A Simple Plan to Create the New You by Jim Cooper - HTML preview

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 To be able to go out and have fun and not be limited by my


 To be proud of my appearance.

 To be strong enough and have the energy to live my lifeand

enjoy my grandkids.

The key to your success with weight loss adn life is to create a goal that is so compelling and has such a deeper meaning for you that nothing can deter you from achieving this goal. A New Year's Eve resolution will not work. Take the time to create a goal that has true meaning in your life. If you take the time to do this you will find that the chocolate cake, the ice cream or anything else will not have any power over you and then you will be well on your way to successful weight loss.

So why should you lose weight? Quite simply, because you are worth it and you deserve to have a full and truly wonderful life. You will have the energy to fulfill the promise of that life and the desire to live that life.

So get to it, think of your compelling purpose. Think of a dozen, the more the better. Create a dynamic, life-altering list of reasons and goals. Start today so that tomorrow you will be one day closer to your dream weight.

Other Reasons Why You May Want To Lose Weight

One of the most common reasons people want to lose weight is because their personal appearance. This is a very difficult issue for people to face but our society places enormous value and status to a person's appearance. If someone is over-weight they experience, on a daily basis, discrimination and social obstacles.

Knowing how our society views people who are overweight can cause an over-weight person to have poor self-esteem. Excess weight can impact your self-esteem. To be obese is to experience many negative connotations in our society.

If you believe that you are not attractive or appealing the belief that you have less self-worth and value than someone else will creep into