The Other Side: A Collection Of My Thoughts by DR Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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This is Life


There comes a time in life of everyone when we must make the difficult and important decision to let certain things, ideas and feelings go. It may be a negative attitude that you know for sure no longer serves you and your life; it may be a relationship where you are suffering unnecessarily rather than growing together with love and compassion; or it may be an addiction that you know is destroying you and does not represent you as a good human being. However, it takes a lot of courage to face so many truthful words, actions, thoughts and character about who you are and the choices that you have been making in your life as well as the decisions that you have been taking to improve your future.

I have lived a happy and successful family and professional life for the last eighty years and have served the communities in different countries as best as I possibly could. I have no regrets and I have fulfilled all my objectives in life and still eager to go on with my accomplishments. I am confident that my life in and after here and now is going to be reasonably good because I have faith in the powers and blessings of Almighty God and all my loved ones. Of course, there are many good people around me who are giving me the needed tender loving care and they all deserve my sincere appreciation.

Soon I will be proudly entering into my eighties with the greatest of good feelings, a clearer mind, a loving heart and a kinder disposition. No one owes me anything but I owe a lot to everyone who has served me respectfully and with care. My hearty and sincere appreciation goes to all my family members, my faithful friends and all those kind and caring people in the local and federal government. I would not have lived this short life well if these thoughtful people did not take the initiative to look after all my needs.

I am not a perfect human being and so I may have inadvertently and unintentionally wronged some of my people somewhere and sometime. For all these I am sorry and as I have decided to let it all go I would like my people to forgive me for my trespasses and let it all go in order to keep the future relationships intact and worthy. I am truly grateful for all the valuable experiences that I have got in my life. We all know that our life is too short for any sort of pent up anger, grudges, stress, sorrow and pain therefore forgiveness becomes the best gift we can dish out to and for each other. Let us take every effort to make our future life years full of forgiveness, compassionate attitude and a sensible period of positive interactions.

After so many ups and downs as well as great hopes of the future one more year has passed away. Many of us are happy and thankful that a new beginning is here to start for us. Many of us will happily welcome our every next day with love, joy, and peace. However, there are still so many in this world who have nothing to celebrate because of various reasons such as poverty, sickness and other depressive moments in life. Every next moment is a fresh start to all our plans, activities and tasks which we want to accomplish. Let us start each new day with a desirable goal and see that it is achieved by our hard-work and smart-work.

Every next day of our life is the time when we all are excited about the new opportunities which are going to knock at our door-steps. It is time to forget all the past bad memories and move forward with the positive outlook. Life is short on this earth so people should regularly gather together and celebrate the day and night in their own way. I get very happy when I see that people throw parties, hang out with friends, some plan to sit at home and enjoy together with the whole family. Then some religious people worship God and plan a holy visit to temples of their choice. Each one of us prays to the almighty to shower the richest blessings upon us. So with many wishes we start our new day that unfolds for us. This is life.



“My life was beautiful and I enjoyed every moment of it. It kept on echoing whatever signals I sent out. What I sow so I reaped and whatever I gave I got it back. Most of all what I saw in others I ultimately found out that it existed within me. I took my life as an open book to look at a new page everyday and I developed my own chapters to see that I got a happy ending.”


