A Mind of Your Own: The Truth about Depression and Natural Treatment for Whole Body Wellness by Deniz Yalım - HTML preview

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Natural Treatment for Whole Body Wellness

Sadness doesn't always need treatment. And it's important to remember that the pain muscle and the joy muscle are the same. If you can't feel one, you won't feel the other.

That said, clinical depression sucks, and if you're someone who suffers from it, my heart goes out to you. I'm in no way intending to diss anti-depressants or suggest you ignore your doctor's advice. I know anti-depressants can be life-saving for people. But unless you're suicidal or otherwise in dire need of urgent medication, before you dose up on side-effect laden pharmaceuticals, it's worth considering some natural treatments that might help lift your mood.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine: A Diet for Depression

Lisa Brennan has experienced the effect that diet can have on depression. She was first diagnosed with depression as a teenager and has had several bouts of depression as an adult.

“I’d often eat unhealthy food because it was easy, and sugary foods would boost my mood for a while,” she says. “But after a few hours, my energy level and mood would plummet and I’d feel really lousy. Now that I eat mostly vegetables, beans, and whole grains, I feel better and I have a lot more energy. I don’t think I could have gotten over my depression if I didn’t change my diet.”

Many specialists agree that a healthy diet of whole foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, fish, and lean meats, is best for people with depression. “We know that diet can have a strong influence on mood,” says Eric Endlich, PhD, a Boston-based clinical psychologist. “And eating a balanced diet can keep your blood sugars stable throughout the day and help calm your mood. This stability is especially important if you’re depressed.”

Researchers are studying specific vitamins and nutrients in foods to see if they have a positive effect on depression. Omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and vitamin B12 show some promise. Experts aren’t certain of the role these substances play in boosting mental health but believe they may help with brain function. However, some experts caution that one of the greatest risks of these treatments is that people who use them may delay in seeking well-established treatments.

Depression and Diet: Should You Avoid Some Foods?

Healthy eating when you have depression may also mean avoiding certain foods and beverages. For example, foods and drinks that are high in added sugars, such as processed foods, soft drinks, and sugary snack foods, may cause blood sugar levels to go up and down dramatically during the day. This may have a negative effect on mood and energy levels. It’s also a good idea to avoid alcohol, which can make depression worse. For some people, caffeine may also contribute to depression.

“I’ve found that sugar and caffeine are the two biggest dietary culprits in depression,” says Larry Christensen, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of South Alabama in Mobile. “About 20% to 25% of my patients find relief from depression when they cut caffeine and added sugar from their diet.”

Christensen recommends that patients remove caffeine and sugar from their diet for two weeks to see if these substances are making their depression worse. “The results can be really remarkable. I often see a huge difference in patients’ depression simply from making these changes,”

The Benefits of Exercise for Depression

Exercise can also have a positive effect on your mood and energy level. “Not only does exercise reduce depression, but it gives people a sense of self-mastery and empowerment,” says Keith Johnsgard, PhD, emeritus professor of psychology at San Jose State University and author of Conquering Depression & Anxiety through Exercise.

“I first discovered the benefits of exercise on my own mood,” Johnsgard says. “I started exercising on my lunch break three times a week and was surprised at my increased level of energy and reduced stress.”

As a result, Johnsgard began prescribing exercise to his depressed patients and found that many of them experienced positive results as well. In some cases, Johnsgard started taking therapy sessions out of the office and walking with his patients. “Because exercise is a tool people can learn to use on their own, the results are often more effective and longer lasting than taking a medication,” he says.

Indeed, a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 2007 found that exercise was as effective as medication in treating depression in some people. Research has shown that exercise causes biochemical changes in the brain that are similar to those produced by medication, including an increase in serotonin levels.

Exercise may also be a good option for those who are unable to take medication, including some older adults, pregnant and postpartum women, and children. Studies have shown that exercise can reduce symptoms of depression in all of these groups. And those who exercise are less likely to have a relapse of their depression.

Another benefit of exercise for depression: It has no side effects. “Because exercise is good for your whole body, there’s really no downside to adding some kind of exercise to your treatment regimen,” Johnsgard says.

