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Bee Pollen


The World’s Most Complete Food



Foto-Sura Nualpradid's


By Angela


Bee pollen is the world’s most complete food. It contains every  basic vitamin, mineral, enzyme and hormone essential for general  well-being and good health. In its fresh, natural form, it is  completely absorbed by the body and is 100% digestible.


Professor Alain Callias, Ph.D. at the Academy of Agriculture, Paris,  France, investigated whether referring to bee pollen as "nature’s  perfect food" was accurate, and if humans could survive on bee  pollen alone for an extended period of time.


During the course of his studies, he found that 36 grams of bee  pollen a day would supply the average man with every necessary  nutrient!


So what is Bee Pollen?


Bee pollen is one of nature's Super foods. It is simply flower pollen  with a little bit of "magic" added by the bee. The actual gathering of  pollen is a lot more complex than it would seem to most of us. When  the honeybee spots a flower, she settles on the stamen (the pollen  producing part) and skillfully scrapes off the powdery loose pollen  with her jaws and front legs.


Next, she moistens the pollen with a dab of the honey she brought  from the hive. Her tibia contains thick, trimming bristles called  "combs," which she uses to brush the gold powder from her body  mid-flight into tiny baskets found on the outside of her legs.


When her basket is full, the microscopic golden dust has been  pressed down into a single golden granule. Back at the hive,  enzymes and nectar are added to the flower pollen to make bee  pollen.


It is often referred to as "the bread of bees." It is actually pollen that  bees use for nourishment, not honey.


One of Nature’s Perfect Super Foods


One of the most fascinating things about bee pollen is that it can’t be  duplicated in a laboratory. Even though thousands of analyses have  been made on bee pollen using modem technologies, there still are  certain components in it which science cannot identify. The bees add  some mysterious ingredients that may very well attribute to its  amazing healing properties.


Bee pollen is considered a "super food," meaning that it contains  every ingredient required for sustaining life. It is 25% vegetable  protein (including at least 18 amino acids, and all eight essential  amino acids) and contains more than a dozen vitamins, 28 minerals,  11 enzymes and co enzymes, and 11 carbohydrates. This is why they  call bee pollen "nature’s perfect food!" It contains every vitamin,  mineral and amino acid that the human body needs.


The history of bee pollen is even older than mankind. Bees buzzed  over our planet long before humans came into existence. The pollen  and honey produced by the bees provided nourishment for animals  in the very early days and later for people as well. We now know  that primitive man not only fought the bees for their honey, but also  feasted on the bee pollen stored in the comb. Aboriginal tribes still  feast on bee grubs and regard bee pollen and honey as "well worth  the price of a few stings."


The Bible, Torah, Koran, along with the scrolls of the Orient, the  writings of ancient Greece and Rome, even the relatively recent  Book of Mormon, all praise the industrious honeybee and her highly  nutritious and healing products of the beehive. There are even  legends which claim that bee pollen was the secret "ambrosia" eaten  by the ancient gods to acquire eternal youth.


 The Benefits of Bee Pollen


The health benefits of bee pollen are plentiful. Heck, even  Hippocrates stated bee pollen contained the secret against old age  and from what I understand he was a pretty smart guy. So perhaps  it’s worth reading a bit further.


Before moving on though, I will warn you - there is a lot of hype out  there surrounding bee pollen. Just enter it into Google and you'll  find dozens and dozens of supposed 'miracle cures' attributed to  nothing but someone's pollen use.


 Be careful.


I worked in my parents honey shop from the time I could walk and  heard and saw hundreds of testimonials on the power and benefits of  bee pollen.


Heck, I even met a guy who lived on nothing but bee pollen and  fruit for six months! (I don’t recommend this).


But I never saw it 'cure cancer' or 'increase endurance by 50%' like  some web sites claim. I did however see people with cancer use it as  part of a comprehensive holistic health approach to their treatment  and get well.


And I did see athletes achieve amazing results using bee pollen as  one tool in their nutritional arsenal.


So just remember, there is NO ONE supplement that will 'do it all',  like some marketers claim. And while I'd vote for bee pollen if I had  to pick the closest thing to a 'do it all' supplement, remember that  attaining perfect health will likely involve eating many healthy  foods and taking many healthy supplements.


