7 Health Myths Demolished by Janice Yap - HTML preview

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Today, we are living in a generation of unprecedented achievements in the area of science and research, with many new discoveries and new inventions. Things that were never conceived before are now coming to pass – driverless cars, immediate connectivity to anywhere in the world.

Medical science too has proceeded very much since the days of Hippocrates (in Greece), Hua Tuo (in China) or Suśruta (in India). In the present world, there is abundance of highly advanced medical tools, huge variety of pharmaceutical drugs and synthetic or extracted supplements meant to replace what we lack in our body. Despite this, why are we not able to arrest the disease rate globally?

Globally today, these are the astoundingly gloomy health statistics:

Cancers is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer related deaths in 2012. The number of new cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 2 decades.


The number of adults living with diabetes has almost quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults.


In 2008, worldwide, approximately 40% of adults aged 25 and above had been diagnosed with hypertension (or high blood pressure).


We need to be very clear on the role of medical advancement, it can help us to prolong life. However, it doesn’t help us in maintaining quality of life, isn’t it?

So who can help us maintain or even better our health translating to our quality of life? Who is our Best Doctor?

Introducing to you, our immune system!! *claps*


Our immune system is this little small guy that lives in us. He is always busy every day, with many different things to take care of due to the many many foreign invaders that enter or attempt to enter our body.

Here is a summary of what are the organs that play a part in our immune system. Also, what are the 3 main tasks that our very busy immune system carries out on a daily basis.


In fact, when it gets too busy and is unable to cope with the workload, then diseases appear. Alternatively, if it gets too over- stimulated by the drugs or chemical load in our body, diseases also appear.

As a result, many illnesses that suddenly pop up, can be traced to malfunction of our immune system.


Nutritional Immunology is the study of how plant food nutrients can nourish our immune system and keep it balanced. Hence, aiding us in overcoming 99% of the illnesses that we see.

In order to qualify to be named as a SUPERFOOD in Nutritional Immunology standards, the plant foods must ONLY enhance our immune system.

By having a good grasp on understanding how our immune system works, we can not only have good health and longevity, but we can also look good, in aging gracefully.

In this book, we will be demolishing 7 Health Myths and through it, giving better solutions for a healthier, better looking you! Stay with me till the end, as long as you learn and apply, you will get to the result you want! Let’s go!
