A Rational Approach to Cancer Treatment - and why Big Pharma isn't interested by David Bolton - HTML preview

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For Nobuo-san, from David:

Some important Recommendations concerning Cancer


As everybody knows, cancer is an illness that is related to a weak immune system. Whether you choose to use chemotherapy or not, there are some things you can definitely do to strengthen your immune system. Therefore, anything, and everything you can do to make your immune system stronger is good!

Most people (and even doctors) talk about "causes" and possible "cures" for cancer. This, in my view, is not only simplistic, but obscures the issue, as it misses a most important point:

It is always difficult to isolate a specific "cause" of cancer. Rather, there are contributors to the cancerous state. These contributors are related to at least one, but probably more, of the following areas:

  1. Nutrition: having a diet that is not optimal for that specific individual
  2. Deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals 
  3. A weakening of the system through certain life-styles, habits, etc. 
  4. Mental/emotional factors.
  5. Outside influences: (e.g., chlorine in the water, air pollution, absorption of chemicals in deodorants or other products, traces of pesticides in the food we eat, etc.)

Now: It is not possible for one person to totally change environmental factors (5). However, it is possible for you to address issues 1) through 4), and by so doing, you can greatly strengthen your immune system, which will then do what is necessary to eliminate the cancer cells.

Let's take these issues one by one:

*** Area 1:  Nutrition  ***

1) Nutrition. Having an optimal diet is of course good even if you are healthy. But if you are ill, it is of tremendous importance. Unfortunately, many doctors know very little about nutrition; for this reason, it is of course essential to get dietary indications from a nutritionist. Eating simply whatever you want is naturally not good at all in case of cancer, for the following reason:

a) Anything we eat does one of three things: 1) It has no effect on us (this is  practically impossible!) 2) It affects us positively;  3) It affects us negatively

b) Eating the healthiest foods cannot be harmful to us; therefore, it will have a  positive effect on us.

Now the question is:

What is an optimal diet for people with cancer? Here are some of the most important points:

a) Eliminate sugar from the diet. This is very important. (Read this article)

b) No artificial sweeteners.

c) No high-fat dairy products. (Use almond milk instead of cow's milk). Use  olive oil instead of butter, or corn oil.

d) Drink:

  1. A lot of pure water (good mineral water). Recommended: at least two liters per day. Water should be room-temperature. Do not get "reverse osmosis" water; use preferably ionized water, with high pH.
  2. Green tea: some of the water drunk can be (and should be) in the form of green tea (several cups a day).
  3. Squeeze half a lemon into the mineral water once or twice a day; also, ground ginger is excellent for the liver; it can be added to the green tea, and also to drinking water (example: mix lemon juice and ground ginger into the drinking water.)
  4. Vegetable juice: Raw fruit and vegetable juice: extremely good for the immune system! Easily sipped throughout the day, this provides enzymes and high levels of vitamins and minerals. Here’s a sample of what you could include, to make a lot of juice that you can keep in a big container in the refrigerator: carrots; apples; strawberries; lemons; mint; spinach; oranges; blueberries; blackberries; ginger root. Also: good-quality Apple Cider Vinegar: put on salads (for example) or one tablespoon mixed in water: use often!

Note 1: Blueberries are extremely good for cancer patients. Try to eat large portions of them every day.

Note 2: Drink only high-quality mineral water. (We will send you some). It is highly recommendable that the water be high-alkaline.  (Watch this video for more.)

Note 3: Ask the dietitian if there is a limit on the amount of water you should have.

More on Nutrition: the following is from this site:

Grocery Store Shopping: The Best Diet for Liver Cancer Patients

"The first things to consider are the guidelines offered by the dietitian. Usually there will be specific amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrate that you’ll have to adhere to. For example, many patients with liver cancer are suffering from a nonfunctional liver, and it’s difficult to process a high protein diet in this circumstance.

“Thus, when shopping at the grocery store, you don’t want to get too many protein foods (beef, pork, turkey, chicken, duck, capon, buffalo, lamb, fish, shellfish, yogurt, cheese and milk). However, you will still want to get enough protein so you aren’t contributing to causing protein malnutrition and end up watching your loved one’s muscles waste away.

“When planning a diet for liver cancer patients, the dietitian will have a goal of calories needed for the day. This matters a lot. You will want to have enough calories, but not too many calories since overeating will tax the liver and could worsen the symptoms your loved one is having."


*** Area 2: Vitamins and Minerals ***

Now: certain vitamins are essential to maintaining a strong immune system. If someone is already sick, it is recommendable to take much larger doses of certain vitamins (ones that a growing number of scientists think can have a strengthening effect on the system). This will do no harm, even in doses considerably above average.

Here, I will list the vitamins we have sent to you, along with the recommended dosages in cases of cancer.  I can send you a computer file with more details, with references to studies, etc., in case you are interested in reading more.

