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 Incas Ate Maca



Foto : Arvind Balaraman's


Maca roots represent centuries of cumulative selections by  indigenous farmers, but it is only recently that scientists and  governments have been growing out, testing and saving maca seeds.  Because of the increasing demand for maca, both domestically and  for export, the area planted to maca has expanded dramatically. In  1994, less than 50 hectares of maca were cultivated in Peru. By  1999, Peru saw a 24-fold increase to 1,200 hectares. Today, an  estimated 2,000 hectares of maca are being cultivated. Previously,  cultivation of maca was limited to two departments in Peru - Junin  and Cerro de Pasco. Production now spans six Peruvian departments  Source ethnohealth


 Maca Medicinal and Nutritional Properties


It looks like a tiny brown turnip, has a strong smell and what some  consider a disgusting taste, but Peru's ''miracle'' maca can boost your  sex drive by up to 200 percent, according to a study presented some  time ago.


Maca has been used medicinally for centuries in Peru to enhance  fertility in humans and animals. Soon after the Spanish Conquest the  Spanish found that their livestock were reproducing poorly in the  highlands. The local Indians recommended feeding the animals  Maca Root and so remarkable were the results that Spanish  chroniclers gave in-depth reports. Even Colonial records of some  200 years ago indicate that payments of roughly 9 tons of Maca  Roots were demanded from one Andean area alone for this purpose.  Its fertility enhancing properties were supported clinically as early  as 1961, when researchers discovered it increased the fertility of  rats.


This energizing plant is also referred to as Peruvian ginseng,  although Maca Root is not in the same family as ginseng. Today  ongoing studies are being performed to scientifically prove the  benefits for fertility in men and women.


The nutritional value of dried Maca Root is high, resembling cereal  grains such as maize, rice and wheat. It has 59% carbohydrates,  10.2% protein, 8.5% fibre and 2.2% lipids. It has a large amount of  essential amino acids and higher levels of iron and calcium than  potatoes. Maca Root contains important amounts of fatty acids  including linolenic, palmitic and oleic acids. It is rich in sterols and  has a high mineral content as well. In addition to its rich supply of  essential nutrients, Maca Root contains alkaloids, tannins and  saponins. A chemical analysis conducted as far back as 1981  showed the presence of biologically active aromatic isothiocyanates,  especially p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which have reputed  aphrodisiac properties. Initial analysis of Maca Root indicates that  the effects on fertility are a result of the glucosinolates.


"Maca" is growing in world popularity due to its energizing effects, fertility enhancement and aphrodisiac qualities.


Other traditional uses include:


  • Boost energy.
  • Cut stress.
  • Increase fertility.
  • Promoting mental clarity.
  • Treating male impotence.
  • Vital for people with excess of physical and mental work.
  • Corrects the chronic constipation.
  • Stops the fall of the hair and stimulates its growth.
  • It is a powerful one restorative cellular, it slows the age.
  • Helping with menstrual irregularities and female hormonal  imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue  syndrome.
  • It is used as an alternative to anabolic steroids by bodybuilders  due to its richness in sterols.
  • Maca Root is also used as an immuno-stimulant, for anemia,  tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms,  stomach cancer, sterility and other reproductive and sexual  disorders as well as to enhance memory.


Today, dried Maca roots are ground to powder and sold in drug  stores in capsules as a medicine and food supplement to increase  stamina and fertility.


 Maca: Menopause Symptoms


Are you going through uncomfortable mood swings and frustrating  hot flashes? Are you having sleep difficulties? Maca is a natural and  healthy alternative to dramatically ease your symptoms during peri- menopause, menopause, and post-menopause.


Low or High levels of estrogen are a common problem to many

women, which bring frustrating consequences to their health. Maca  root will dramatically fix these problems. Maca acts as a hormonal  regulator that will bring your body to its proper balance. As a result,  maca will alleviate menopausal and painful menstrual symptoms.  What's more, maca will increase your energy, reduce your stress,  and even help you overcome depression. Get rid of hot flashes now!  You won't be disappointed; all maca benefits are achieved in a very  healthy way, and are only a result of natural hormonal balancing.


  Maca Root and Sexuality


Dr. Malaspina First found out about maca through a group of  sexually active older men who were taking the herb with good  results. "One of these groups started taking maca and found he was  able to perform satisfactorily in a sexual relationship with a lady  friend. Soon everyone in the group began drinking the powdered  maca as a beverage and enjoying the boost that the root was giving  their hormonal functions. I have several of these men as patients,  and their improvement prompted me to find out more about maca  and begin recommending it to my other patients."


Aguila Calderon, M.D., Is the former Dean of the Faculty of  Human Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal in  Lima. He says, "Maca has a lot of easily absorbable calcium, plus  magnesium and a fair amount of silica. We are finding it very useful  in treating the decalcification of bones in children and adults." In his  practice, Dr. Calderon uses maca for male impotence, erectile  dysfunction, menopausal symptoms, and general fatigue.


Chicago physician Gary F. Gordon, Former President of the  American College for Advancement in Medicine, is also a maca  supporter. "We all hear rumours about various products like maca,"  he says. "But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally  experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. I  call it nature's answer to Viagra.  What I see in maca is a means of normalizing our steroid hormones  like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. Therefore it has the  facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging. It acts on men to  restore them to a healthy functional status in which they experience  a more active libido."  It's a miracle product, said Fernando Cabieses, a professor and  authority on maca, a plant he said was a nutritional gem for people  of all ages.  ''According to reports from the international medical community, the  plant definitely has energy-giving properties, boosts physical and  sexual performance ...




Since maca is a food; it is used in much higher doses than most other  medicinal herbs and can also be used over a long period of time  without harmful effects. A minimum of 10g per day of the dried root  is required for you to notice any real benefit, with 25g being the  recommended amount and you can increase this considerably if you  so desire.


Source: peruvian-maca


 Peruvian-Maca.com started operations in 1999 between Peruvian Products of Houston, TX and Amazon Nutrition of Peru

 (www.amazon-nutrition.com) formerly known as PTN S.A.

 Peruvian-Maca.com has since become an internet leader supplier of

 Maca products in different presentations.
