Before You Detox, It's Not What You Think by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Detox or Die? - The Top 5 Ways to Detoxify Your Body

We are like magnets for toxins, like pesticides, herbicides, (including carcinogens) preservatives and heavy metals. Just living in this century has made us vulnerable. The food we eat is contaminated. Fresh fish contains mercury and other heavy metals. Meat and poultry are grown with hormones. Even fresh fruit and vegetables have been subjected to pesticides and other toxins. Processed food is even worse, with chemical additives to preserve, color, anti-cake and who knows what else.

How about the air you breathe? Very few places have a good air quality these days. Look into the distance at your locality, is the air clear or smoggy? Think about the dirty, greasy coating which lands on your car, of course, you are breathing the same air which delivered that mess. We also absorb toxins through our skin.

Is any wonder your body is overloaded and unable to properly rid itself of toxins and is crying out for help. Inflammation and irritation of your tissues, causing chronic illness, is the result.

So what are the top 5 things you are do to help the detoxification process.

Number 1 - Minimize exposure to toxins.

Avoid dry cleaning your clothes, make certain your normal washing is properly rinsed.

Don't microwave your food in plastics (even if it says microwave safe).

Use glass containers to store food.

Beware of lead-based paint in older properties.

Use natural products and steam to clean your home. Of course, don't smoke.

Consider getting an air purifier to cleanse the air in your home, as it's been proven that the air inside your home is often more polluted than the air outside.

Number 2 - Filter and purify your water.

This is an essential. We are made up of a large percentage of water. It is in every cell of our bodies. We are reliant on water to survive, and should consume 8-12 glasses daily to hydrate our cells and cleanse our system. However, it's not just quantity, it's also quality that counts. Most metropolitan water supplies are treated with chemicals to decontaminate the water. Rightly so, as untreated water would be a disaster. However,this doesn't necessarily mean drinking the chemicals in the water is good for you. They add to your toxic load. A good water purifier should filter out the chemicals, add life and minerals to the water, energizing it to give it the structure of pure, natural water.

Number 3 - Cleanse your digestive tract

The longer the transit time through your digestive system the more toxins are absorbed into your bloodstream.

Therefore constipation is extremely bad for your health. Help your body rid itself of waste by drinking sufficient water to lubricate your system and eat enough fiber to "sweep" your colon clean.

Over time toxins build up in your colon, in a coating of plaque, preventing absorption of nutrients and "locking" toxins in, making colon cleansing a priority to extend your life.

Number 4 - Eat organic food

Eating organic food not only reduces your toxic load, but also increases your nutrient intake. If you find it's expensive or hard to find, try growing your own. Nature likes balance, so you will find, to a large degree, the good insects will take care of the annoying ones.

Number 5 - Detoxify with natural products

Chlorella - a single-celled dark green fresh water algae. It has a fibrous cell wall, which acts like a sponge to bind with all toxins (including heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides) and allow them to pass out of your body.

Chlorophyll - a natural cleanser of your blood and digestive system. Cleanses your blood, kidney, liver and digestive system. The best chlorophyll is obtained from the young leaves of the mulberry (morus alba l)

Spirulina - a blue-green algae with many benefits, including the ability to improve gastrointestinal and digestive health.

You will have noticed that all these products are green, if your stools are not green, then you're not taking enough.

Number 5 - Protect your skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Chemicals pass through your skin directly into your bloodstream. Avoid chemicals touching your skin. If you must dry-clean clothing, make certain you air it outside to reduce the chemicals. Avoid cleaning with chemical-based products, or at least wear gloves and use in well-ventilated areas. Install a water filter in your shower. Use organic skin care products.

Think about everything you eat, breathe, drink and touch. The trick is to minimize input and maximize output.