Here is a list of some of the many benefits of bee pollen - all from  respected Doctors from around the world:


* Dr. Betty Lee Morales claims "Bee Pollen is the only known food  which contains every essential nutrient needed by mankind for  perfect health."


* Dr. Leo Conway treated over 60,000 verified cases of allergies  with Bee Pollen and said "pollen immunization can be achieved by  incorporating pollen in food. Resistance is built by continuing  ingestion of bee gathered pollens from any location."


By the way, I'm currently putting bee pollen to "the allergy test"  with my husband Mark, a long time allergy sufferer. Read his results  here.


* Dr. G.J. Binding said "Pollen is a giant germ killer in which  bacteria simply cannot exist and not only builds up strength and  energy, but gives increased resistance to infection."


* Lars-Erik Essen, MD said "Pollen has a profound biological effect  preventing premature aging of the cells and promoting growth of  new tissue. It smooths away wrinkles and stimulates blood supply to  all skin cells."


* Dr. Maurice Hanssen said "Pollen should be part of the ideal  athletes diet, a diet pattern which produces maximum performance  with no harmful side effects. Pollen is rich in micro elements that  may not be present in the normal diet. The pre-sorbtion of bee pollen  allows the trace elements to be incorporated in the body without  excessive loss."


And here is an excerpt from my mother Annie's web site. She’s been  working with bee pollen and royal jelly for over 28 years now and  travels around the world learning and teaching the science of  apitherapy (the science of using bee products for health).


I can honestly say she has seen and heard it all when it comes to  bees and the benefits of bee pollen.


"Bee Pollen has been known to help speed up the healing process,  revitalize the body's many systems and assist in protecting cells in  our bodies from free radical damage - a major cause of cancer.  It helps to improve unhealthy and/or aging skin, clear acne, age  spots and plump wrinkles."


"It helps those who bruise easily, due to its rutin content which helps  build strength in the capillary walls, helps strengthen the heart, helps  fight anemia, and helps regulate high blood pressure by regulating  blood flow.


A number of athletes use it to help increase their endurance and  strength as well as a natural weight control."


"Rich in lecithin, bee pollen helps speed up calorie burning and  stabilize faulty metabolism, and helps benefit digestion.


Bee Pollen targets the entire body, but gives a special boost to  reproductive, immune and nervous systems. It has antibiotic,  astringent, relaxant, tonic, and nutritive properties. It helps to correct  and stabilize our body chemistry."


Science and Research


Most of the research on the therapeutic properties of bee pollen has  taken place in Europe and Russia. Since the 1940s, many analytic  studies have been conducted on bee pollen, particularly at the  Laboratory of Apiary Research, near Paris, France.


These studies used both mice and humans and found bee pollen to  be completely nontoxic for both. In nutritional tests, "hundreds of  mice have demonstrated that pollen is a complete food and that it is  possible to let several successive generations be born and live  without the least sign of distress while nourishing them exclusively  on pollen."


Researchers also discovered that bee pollen contained nutritive,  energetic, and metabolic properties, as well as antibiotic substances  that are effective against coli-bacillus and certain strains of  salmonella.


Dr. Paavo Aitrola, a well-known nutritionist in his field, stated,  "Pollen is the richest and most complete food in nature. It increases  the body’s resistance to stress and disease and also speeds up the  healing process in most conditions of ill health..."


This is especially important today when pollution, pesticides,  preservatives and the over-use of antibiotics continually challenge  our immune system.


Dr. Leo Conway, M.D, who treats his patients with pollen by oral  ingestion, explains:


"All patients who had taken the antigen (pollen) for three years  remained free from all allergy symptoms, no matter where they lived  and regardless of diet. Control has been achieved in 100 percent of  the earlier cases and the field is expanding...


The Side Effects of Bee Pollen


Although it is a food, it is still important to talk about the side  effects of bee pollen.


Some people are sensitive to it and can develop a slight reaction.  This will happen especially if one takes too much of it or increase  their intake too fast.


For example, some have an "over stimulated, super sensitive"  immune system and are sensitive to any foreign substance, while  others have "guts of steal" and can eat practically anything without a  flinch.


