Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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The body's detoxification process and what you can do to help

Detox procedures can be very expensive. One session can cost thousands of dollars but despite the hefty price tag, people are still willing to spend so much. And you can't really blame them. Body detoxification does not only make us healthy, it also keeps the body in shape (read: weight loss) and the skin clearer and fairer. If those are not reasons enough to spend a fortune, we don't know what is.

But body detoxification is not something that you can only find in the hospitals. God has given us the natural ability to "detox" or to flush out the poisons that we take in. This is why we have the liver and the kidneys. They are the ones that filter what we eat and drink. If you just take care of your body, you can help keep the body detoxification process inside the body running smoothly. That way, you don't need to pay for a medical procedure. Here are some tips on how to help your detox team.

1. Drink lots of water

There is importance in the reminder that we should drink eight glasses of water every day. Water helps in neutralizing the body's toxin. Just think about how we add water to make a coffee tasteless bitter or when we add water to make a dish less salty. The same goes with the toxins. By drinking lots of water, you help our detox organs with their jobs. Of course, you have to make sure though that what you are drinking is safe and clean.

2. Eat food that aid in detoxing

There are foods that make detoxification easier. For sure, you have already heard about antioxidants. These substances help keep the body's toxins at bay. Some of the foods that are rich in antioxidants are fresh fruits like apple and pineapple, green leafy vegetables like broccoli and of course, the much celebrated green tea.

3. Take a dump everyday

Make sure that you excrete body wastes at least once every day. This is important because it is the body's way of getting rid of all the toxins in your body. If you are not doing this regularly, load up on green leafy veggies and on water. They can help make the body detoxification process smoother. There are also medicines that can help you with this function. Remember that problems with wastes can lead to colon cancer.