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Changing diets results to effective body detoxification

Since unhealthy foods are the culprit when it comes to the buildup of toxins in the body, experts say that people can use these as the solution itself through body detoxification. This can be done by asking people to cut down on their consumption of these unhealthy foods and shift into a healthier diet.

Choosing foods for body detoxification

Experts say that body detox diet should contain various types of food like veggies, fruit, whole meal bread and wholegrain cereals, meat, fish, and eggs and other dairy products. Aside from having a healthy diet, it is a must that people develop healthy habits that would complement it such as regular exercise. Here are some practical tips that can help you figure out what are the best and healthiest foods to include in a detox diet:

- Eat lots of fruit and veggies religiously. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables is good for us in keeping our body fit and healthy. But, more often than not, many people are still not eating enough. Experts say that in order to get optimum nutrition, five or more servings of fruits and veggies should be eaten daily.

-Load up your meal on starchy foods. Nutritionists say that starchy foods like rice, bread, cereals, potatoes and pasta should be an important part of any healthy diet there is. Since they are a good source of energy as well as the major source of various nutrients, starchy foods should indeed make up about a third of the food we eat every day. Aside from being main source of energy, starchy foods are beneficial because they contain fiber, calcium, iron and B vitamins that is very good for the body's metabolism and immune system as well.

- Eat more fish. Experts say that instead of meat, people should load up on fish including a regular serving of oily fish weekly. Aside from getting less fat, fish is also an excellent source of protein as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. Fresh, frozen or canned fish can be your options.

- Refrain from eating foods that have saturated fat, high levels of sugar content and salt. Experts say that in order to make the body detoxification successful, people still need some fat in their detox diets. Basically, fats are divided into two main types the saturated fat which can increase the amount of cholesterol in our blood that can lead to heart diseases and the unsaturated fat which lowers blood cholesterol. It is advisable to cut down on foods that are high in saturated and load up on foods that are high in unsaturated fat to be healthy.