A Mind of Your Own: The Truth about Depression and Natural Treatment for Whole Body Wellness by Deniz Yalım - HTML preview

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If You Suffer From Depression

When we take a step back, we see we are not a burden to others. In fact, the very thing we think we can’t do is what we need to do in order to move through depression. I am not talking about asking for help. That’s a tall order for the one who is depressed. I am talking about being willing to get help.

The pain that depressed victims suffer is a gut-wrenching, soul-sucking disease. But if you are willing to receive help, then you have already overcome the hardest part. Allowing yourself to receive is an emotional and spiritual experience most depression sufferers have difficulty opening up to.

The disease makes its victims feel unworthy and unloved. But when we can open up and receive love, help from friends who are there, family who does love us, then we can begin to shift our awareness. Life can be lived again and joy is possible. Our hopelessness turns to hope then quickly to faith. And faith is seeing light in your heart even if your eyes still see darkness.

In my own personal recovery, I had to let love in. I had to allow myself to receive. This happened through prayer, meditation, opening up to close loved ones, writing and ultimately dropping from my head into my heart. My heart led me out of depression because I allowed the baby steps to unfold to my bigger picture. I grasped for hope, and that hope kept me alive.

No, there is no cookie-cutter approach to healing depression, and what worked for me may not work for others. But one thing is for sure: If you are suffering from depression, you are not alone. Reaching out, being willing to receive help, will help you see you are not such an outsider after all. And in that experience you may learn that you don’t have to see the entire path, just take one step.

You do matter, and your future can be lived more joyfully.

For those who suffer in depression, please allow yourself to receive. Getting through it is possible. There is a life after depression.

It is one small step at a time.

Ask yourself: How can I let love in today?

I open up to guidance and help in this moment.