Writings @ Ankur Mutreja by Ankur Mutreja - HTML preview

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Chapter 1.1.12: Don't Rape Girls; Either Pay Them or Marry Them

Hearing a plea seeking a pre-arrest bail to a man, who had sex with a woman and later refused to marry her, the Delhi High Court established that getting a girl into bed on the promise of marriage and later refusing to tie the knot amounted to rape.
“If a girl surrenders herself to a boy who comes in contact with her for the first time only in connection with a proposal for her marriage and then enters into a formal ceremony of engagement…she does it not because she loves him or wants to have pleasure with him, but because she doesn’t want to disappoint her future husband,” the High Court stated.

The Delhi High Court has hit it bang on this time. These kinds of losers should be dealt with like this only. Neither can they make enough efforts to find a “loose” character girlfriend nor can they earn enough to employ a prostitute. I agree there are many thinkers who have considered marriage as institutionalized prostitution, but that doesn’t mean you will start having free lunches. If the guy has sex before marriage, he should either pay the girl or marry her. If the sex with a prostitute with a reneged promise of payment can be termed as rape, then why not the sex with a potential bride with a reneged promise of marriage be termed as rape too! It’s high time we started respecting girls. Don’t rape girls. Either pay them or marry them.