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Chapter 5:



Rated among the most healthful berries in the world, the goji berries are also the most versatile. If you decide to have them in your diet, then there are several ways for you to do so. Consuming these berries is interesting, and also exciting because of their vibrant colors and a very unique taste. Coming right from the Himalayas, the goji berry has been ruling the health foods industry in the west for over a century now, much before the acai and the maqui from nearby South America became popular. It is the inherent goodness of the goji berry and its exemplary taste that has put it on this top pedestal.


Secret of Asian Longevity

Goji berries have been popular in the western part of the world for quite some time now. Right now, there is a sprawling health industry around them found in the online world, with a lot of material published about it already. It is very easy to incorporate the goji berry in the diet; there are many different ways in which you can do so.

Goji Berries—What Are They?

The goji berry is a native berry of several parts of Asia that include China, Tibet, the northern parts of India and Japan. Goji is actually not a single berry, but a common name given to several closely resembling berries. Mainly, the two varieties of boxthorn, i.e. the Lycium barbarum and the Lycium chinense are commonly referred to when goji berry is mentioned. Unlike the acai and maqui, the goji berry is a hardier species and hence is found in more parts of the world than the acai. Based on the region from where they are originated, goji can be called as Himalayan goji and Tibetan goji.

These are the names by which the health industry has made the goji berry popular in the western world. Its popular English name is wolfberry, though there is no connection between it and wolves in any way.

The goji berry is known for its highly luscious red colored fruit, which enhances its visual appeal. It has a number of tiny seeds in it, which can number up to 60 in a single berry. It can be preserved in dried form for long periods. When the goji berry is dried, it acquires a taste and flavor that resemble that of a nut.

Even the leaves and shoots of the goji berry aren’t a waste. They are consumed by the local people in their usual diet, as a leaf vegetable. Currently, methods are on to produce better varieties of wines from the goji berry; some varieties are already existent.

Goji Berries—Traditional Roots

The most native region of the goji berry lies deep in the Himalayas, where it was used by local people. The people of the Himalayas, which mostly makes up the Tibetan region at present, passed on this knowledge to people from China and India, who then cultivated the prized berry in their own lands. Acclimatization of the berry gave rise to variations and the goji berry became a more diverse fruit.

In ancient times, the goji berry was a prime ingredient of native medicine, especially Chinese medicine. It wended its way into other herbal medicinal streams of Asia as time passed on. Today, after around 2,000 years of native popularity, the goji berries have spread out all over the world and are acclaimed for their various medicinal properties. By 2011, goji berries have notched up a multibillion dollar market all over the world.

The main spurt in the worldwide publicity of the goji berries came through the endorsement of one Li Qing Yuen, a Chinese man who lived for 256 years, eventually dying in 1933. This person was a herbalist and he cited goji berries as one of the reasons for his longevity apart from exercise and a very healthy diet. It is important to note that Li Qing Yuen was energetic and at the peak of his health almost throughout his extraordinarily long life.

A traditional Chinese medicine consists of preparing a tea using the leaves of the goji berry. This tea, which is still a popular home remedy in China for bacterial and fungal infections, is now marketed all over the world.

Goji Berries—Health Benefits

img3.png Goji berries are sometimes referred to as an antioxidant superfood, due to their rich antioxidant content. In addition, the goji berries have a high amount of polysaccharides in them which are known for their positive health advantages.

img3.png Traditionally, goji berries have been respected for their capabilities in improving the immune system of the human body. They are known to keep several kinds of infections at bay. Hence, a person who has a regular level of goji berries in their diet does not fall sick too often.

img3.png Goji berries have significance in weight loss as well. This is due to the antioxidant action on the free radical mechanisms, which destroys the latter. As a result, the digestive functions of the body are removed.

img3.png One remarkable benefit of the goji berries is their effect in vision enhancement. People who have problems of eyesight find a lot of improvement after switching over to regular consumption of goji berries. This is because of the high beta- carotene content in these berries. Beta-carotene is a precursor for vitamin A.

img3.png Goji berries promote longevity in people who consume them. By thwarting detrimental free radical mechanisms, they ensure that the skin remains more youthful and energetic for longer.

They also reduce any damage that might occur on the body.

img3.png Regular consumption of goji berries can enhance your energy level. You feel less tired, find that you have more stamina and can work for longer hours and in a more productive manner.

img3.png They can also help in improving sexual function. They improve the libido in people so that they can perform better. By improving the circulation of blood in the reproductive area, they help in correcting certain sexual anomalies as well.

img3.png Goji berries cleanse the body. They have been venerated for their detoxifying body since millennia. In fact, the effect of goji berries in cleansing the body is so considerable that they can even remove the toxins introduced in the body through radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

img3.png A recent claim is that goji berries can help in the prevention of cancer. This is attributed to its polysaccharide content. The theory is that the polysaccharides can curb mutations of genes that might be a causative factor in cancer. Research on this aspect is still going on.

Goji Berries—Where to Get Them

The goji berry is so popular worldwide that it is quite easy to obtain it in several forms. The goji berry tea is a delicacy and is easily available in reputed supermarkets and online stores. Its juice is also a common product, though quite expensive. Other forms in which this berry is available include its dried form, pulp and even grounds. Local people have these berries in different forms during their meals, as snacks, as beverages and for their many curative benefits.

If you are looking for easiest way to get goji berry supplements, look for Tibetan goji or Himalayan goji on the Internet. You are sure to find several online stores dealing with these products. Conduct your research on them to find the best products that are genuine and have a worthy name in the online world.
