behalf of Madeleine will decisively ensure that Love is fulfilled in this case. In all cases, follow your intuition. I will advise you when you need it most.”

“Lyndi, I love you so much.”

“Our Love is eternal. You know that. But it saddens me to know that you have not yet formed a family in the village, and only because you don’t choose to.”

“But I miss you so much. I don’t feel capable of forming a new family without you.”

“Ijyu, you know that the Love that binds us extends equally towards on all other Love Spirits. The Love that unites us all is absolute. As you love other Love Spirits, you are loving me because they also love me, and because they love you and because I love them. We do not need to be together physically. You know this.”

“I know, Lyndi, but the physical pain of our separation still gnaws at my heart.”

“Ijyu, don’t say that! There are many girls in the village who still have no companion. You must not hold back. You have so much Love you can give. It would only grieve me if you got involved with someone without Love, because then you would suffer. But that would not be the case in the village because there they are all Love; they are all Love Spirits.”

“And if I wait for you... we know that one day you’ll come back to live among us. I don’t mind waiting as long as it takes.”

“If I ever return, I will come back as your daughter because my mission as a guardian angel will not end soon. More and more, the guardian angels are needed because more and more Love Spirits are being born on Earth, outside the village. You know that these brothers and sisters who are born outside of your cribs need special protection.

They do not have the support that is found among the villagers. They are especially vulnerable, and we, the guardian angels, protect them.

Even you needed my protection when you didn’t live in the village. So trust in our destiny. Trust, because it’s always a destiny of Love.”

“I know that, thanks to all of us that are Love, the monsters will lose control of the earth very soon!”



“We are doing everything to make it so! For this, so many more Love Spirits are being born on this planet, who are helping us meet this objective. And because of this, the monsters are desperately trying to make them suffer and eliminate as many of our brothers and sisters as possible. Unfortunately, there are not enough guardian angels to protect them all at once. That is why so many children are dying at their hands. For this, I cannot leave this, my mission, anytime soon.”

“My beautiful guardian angel! You are absolutely right! But in that life in which we met... I’m not sure.... I wonder if I was right to let you go, instead of holding you and begging you to stay by my side.”

“You were such a good king, but my mission was not to be a queen.

I wanted to do more for others, and I would have been useless to the kingdom just occupying a seat by your side because you were already doing such great work directing the destiny of that beautiful little country, based on the teachings of Zarathushtra. Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. And how could I have continued to be part of your personal guard, knowing that you loved me so much and wanted me in that way? I loved you so much, too, but wanted to be able to do more. I wanted to serve our God without limit, from beyond Earth, wherever I was most needed.”

“Lyndi , I knew this was important to you, so I gave you all the support I could.”

“I’ll never forget! It was thanks to you that I was so quickly able to improve so much. And I’m so glad you accepted this mission, because we can continue, after so many centuries, to work together.”

Lyndi materialized even more, to the point of almost seeming to have a physical body, although the extremely delicate light emanating from her made it clear that she did not.

She touched Ijyu’s hands fondly. He was barely able to feel them, and he squeezed them gently. Lyndi bent toward Ijyu and gave him a sweet and affectionate kiss on the mouth.

The young man shed a tear that gently rolled down his face, in which all the light from both inside and out was reflected, making a small rainbow born of the heart.

Lyndi withdrew gently and floated through the wall separating the girls’ room from Ijyu’s. Without waking them, Lyndi tenderly kissed the girls and faded away.


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In the morning, Kami and Yania commented to Ijyu that they had dreamed about Lyndi.

“It wasn’t a dream,” he told them. “She was here.”

“So Lyndi gave you some counsel about Madeleine?” asked Kami.

“Yes, what did she say?” added Yania, jumping with curiosity.

“She said to rely on our intuition because it would guide us in times of need.”

“And what does your intuition tell you, Ijyu?” Yania asked.

“That it is virtually certain that the police will ignore us, but for some reason that is where we should start. Let’s go to the Judicial Police.”

After arriving in Portimão, at the Department of Judicial Police, Ijyu identified himself as a lawyer and asked to speak with one of the inspectors on Madeleine’s case.

