The Secret to Speaking to Your Destiny and Causing It to Manifest by Musa S. Joel - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


Imminent Barriers to Your Brilliant Creativity


“The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.” – II Timothy 2:6

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The reason why the essence of your life will die off is when you conform to the negative prophecies others are speaking into your life. . . But if you accept these negative prophecies into your life, like hydrogen bombs they would invade and devastate your entire life into million particles. . .


Negative affirmation or assumption, for instance, and too often are what stunts our productivity, progress and achievement or the very power we possess!


The Word says, “Thou hath snared with thy own mouth”. That is to say we have become prey to our own words; we set our words against ourselves, against the very laws which were designed to work to our favor and not against us; hence, the need to constantly feed our minds with strong, positive affirmation! (I’ve written a book on the efficacy of the power of your spoken words called, How to Turn Words into Money, which I will suggests you order so as to improve how to coordinate the power of your spoken words in order to get whatever you want out of life, since it takes a deeper look into the efficacy of the power of words and how often we trivialized with words. Tragically, many of us don’t even know that words are gift). . .


Therefore, free up yourself from too many activities by which you have entangled yourself which often brings little or almost no result, and concentrate awfully hard on those little things that brings enormous results and high returns!


Successful result is not the result of so much activity, strain, or by constantly being busy as a bee; in fact, it has never been the result of much work and activity. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zachariah 4:6). . .


 . . . to solely believe the lie that hard work alone is the key to the life you desperately aspire for is just as useless as trying to light up the sky with a torch! “Wisdom is profitable to direct”, says the Great Book.


Thus, it suggests that real success is all about insight and intuition or rather, the product of wisdom and the workforce of a dedicated, creative mind! ]In the book, Donald Trump’s Secret Revealed: How to Get Rich While Everyone Else is Afraid, I reiterated that, “ . . . anyone can master their financial life, anyone can be financially successful and have more money so long as their belief does not contradict their actions and they have a clear-cut plan that tells their brains what to do and how to avoid certain challenges, difficulties and obstacles that can prevent them from having excess money beyond their wildest imagination . . .


[And] . . . you’ve got to understand that this is a generation that responds positively and rapidly only to those who work smarter and not to those who work harder, or who spend so much time working their fingers to the sun, thus breaking their spinal cord to survive!”



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