Arthritis - A Friendly Chat by Sandra Firman - HTML preview

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Liquid Supplements for Arthritis

Since the dawn of time there have been snake-oil salesmen and voodoo practitioners offering their elixirs. While the west was being settled, wagons would pull into towns selling a potion that would settle any discomfort and the dreaded sciatica. I also remember Lucy trying to sell Vitaminamin juice from a bottle and even she could not tolerate the taste.

I have been very enticed to try a couple of online bottles of this and that. I refuse to become a dealer because I want to keep my friends and furthermore, everything you need can be bought at the health food store or pharmacy. So what is the catch!

It is always some berry that triggers my interest..a berry that is cultivated in the remotest of jungles in a little known part of a country no one can pronounce. The tribesmen have never been seen before nor have they seen by white men or women, but somehow they have suddenly discovered the berry. When crushed and mixed with only the most natural of ingredients, it will bring on untold health and welfare.

It is the hype that these berries and elixirs receive that gets you into the craze to buy them. Try one bottle now and use your credit card. If you don't like it, phone us within 10 days and we will not charge your card any further. Well I fell for it about five years ago, didn't call within the 10 day limit and the following week we had 12 full size bottles.

I could not drink that stuff that quickly nor did I feel any better. I felt worse because of the cost. I quickly phoned the number on the website and listened to music for ½ hour. I could not get through by phone or by website or email. I was in it for the duration.

But I have no one to blame but myself and maybe a popular talk show host for what happened next. Another berry was found somewhere and it would help me to lose weight and feel better if I took it with another set of pills. If it sounds too good to be true, then it must be. I sent away for the trial size. A week later I found four or five charges to my credit card for different companies I had never heard of and I received a month's worth of berry juice and pills. Here we go again!

I had to fight tooth- and- nail to get the charges stopped to the point where I had to have my credit card changed to another number. It got that bad. No phone numbers would work, I got put on hold and I listened to music. I got nasty emails. But I don't care. I will stay plump and arthritic if that is what it is going to cost me.