What Talk Therapy Can Do for Depression

Talk therapy, or psychotherapy, is another valuable tool to combat depression. Two kinds of therapy -- cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy -- have been found to be especially useful in treating depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you look at how negative thoughts and behaviors may be contributing to your depression. CBT teaches you how to make positive changes in how you think. Interpersonal therapy can help you improve your relationships with family and friends, so you feel better.

Talk therapy can last anywhere from several weeks to several years and can be one-on-one with a therapist or in a group. Many people combine therapy with other treatments, such as medication or exercise.

“Talk therapy gives you skills to help deal with your depression long term,” says Christensen. “A therapist can work with you to give you strategies to help fight your depression and ways of handling your depression so you have more control. This helps you stay feeling better in the long run.”

Meditation: Connect to the Part of You that Isn’t Depressed

Meditation has been shown to be a powerful treatment for relieving both stress and mild-to-moderate depression. Numerous studies have examined the effects of mindfulness meditation, designed to focus the meditator’s attention on the present moment.

One study measured electrical activity in the brain and found increased activity in the left frontal lobe during mindfulness meditation. Activity in this area of the brain is associated with lower anxiety and a more positive emotional state. Meditation trains your mind to become aware of the silent witness within you that is independent of the universe you are observing. This core self is not a philosophical or theological concept; it is an experience of your authentic existence.

With an established sense of the silent witness, it will be easier to not become identified with the darkness of your depressed days.

If you have major or severe depression, it’s important to proceed with caution. To be of real value, meditation must take you inward; but the deeper you go, the more hidden material will be brought to the surface, including old wounds, difficult memories, and perhaps the contributing emotions that are linked to depression. It's tempting to use meditation as an escape, but the results can easily backfire. For those coping with major depression, I suggest meditating in a group for only a few minutes a day; or if that is inconvenient, do a simple breathing meditation for about ten minutes, twice a day. You may also benefit from downloading Peace Starter Meditation with instruction in a variety of meditation types, including visualizations, breath work, and mantra meditation.

Restore Balance Through Yoga

When we’re coping with emotional pain, a purely mental or intellectual approach usually isn’t enough. Although our mind may try to think its way out of pain, it can quickly become confused or trapped in repetitive thought-patterns that actually intensify our emotional turmoil. When we invite our body and spirit to be part of the healing process, however, transformation can unfold.

The ancient wisdom tradition of yoga offers practices that unite the mind, body, and spirit, allowing us to experience deep emotional well-being and restful awareness. When your physical, intellectual, and spiritual selves are working in union, our life becomes more balanced and we become more flexible – both physically and emotionally.

How Yoga Releases Emotional Blockages: Every experience in the mind is accompanied by shifts in the body’s chemistry. When you say, “I feel depressed,” you’re acknowledging that your body is generating disturbing sensations. Feelings are so named because we feel them in our body. These sensations result from changes in hormone levels and in the pattern of nerve firings within your nervous system.

These physiological shifts can persist long after the emotionally upsetting experience that first triggered them. Over time, you mind-body system reflects your emotional history. Through yoga, you can release the emotional toxicity stored in the body. Just as changing thought patterns can influence the body, changing the position of the body can influence the mind and facilitate emotional release. As you stretch your muscles and expand your range of motion, you shift the bodily patterns that trap emotional pain. Yoga poses, breathing practices, and meditation release the constriction and free the flow of the vital life-force energy known as prana. For instance, slow, deep, conscious breathing is very effective in prompting the relaxation response to counter elevated levels of stress hormones. An important component of yoga is paying close attention to what’s going on in the body at all times and locating and releasing any areas of tension. Although you can feel the healing effects of yoga after just one session, a regular practice is required if you want to experience the full benefits yoga offers.

Sticking With Your Depression Treatment

Whatever treatment plan you choose, it’s important to stick with it to give it enough time to work. It may take up to several weeks or longer before you start to feel a benefit from any depression treatment, including antidepressants. Make sure to keep your doctor involved in the process and let her know how you’re doing.

If your treatment plan isn’t working after a few weeks, don’t give up. There are many different medications and treatment options you can try. Often, people find that if one type of treatment or medication doesn’t work, something else will.

“I just kept trying different things until I found the combination that worked for me,” Brennan says. “It takes a little bit of work, but the end result -- getting over my depression -- has definitely been worth it.”