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To any ghost hunter, Borley Rectory has always been one of the most intriguing and fascinating residences on the face of the planet as regards paranormal occurrences. Described as being the most haunted house in England, Borley Rectory has been the subject of intense investigation by hundreds of researchers and experts over the years, and even to this day, people are still profoundly interested in the creepy stories that have, for so long, surrounded the property and its location. Borley Rectory was erected on the site of an ancient monastery, and the ghost of a sorrowful nun, who strolled along the so-called "Nun's Walk", was already well known to the villagers at that time. The story goes that she was a wayward sister from the nearby nunnery at Bures who had fallen in love with a monk from the Borley Monastery. The two lovers had tried to elope together, but had been quickly tracked down. The monk was executed and the nun bricked up in the cellars of the monastic buildings! The Rectory was built back in 1863 by Reverend Henry Bull, but was later destroyed by a large fire in February 1939. The house was located in Essex near the river Stour, and it was reported that a great deal of poltergeist and related phenomena did occur there even before anyone had moved in. In 1930, Reverend Lionel Foyster and his family moved there, but left only 5 years later after a staggering 2000 accounts of unexplained paranormal phenomena. From strange writing which appeared on a regular basis on the walls, to unusual apparitions and figures appearing to be moving through the gardens at night - the family were constantly plagued by these disturbing supernatural occurrences and events. The spirits haunting Borley Rectory were believed to be responsible for strange messages scribbled in pencil on the walls. The words in capital letters were written by investigators trying to communicate with the spirit entity. The most famous ghost hunter in all paranormal history, Harry Price, investigated the Rectory extensively. However, much controversy has surrounded his findings, and the debate about exactly what he experienced there still goes on even to this day. The last people to reside in Borley Rectory were Captain William Gregson and his family, and after the fire it was thought that the ghosts had actually moved across the road to the nearby Borley Church. One thing is certain, however, and that is the extent to which these hauntings had occurred after and during the time when the Rectory had been occupied. There were dozens of mysterious photographs taken throughout the years, some of them showing what appeared to be strange dark figures and apparitions in the grounds around the Rectory. Were these pictures nothing more than exaggerated remnants of someone's overactive imagination, or perhaps something of a much more paranormal nature? Nobody will ever really know for sure, and Borley Rectory will probably remain one of the most haunted houses in the history of paranormal research.
