The Secret to Speaking to Your Destiny and Causing It to Manifest by Musa S. Joel - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


Conditioned for Greatness


“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” – Genesis 12:2-3


IT was Robert F. Kennedy who wrote:


“Few will have the greatness to bend

   History itself, but each of us can work to

a small portion of events . . . it is from

   numberless acts of courage and belief

   that human history is shaped.”


By nature we are all creatures of greatness, courage and value; however that might not be the way many see themselves as they journey through life faced-down with hardship and difficult situation, having “nothing else to cling to.” . . .


So visit your standing mirror once again, and with the stringent observation of a wise man rather than like a fool who passes through a forest and sees no firewood, pay particular attention to the work of art and intelligence that reflects in your mirror, and discover that you are not conceived out of a primitive idea, or that you’re like a lost identity or coin, or like a Bush Indian lost amidst the thick of the forest (please, no offense to the Bush Indians). . .


Whether you’re a hunter, a fisherman or an illiterate in a modern city, in you dwells the riches, the fullness and the glory of humanity. You don’t need to be a Bill Gates in the heart of U.S, a Dangote in the center of Africa, a Sophocles in Athens, or a Shakespeare in England.


Yet, many of us are so blind to this; on the contrary, we patronize ideas that amplify our weakness and limitation, which have been the place where we often exhibits our follies; and this is one of the reasons why we cannot reach the peak of our human achievement, height and greatness. . .


Because the truth is, there are thousands of people out there who see themselves with no value, with no “thousand points of light” or as someone who will never amount to very much in life. As such, they entangled themselves with the “grievous yoke” of maintaining the status quo!


Why? How did it happen?


Sure, it all begins at the very moment they lose their quality of mind and spirit (To have a better perspective on this, I have authored a book titled, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: A Secret Guide to Moving from Fear to Freedom). . .


And finally, whether you believe it or not this is of no consequence:


[T]he truth is, we all have our place in life like Archimedes in Greece, Joan of Arc in France, D.H Lawrence in Nottingham, Shakespeare in England, Musa Joel in Nigeria, and you, my friend, wherever you might be reading this book from, no doubt have your own place in life, too; - a profound personality, an insightful knowledge and incisive mind!


But you will never discover the potency of all these until you, my friend, make a deeper discovery of who you are, of your complex nature and the divinity that is resident deep inside you! The Bible says that we have been made partakers of His divine nature.



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