The receptionist was sitting there knitting, as if trying to forget the number of years that she had left until her retirement.

She directed them to an office on the second floor.

“I’m looking for Inspector John.”

“That’s me.”

“Good day! My name is Eduardo, I’m a lawyer, and these are my two daughters, Anne and Andrea.”

“What can I do to help?”

Ijyu, Kami, and Yania sat on the old chairs near the desk.

“I have reliable information that Madeleine was kidnapped, beaten, raped, and murdered, and that her body was thrown into the lake near Arade Dam, where it is now submerged.”

“On what basis?”

Ijyu opened a map of the Algarve and put a clipping from a newspaper on the table.

“Several things. First, this is the second dam closest to Praia da Luz, a mere twenty-five minutes by car. The closest dam, Bravura, has already been searched by the Lagos Fire Department, and they found nothing. In other words, a smart criminal would know that Bravura Dam was more likely a place for the police to search, since it is the closest, and therefore it would be less suitable for the purpose he intended.

Second, Arade Dam is the only dam on the Algarve that is completely deserted, with no people or houses around. Additionally, its large breadth and depth, and very cloudy waters, make it an ideal place for T H E L O V E S P I R I T S


someone to get rid of a corpse. Third, a Portuguese trucker claims to have seen, on May fifth, two cars parked, one behind the other. A woman in the second car got out with a child wrapped in blankets and gave this wrapped child to a man driving the other car. The trucker said that within the blanket was the clearly wrapped form of a small child but that since it was all covered, it would not be able to breathe. Even more, it was a very hot day. Turns out that this happened in Silves, close to Arade Dam.” Ijyu showed him a newspaper clipping that talked about the truck driver and reported that the police had ignored his leads. “And, fourth, I also have information obtained as a medium that confirms this location.”

When he heard the last sentence, Inspector John became obviously nervous. “Doctor, the only reason that I received you here today was because you are an attorney. I must tell you that the police now have their own leads, which do not point to the location you just mentioned.

Finally, we do not believe in these spiritual sources, as we have thousands, all pointing to different conclusions. Anything else?”

“I am not asking you to believe in spirituality. Incidentally, this was the fourth of several reasons. We all know that people who call themselves psychics are thousands or even millions. But how many are genuine? And of the genuine, how many receive correct information? Few, very few. So I ask you to reconcile my fourth reason with the other three, and only after you rule them out, then you can rule out the last.

This way, you will get a material confirmation for the spiritual claim.”

The inspector stood up angrily. “Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.”

Ijyu and the girls stood up. As they left, Yania gave a reproving look to the inspector and said, “Mercenary.”

“Let’s go!” Kami whispered to Yania, pulling her arm.

The inspector had heard Yania and came up behind her, grabbing her tightly by the arm.

“To whom were you speaking, you little brat?”

“To you. Why?”

“Do you think this is the way to talk to a law enforcement officer?”

he asked even more angrily.

“And you, do you think that this is the way to talk to those who came to help you find a missing child?”


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Seeing that the inspector would not let go of Yania’s arm, Ijyu caused him a severe electrical shock on the hand, generated by psychic energy. Immediately, the inspector released Yania, awestruck by what had happened.

Unfortunately, the visit had confirmed that there was nothing to expect from the police. They return to Praia da Luz, where the sun was starting to set. They decide to take a long barefoot walk along the beach.

“So, Ijyu, what can we do now?” asked Yania, worried.

“Do you remember what Lyndi said to me? I have to focus again on my intuition,” he replied while staring at the sea for a moment, then he closed his eyes.

Kami also closed her eyes, trying to feel what advice Lyndi would give them.

Meanwhile, Yania noticed that not far away, a group of children seemed to be attacking another in their midst. Without saying anything, she headed toward the group.

As she drew closer, she counted nine children, all boys aged between eight and ten, surrounding and hitting another boy of the same age.

“Why are you doing this?” Yania asked angrily.

“Doing what? We’re only teaching him how to throw a punch!”

answered one of the attackers.

