10 Great Ways to Self-Esteem by James Vanstone - HTML preview

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Tip 5 Visualize Your Way To Self Esteem

“Visualize the thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it, mark your mental blue print, and begin to build” Robert Collier

Are you aware of the power of your mind and nervous system? Did you know you have the ability to experience anything you wish to just by visualizing. Well, to start with then, close your eyes and imagine standing in front of a rose garden, as you look at the roses you can see their vivid colors, smell their fragrant smells, and feel a summer breeze. So. . . how was that? Did you find the colors came easily, the fragrance easily, and the feel of the summer breeze quite real? If you did, you have just proven to yourself that you can create any experience you want by using your own mind. If you did not find it so easy, do not be disheartened. Visualization is a skill which can be learned by us all, and gets easier and easier the more we practice it.
It is important to learn to get into relaxed states of consciousness when visualizing. A nice quiet place in a safe environment is key. Many of us again, have a tendency to visualize on negative things, which is not good for us, as we immediately experience the feelings and emotions we attach to those negative things. Some of us wake up in the morning in a state of fear, dread, frustration, or fatigue. The very thought of a new day can seem like quite a burden. Some of us wish the day had ended before it began. Ever had that? I know I have had many a waking experience like this. The good news is that, ONCE YOU REALISE THAT YOU CAN VISUALISE A POSITIVE VIEW OF YOUR DAY, MORE SATISFYING RESULTS WILL FOLLOW.
Lets think about this for a moment. Can anybody else influence the way you choose to think and feel? Can your boss decide how you will think and feel? Can your friend? Can your enemy? Can a Hollywood movie star? I'm going to ask this question in a similar way now: Do you let anybody else influence the way you chose to think and feel? The truth is ONLY YOU DECIDE HOW YOU WANT TO THINK AND FEEL.
Some of us go through pretty rough times when we are faced with situations in which we have to engage with others who annoy and frustrate us. We can easily lose track of who we are, and our self esteem can lower as we struggle with feelings of anger and hostility. It is during these times visualization can be of a great benefit to us. Here's something you can begin today! Start making visualization a part of your life. Enjoy it like a hobby and reap the benefits of a greater self esteem follow this simple example exercise

Ï Nominate a quiet room where you will not be disturbed, select some nice relaxation music, use cushions and either sit in lotus position or lie comfortably on your back.
Ï Take some nice slow deep breaths and close your eyes, as you inhale utter the words peace and light, as you exhale feel the tension go out of your body
Ï Now imagine viewing your day on a big movie screen,each part of the day fragmented into chapters. Picture bright colors. See yourself upon that screen full of calmness and peace. Imagine that you are smiling as you go to your first destination
Ï Now still being aware of your breathing, look up at the screen and notice yourself full of laughter, excitement, and peace of mind
Ï feel in your body these great feelings of peace of mind, fun, and confidence
Ï Make the pictures on the movie screen brighter, and the good feelings you have stronger and stronger
Ï Now imagine, all things throughout your day turning out positive, don't be afraid, see these positive things happening upon that screen, and feel the joy and greatness of the day
Practice positive visualization daily and reap the benefits of a greater self esteem