Be Lonely, Be Your Best by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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...For Finality Of Fruition

It is not that people await good times, the good times also await good people to come and hoist the potential seeded in the soil of future. Good words also wish for good readers, to be in reception of and be in linearity of the innocent intent, which ride on the shoulders of the words, for the finality of their fruition...



... Beyond Populist And Culturally Suited Ideas

Confusion and conflict is something built-in mechanism of our ‘self’. Modern science says, ‘We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are’. In other words, we usually do not see what is there to be seen but what we think must be there to be seen. Often, this instinctive subjective predisposition restricts objective realism. Be open, be liberal; do kindly accept holistic, assimilative and integrative perspectives to accept some idea or realism, which stands beyond populist and culturally suited ideas and idealisms…



... Unlearning Existing Hypotheses

Often, there is a hypothesis, which is the foundation of all theories (standpoint/choice/priority) we accept as true and right. We all usually pick up some personal hypotheses, accept them to be true and then go on to construct a theory on the basis of these hypotheses. Often, these hypotheses are populist and culturally prevalent. Understand and accept each of the hypotheses we admit very consciously, as our life and living choices. This can be done by a difficult process of learning and unlearning going on simultaneously and at times in good competition. Unlearning is as important as learning. We all need to check and re-check all our existing hypotheses in the light of ever-evolving modern human wisdom…



At The Very Outset

Dare To Prove Yourself Wrong…The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself…. Why!

All wisdoms say – humans are designed to live in state of oblivion, a state of instinctive semi consciousness nothingness, a state of blissful inertia, a status quoist comfort zone. To jolt oneself out of this, to eject out of this nothingness to full and absolute everythingness, one must challenge itself, something humanity has done since four million years. This is the doorway to common sense; evolution confirms it. It is better to challenge ourselves, as it feels bad when others point out mistakes in us. Moreover, others may not have the perseverance to keep telling us that we need to change. My humble, affectionate and compassionate attempt is to put in the ideas here for readers to internalize, so that elemental and seed-level changes could be understood and initiated within oneself. Internalizing needs you to drop your narcissism that you ‘know it right’. You may already; however, it is always ideal to stretch the horizon of your righteousness, as this evolution empowers your consciousness and leads to enhanced life-living wellness and personal excellence. We are definitely talking about this here. Dare to prove yourself wrong. If you do not, you are right on your own right. Then, so are others! There has to be a sense, which is common and it comes out of the assimilation of one’s subjective consciousness to objective higher consciousness.

Do Let This Sink In, It Shall Stay…!