Any foreign NEW substance entering the blood stream is considered  an invader and the immune system is sent in to investigate and  defend. Then the body makes immunoglobins (link) to protect you  so that the next time the same substance comes in, you won’t be as  reactive.


It is the people whose immune systems overreact that tend to  experience the perceived side effects of bee pollen.


Bee Pollen IS NOT a drug.


However, it is possible that you could be sensitive to it the same way  you are sensitive to food. This sensitivity can manifest itself as a  side effect of bee pollen.


Hypersensitive? Here's How to Minimize the Side Effects


Remember, for best results, bee pollen is taken gradually at first and  if tolerated well can be increased up to 1 TBSP per day or more.  To find out if you are sensitive to bee pollen, first take one kernel  and place it under your tongue. Leave the pollen particle there until  it is absorbed completely into the mucous membrane. The  components of the bee pollen will go directly into your blood  stream. This will rule out hypersensitivity and the side effects of bee  pollen.


Learn everything you need to know about bee pollen, raw honey and  propolis from The Beekeepers's Daughter at

www.beepollenbuzz.com Source: bee-pollen-buzz.com


 Angela is a Canadian expert about bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis,   natural skin care products and more. You can find valuable   information in your website www.beepollenbuzz.com



Bee Pollen - Eat to prolong longevity and reverse

 nutritional deficiencies


Bee pollen can be described as one of the most nutritious foods on  the planet. It has been referred to as a "Naturès fountain of youth"  because it provides so many health benefits. It may even be a cure  for certain health problems.


Bee pollen has been used for thousands of years. It was used by the  early Egyptian and Chinese civilizations. It was also used by  Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, 2500 years ago.  Bee pollen is made from plant pollen, a dust sized seed found on the  stamen or male reproductive organ, of all flowers. As bees collect  nectar from flowers, the pollen sticks to their legs. Bee pollen looks  like tiny yellow, tan, orange, and brown balls.


One of the most amazing things about bee pollen is that it contains  all of the nutrients that you need to live. Some studies have shown  that mice only fed bee pollen showed no signs of malnourishment.  Bee pollen consists of 55% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 3%  vitamins and minerals, 2% fatty acids, and 5% other substances. It  also contains 14.2% fiber. Bee pollen contains 5 to 7 times the  amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese. It  is also very high in Vitamin B-complex, which is needed in order to  help the body function correctly, and several antioxidants including  lycopene, selenium, beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It also  contains lecithin, which has been shown to normalize cholesterol  and triglycerides, and it decreases LDL cholesterol, the "bad  cholesterol," and increases HDL cholesterol, the "good cholesterol."


  Bee pollen offers many benefits


1. It increases energy levels, most likely due to its high  concentration of B vitamins, protein, and amino acids. You may feel  a significant increase in your energy levels right away, and it will  also improve your stamina and endurance.


2. It may help with weight loss. It contains lecithin, which helps to  remove fat from the body and also increases metabolism. Bee pollen  also has some diuretic capabilities, which help to decrease food  cravings and hunger pangs. This also helps with weight loss.


In addition to these benefits, bee pollen also is beneficial in  improving your immune system, decreasing menstrual cramps,  decreasing acne, helping wounds heal quicker, decreasing  depression and fatigue, normalizing blood glucose. Source:  http://www.naturalnews.com/030466_bee_pollen_longevity.html


 My Personal Experience


30 years ago my sister Teonila spoke to me about the pollen, she  was consuming it regularly and she consumes it up to today, her age  78 years and her health excellent. I remained impressed by the  healthy properties of the pollen and also I started consuming it. The  pollen helped me very much to balance my nerves and to relieve a  chronic allergy that I was suffering from young.


When my 8-year-old son suffered a severe allergic picture, I did not  hesitate to supply pollen him and I did it for 2 years, 1 teaspoon of  pollen every day; his allergy improved notably and in general his  health. Today my son is 26 years old, his height 1.85 and it is  probable that the pollen has influenced his high stature. The pollen  contains a great concentration of hormones of the growth.


Throughout the years, in house we have consumed the pollen with  break periods. One year ago my wife and I have restarted the  consumption of pollen, 1 spoonful every morning and among others  things I notice her healthful and luminous face, she is 57 years old. I  feel very well and the pollen surely contributes to my well-being of  health.


Foto: Kevin Mcneal Marvelous Nature