  1. Vitamin C: 3 or 4 tablets (500mg each) per day. (When talking to an alternative physician, ask about the possibility of receiving much larger doses of vitamin C intravenously, perhaps two or three times a week.)
  2. Vitamin E: Dosage: 2 capsules per day (each at a meal, not at the same time.)
  3.  Vitamin D: 2 per day, preferably with meal; 3-4 per day possibly better. (Author’s note: I recommended at the time only 2-4 capsules of vitamin D per day, because I knew that my in-laws were skeptical about the efficacy of vitamins. Yet there are even mainstream researchers who are exploring the possibility that even “megadoses” of vitamin D could be useful for fighting cancer.)
  4. Magnesium Citrate: 1 per day
  5. Omega-3: 3 capsules per day
  6. Echinacea: 2 capsules per day, with meals, or open capsules, put into green tea. (stabilizes the white blood-cell count when doing chemotherapy)
  7. Astragalus: 3 per day, preferably with food
  8. Coenzyme Q10: 2 per day, each one at a meal (See this article)
  9. Selenium: 3 per day

*** Summary of Subject: Nutrition and Vitamins/Minerals ***

An optimal diet is of great importance: preferably, you should eat no meat, but rather, fish. (Salmon is especially good). Reduce carbohydrates. But eat a lot of vegetables, and fruits!

It is extremely important to add vitamins and supplements to the diet when someone has cancer, and even more important when they are receiving chemotherapy, since that treatment weakens the body, and the immune system. Also: Garlic is excellent! Try to eat it every day, raw (one spoon of crushed garlic, taken with a glass of water), or fried.

Also: Apple Cider Vinegar: add one tablespoon to the water you drink a few times a day.

Also: Essiac tea (we can help you find it). It is excellent for your condition.

So, please follow these guidelines:

1. "Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Eating frequent small meals will ensure your body is getting enough calories, protein, and nutrients to tolerate treatment... Try eating 5- 6 small meals or “mini” meals about every three hours. Choose protein-rich foods."

Get protein from nuts, eggs, soybeans and beans (preferably no meat!).

2. Take the vitamins we sent you, in the doses recommended. Don't forget to take them!

3. Drink at least 2 liters of mineral water during the day. Part of this can be in the form of green tea, or water with lemon juice, and perhaps ground ginger. If you can drink more than 2 liters per day, even better. And: it's is very good to add baking soda to the water whenever you can: at least one-half teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water. Lemon can also be added to this, and ginger as well. (But don't drink baking soda water just before or after eating: take it at least an hour before you eat, and wait a couple of hours after eating before drinking it again.)

*** Area 3: habits, life-style issues ***

Of course, drinking alcohol should be strictly avoided. No coffee, or black tea, either  (only green tea). In addition, the diet should not contain sugar, or artificial sweeteners.

Any physical exercise is good, if your strength permits. Walking, stretching, arm exercises, etc. Naturally, you should not exaggerate; take it easy. Exercise is not only good for the body, but for the mind, since it is a gesture of wanting to live and be healthy; an affirmation of the belief that you will recover from the illness.

*** Area 4: Mental and Emotional Issues ***

Where illness is concerned, the mind and the feelings are often involved. This involvement can contribute to:

  1. The illness and its development. Feelings such as sadness, despair, hopelessness, alack of purpose or meaning in life, etc., can contribute to the development of sickness and disease. For this reason, it makes sense to take some time every day to think about this, in order to perhaps discover which negative feelings or thought patterns have, up till now, contributed to becoming ill. Then, you can think about how these patterns might be changed.
  2. On the positive side: by developing and having positive thoughts and feelings, we can strengthen our immune system, which will contribute to recovery from disease. Laughter, for example, has been shown to contribute to health. (At the "Cancer Treatment Centers of America", they offer the patients "Laughter Therapy"!) In other words: all positive, happy emotions that we cultivate contribute to our good health.

Visualization techniques can be of great help in the recovery process. I would be happy to visit you some day, and tell you how these simple mental exercises work, and will show you how to do them. (They only require about 10 minutes per day).


Many people who have cancer believe that "all is lost". They might try chemotherapy, although not even the doctor seems too optimistic about the chances for survival.

However, I personally know two people who had serious cancer, and who saved themselves.

One of them, an American man who is now in his fifties, had stage 4. He tried chemotherapy for months, and it did no good. He only got weaker and weaker. Finally, the doctors told him that there was nothing they could do for him. They said he had only about three weeks to live. Basically, they sent him home to die.

But the man decided to try something else. He completely changed his diet, and began taking many vitamins and minerals. He concentrated totally on becoming well again. What happened? Two months after the doctor had sent him home to die, the man visited that physician, who was of course surprised to see him. They tested the man, and... he was completely free of cancer. That was over ten years ago. I saw that man about two months ago, and he is alive and well: the cancer had disappeared, and did not return.

The second person I know is a woman from South America; she had breast cancer. She did not want chemotherapy. Instead, she made dietary changes, like the ones I recommend in these pages. The result? In a few months, the cancer totally disappeared.

My sister also knows two people who cured themselves of cancer in this way. In both those cases, the cancer was late stage, and the people were on the path to death, and yet, by completely changing their diets, they both were cured.

Therefore, I know that it is possible to be cured from cancer through the correct diet, and intake of vitamins. Follow the diet strictly, take the supplements (vitamins, minerals), and also, something else very important: you must also believe you can become well again. You must want it, since that will give you the motivation to do what is necessary to recover your health.