“Yeah, do you also want to learn how?” asked another, giving a quick punch to Yania’s left arm. “It’s like this, see? Fists tightly clenched, with the knuckles forward. That way, it hurts more!”

Yania was taken aback. “You little monsters! So you want to teach others how to punch? So why not demonstrate on yourselves?”

“That’s not as much fun!” replied the one who had punched Yania.

He was immediately echoed by the mocking laughter of the others.

Yania went to the boy whom they were hitting. “Is this what you want to be when you grow up? Monsters? Hurting the innocent?”

“Sure, why not? It’s fun, isn’t it?” replied another with a mischievous smile as the group unleashed another round of laughter.

“Get out of here!” Yania shouted at them.

Without any warning, the nine start kicking Yania and the boy she was protecting.



Meanwhile, Ijyu and Kami, still meditating, were hearing Yania’s name by intuition, so they opened their eyes, looking around for her.

Seeing her in trouble, they ran quickly toward her.

Kami pulled many of the boys away by their clothes, and Ijyu pulled Yania and the boy aside and embraced them.

Concentrating intensely, Kami commanded that all the seagulls on the beach start pecking the aggressors.

More than thirty gulls descended on the small group of little monsters, giving them strong pecks with their beaks. Surprised, the boys retreated while trying to protect themselves from the gulls at all costs, but they were not successful. Seeing that the lesson had been enough, Ijyu mentally ordered the birds to depart.

The group of kids did not understand what had happened. Some were lying on the ground and others were standing, but all were scared.

Ijyu told them in a serious tone, “Let this serve as a lesson to you!

You are free to follow the path of Evil, but always remember that, if you make someone suffer who is Love, then you are making all who are Love suffer, and all those who are Love will protect the ones you mistreat.

This is one of the big differences between us and you. Evil will not succeed! Now get out of here!”

Hearing this, the nine ran from the beach as fast as they could, quickly disappearing behind the houses just beyond the beach.

The boy who was protected by Yania thanked them from the bottom of his heart for the help. Yania, Kami, and Ijyu gave him a tender kiss on the cheek and continued their walk along the beach.

While not very large, Praia da Luz was beautiful. None of the three were accustomed to the beach, as there was no ocean in their village and the river had little sand. The Love villagers all loved the sand and the sea and the games they provided. From time to time, they organized a trip to go to the beach, especially for the children, in conjunction with their brethren who piloted their ships. It was like a field trip. The children boarded a large ship that took them to the beach of a deserted island, where they spent the day. The problem was that they could not do it often because it was too risky, since the monsters were always waiting the slightest opportunity to attack them.

Night was falling quickly. A cool breeze now rose from the waves of the sea, washing over the beach as if to remind them Yania, Kami, and 124

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Ijyu that human kindness was irreplaceable. The three sat in the sand, and Ijyu embraced the girls with a sweet tenderness. The girls then rested their heads on his chest.

And now, Lyndi, what shall we do? Please tell me! thought Ijyu, trying to communicate with the beautiful disembodied Spirit.

Yania and Kami heard Ijyu’s thoughts and joined with him in requesting advice from Lyndi. The three looked toward the stars. The beautiful, cloudless night sky seemed to invite meditation. They remembered the millions of inhabited planets in the universe and the wonderful galaxy to which they belonged. At that moment, a shooting star flew across the sky, right in front of them, as if wanting to say that they should not give up. The girls then embraced Ijyu even tighter, and the intense vibrations of Love that they emitted toward each other warmed their hearts with light.

The vibration got stronger. It appeared that another Love Spirit had joined them. Suddenly, there was a radiant light all around them. They heard a voice of inconceivable sweetness. It was Lyndi!

“Soon you will receive an important visitor! Stay tuned! I love you!”

The dazzling light was then concentrated into a single point that rose up to the heavens with amazing speed as though the star were returning to its origin. Their joy had returned in full force. Lyndi had not forgotten them.

With their small but big loving hearts filled of confidence, Yania and Kami fell asleep in Ijyu’s lap.

Hope had returned to their souls.




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