Arthritis Pain Remedies by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Tip #9: Yoga

Yoga is a 5,000-year-old practice, originated in ancient India, and spread through the world. There are many different forms of yoga that include poses, breathing techniques, and meditation.

It has the ability to boost both mental and physical health of its practitioners.

Yoga is a very gentle exercise, a way to reduce the tension in joints and muscles, build muscle tone, and increase flexibility.

That muscle strength can also help to improve balance, especially important to those with arthritis. Yoga is low-impact and enjoyable in nature, making it easy to practice on a regular basis.

Some of Yoga's many benefits include:

  • Adds variety to your exercise routine.
  • Strengthening to improve physical functionality.
  • Improvement in flexibility which reduces inflammation and stiffness.
  • Weight loss can be a benefit of Yoga done correctly and in conjunction with a healthy diet.
  • Strengthening of the mind-body connection which allows for better balance and understanding of the pains and stiffness you feel on a regular basis.

As with all exercise routines, make sure to check with your physician before starting any regiment. If you are new to Yoga, it is best to seek instruction.

Yoga facilities have grown widely across the world, and you can do both private and group classes.