The Secret Behind the Secret by Brian McPherson - HTML preview

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Do You Have The Wealth You Desire?

If not, maybe I can share a few things with you. I certainly don’t want to come across as a know it all or a guru but I would like to share some things with you that I have learned over the years…if that’s ok with you, of courseJ

Does it seem like the more you want or need money, the more it eludes you?


00002.jpgWealth increase is one of the most widely and often reported benefits of people who use the Sedona Method.


I will explain the reason why in this chapter and also tie together how to make The Law of Attraction work much better for you

It is believed that up to 98% of the thoughts we have each and every day are thoughts that are subconscious. So maybe 2% of the thoughts we have daily are conscious. This is where a lot of the techniques such as in the movie The Secret come short.
Controlling only 2-5% of your total thoughts isn’t going to work very well when 95-98% of the thoughts below the surface are in conflict with what you want.

What the Sedona Method teaches you is how to let go of all of the garbage, all of the negative thoughts, feelings, and programs that are lurking below the surface and sabotaging us in our endeavors.

When there is no subconscious resistance to getting what you want, then you achieve your goals sooo much easier and you are just more in flow of life.




00003.jpgAn example: If you are tired of working 7 days a week to try and make ends meet, your thoughts are going to be negative.

You are going to ask yourself constantly if this is the way it is always going to be. Why can’t I be rich? Why can’t I find a good job that pays well? These thoughts are attracting negativity to you.

The secret to stopping this pattern is to release the negative thoughts and feelings from your subconscious that you probably are not even aware of. Controlling your conscious thoughts is not enough.
It is really the thoughts and feelings in your subconscious that is running the show. When you learn to release them, you can naturally think more and you will naturally be more successful...and with lot less effort than you are putting forth now.

So it is possible to increase your wealth if you can get the negative thoughts and feelings to leave your mind.

And the thing I have found when applying the Sedona Method is that when you are working on one area, say attracting wealth, by releasing the negative programs in that area, other areas of life will clear up as well because negativity is negativity.

That is why when most people have financial difficulties, they usually have relationship or health issues and vice versa.

So essentially what happens is when you release all of your “anti-programs” in your subconscious mind, you essentially put the law of attraction on steroids.

What do I mean by that? Well, when you focus on what you want and you are free of everything in your subconscious that is in conflict with what you want, your thoughts are INCREDIBLY magnetic at this point.

So the reason why The Secret and The Law of Attraction works for some people or only in some areas of your life is because you don’t have a lot of counter intentions in your subconscious.
When your conscious mind and your subconscious mind are in conflict, your subconscious mind always wins…always.


That is why it's so hard to break a habit. If you release those negative programs and feelings that drive the habit, however, the habits just drops away all by itself.

In the next chapter, I’ll discuss weight loss. Weight loss and body image issue were a nightmare for me. I wish I had found the Method back in high school...or even college for that matter.