Finally, I would like to say that of course,  I offer you any help you may need. I believe that it is possible for you to recover from this illness, if you do everything you can to strengthen your immune system. Please contact mes at any time if you would like to talk, ask me about anything I have written here, or if you would like to have more information.

Here are a few questions you could ask your doctor when you see him:

  1. Could you make an appointment with the hospital nutritionist? (Perhaps you have already done that; I don't know.) Even better: make an appointment with a nutritionist who is independent (that is, who is not connected to the hospital), to ensure that the advice you receive will be objective.
  2. For the type of cancer you have: can the doctor tell you what percentage of people are helped with chemotherapy? If he doesn't know the exact statistics: can he look them up for you? Perhaps he could give you the name of a scientific study done about the effectiveness of chemotherapy on liver cancer patients? Since chemotherapy has a number of very negative side effects, it could actually weaken your immune system. Therefore, unless the doctor can show you that the benefits definitely are stronger than the negative side effects, you may want to reconsider receiving chemotherapy.

We wish you well, and I say again: please don't hesitate to contact us if there is anything at all we can do for you!



*** End of eBook insert ***

Of course, I cannot know if my father-in-law would have recovered had he followed these suggestions (as it was, he took only one or two of the vitamins, and drank mineral water). I do know, however, that he chose to treat his cancer with chemotherapy, with no positive results whatsoever, and that he died a few months after that.

True, perhaps we should just say that “his time had come”, but then, this has always struck me as a mere consolation after someone has died. Maybe, on an unconscious level, “death by cancer” was the way he wanted to bow out of life; who can tell? Nonetheless, certain questions will always be in my mind:

  1. Suppose he had not chosen chemotherapy; how long would he then have survived?
  2. Suppose he had decided to do everything possible to recover, and consulted analternative physician instead of a mainstream oncologist?
  3. What emotional issues might have been involved in his illness? That’s nobody’s business but his own, of course, but I mention it because it is extremely important.

Naturally, I will never have the answers to these questions as far as Nobuo-san’s case is concerned. Yet considering the number of people I have known personally who have died not long after being subjected to chemotherapy, I do wonder how long it will take before our medical system wakes up, and recognizes that such invasive, immune-system weakening “therapies” are in fact not helping people, but more probably, hastening their deaths, or even downright killing them.

More and more people – including physicians who deal with many cancer patients – have been coming to precisely that realization. Namely, that it makes no sense to use “treatments” that severely weaken an already-debilitated immune system. One such physician is Dr. Ben Johnson.

I heartily suggest – no, let me change that wording: I most definitely insist – that you click on the link I will provide and watch a four-and-a-half minute video featuring Dr. Johnson. In less than five minutes, and without using any technical jargon whatsoever, Dr. Johnson sums up the situation concerning standard cancer treatment today, telling quite clearly why it is a completely wrong approach. The focus should be not on "killing cancer cells”, but rather on “strengthening the immune system”, a point that I have been making repeatedly throughout this book. I just found this video the other day, but was delighted to find such a down-to-earth, concise summary of so many important facts presented by an expert. As a matter of fact, in my estimation, there is more wisdom in Dr. Johnson’s short video than you will find in all of the many pages of cancer.org. Watch this video now by clicking on this link:

The Danger of a weak Immune System

Watch the video, read the transcript, and watch it again if necessary. Using reason as your guide, ponder what you hear, and absorb the message, for what Dr. Johnson says contains the key to conquering cancer, or practically any other disease: a healthy, strong immune system is absolutely essential to restoring your health, whereas methods such as chemo will weaken, and eventually destroy, your immune system.

Yes – (and despite the objections you may hear from the Medical-Pharmaceutical Industry and their minions, who stand to lose billions if the people stop using their methods) − it is as simple as that.

To conclude, here is another article, one that deals specifically with vitamin C:

High Dose Vitamin C makes Cancer Treatment more effective, Trial shows

As interesting as the article is, there remains one looming question: if mega-doses of vitamin C (given by intravenous infusion) “makes cancer treatment (such as chemo) more effective”, could it not be that in fact, it is the vitamin C that is helping rid the body of cancer, and not the chemo drugs? Ergo, would it not be infinitely more reasonable to receive the mega-doses of vitamin C without using chemo or radiation at all? Precisely this is suggested at the end of the article:

If the approach (i.e., giving high doses of vitamin C) proves effective in future clinical trials as well, the new treatment could also be significantly less costly than the standard treatment. To put this into perspective, 9 months of intravenous vitamin C treatment as part of the phase II trial currently costs less than one dose of chemotherapy.”

I hope that what you have read in this chapter has convinced you of at least one thing: namely, that if you (or a loved one) have cancer, and must decide on some sort of treatment method, you owe it to yourself to consult a physician who possesses expert-level knowledge of nutrition, and of the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplements. And this most probably will not be either your present family physician, or your oncologist. Therefore, please seek out a doctor who has been trained in both mainstream and alternative therapies, and make an appointment with him or her as soon as possible!