The Other Side: A Collection Of My Thoughts by DR Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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During my active working life from 1960 to 2002 I have been lecturing, teaching, speaking at various functions, writing and creating my thoughts on various subjects and issues of particular interest to me. The thoughts were of political, social, cultural, economical, educational and general interest and nature. None the less, they were my own and I kept accumulating them until 2019 when I thought of putting them together as A Collection of my Thoughts I called it The Other Side’.

Many of my writings are published on the web and some are printed as hard copies of bound books and stored in my personal library at home. By December 27th 2019, when I complete my 80th birthday I would have written over 52 books and these are included as the List of Publications in the beginning.

   I personally believe that in the process of our growing up, we have the tendency to change. For better or for worse, it is up to us how we express and manage these changes in our daily living. Over the years of my active employment and family as well as community life, I saw many of my family members, teachers and friends change and I was no exception, Change, is inevitable they say.

I began my primary education in a village school in February 1946 and showed up at school barefooted, shy and timid with a lot cheaper and modest uniform and school bag of khaki material that my father so lovingly made for me. The bag contained my slate, a few writing clay pencils and my lunch parcel that my mother so carefully put in a metal container. While several students showed up at school with new shoes or a new uniform I was armed with nothing fancy but myself. However, I soon found my proper place at school and became one of the favorite students of the teachers when I managed to establish good friendship with other colleagues and do a lot better than others in my studies.

Besides my home and my village the school was my favorite place of learning. My teachers and my faithful friends and colleagues were my mentors. I paid proper attention and respect to all those who interacted with me with respect. Books became my treasure and reading them was my deep interest. Student life moved on and home life became my propeller of good conduct.

It is believed that many things in life are temporary, therefore if things are going good for us let us enjoy it to the fullest because they will not last forever. However, if on some days things are not going well and we are feeling bad. let us not worry too much about them because they too cannot last forever either.

In the words of my ancestors when things are not adding up in our life let us start subtracting them gradually. Our every day may not be good but there is something good in every day. Good or Bad Day but just smile because we have a lot to be thankful for.

My experience is that even Angels have fallen and failed.

Then why should we have fear of fall and failure?

Journey of our life begins with our first firm step.

I know that everyone has secrets to tell but they fear reprisal.

People who rise and rise are the ones who have learnt to never give up.

People, who love, laugh and learn from mistakes live life fully well.

Fear for us can be two edged sword when on the one hand it becomes the greatest thief of all our time and on the other hand it becomes our vision and our dreams.

Of course, anything can be possible when we firmly believe in what we are doing.

I tried my best to develop my positive life and living and God helped me achieve all I was able to do.