A Rational Approach to Cancer Treatment - and why Big Pharma isn't interested by David Bolton - HTML preview

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A relevant Aside


Last evening, my wife went out with her cousin, who told her that her mother, who had had months of chemotherapy treatment, had been sent home after being told it was doing no good; the doctor gave her about three months to live. Although I only met my wife’s aunt once or twice, I was of course saddened by this news.

Many months ago, she had been diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas. At the time, I had my wife tell her cousin about possible natural treatment methods (I could not do so myself, since the little Japanese I speak does not allow me to talk about anything complicated). Unfortunately, her cousin and her husband both decided to trust "modern medicine", and chose chemotherapy instead of any alternative treatment. At that time, I was not yet aware of the systematic review which is at the heart of this book. Therefore, I did not yet know the statistics about how much chemotherapy might contribute to five-year survival rates where pancreatic cancer is concerned.

Take a look on that page of the study, and go down the list to "Pancreas". What do you find in that line's final column? That evil little hyphen, meaning: "0%". Chemo helps in ZERO percent of cases of pancreatic cancer. And yet, her doctor here in Japan had apparently recommended it; an oncologist injected chemo drugs into the woman for months, before finally seeing that it was doing no good at all.

Did that doctor not yet know that chemo would not help her, and therefore, would only harm her, due to its dangerous side effects? Had he or she not ever read the systematic review that reveals this quite clearly? Or did that doctor know of the study, yet recommend chemo merely to make money? Or perhaps, because many other doctors use chemo, he/she was just following their example? I don't know.

Would the lady have recovered if she had chosen a natural treatment plan? Of course, I cannot say this with certainty, but I can say, based on the results of the study here explained, that it was completely futile to use chemo for pancreas cancer, and that therefore, with almost complete certainty, it did more harm than good. How well she would be doing if she had chosen a natural treatment, plan, I cannot know. But I do know that she chose chemo, which didn't help her at all, and now she has been sent home to die.

Earlier in this book, I told you of Eloisa, my friend in Spain who opted for chemo instead of going the "natural route", and of how she died after months of chemotherapy for two types of cancer that are highly unlikely to be helped at all by that method. Now, my wife's aunt is at death's door, after months of chemotherapy for a type of cancer that as we see in the study, and is not responding to that treatment. (Note: She passed away a few months later, yet another victim of both cancer, and chemotherapy.)

How many more people must suffer and die after being subjected to the drugs that are pumped into them by doctors who are either negligently ignorant of this systematic review, or else, who are harming their patients for mere financial gain? When will this end? When will our lawmakers finally recognize the full extent of this problem, and take the strict measures necessary to halt these abuses?

Don’t forget to join our group “Make Big Pharma accountable!”, so you will know when our petition to the government is ready for signing. In this way, you, too, can help cancer sufferers everywhere!
