Black Birds Hold Secrets by Blake Steidler - HTML preview

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I don’t like cameras but oh wait I do. I guess it all depends on my current situation. If I feel threatened like they’re out to get me then of course a camera recording everything from a distance is my friend. But when I’m shopping? I can’t stand it.

For years and years since they developed surveillance cameras I’ve been convinced someone is watching live footage of me 24/7. It makes it hard for me to shop as I’m convinced these cameras monitor more than just what we can see with the naked eye. Each and every surveillance camera (and especially casinos) can see through our clothing. See our body temperature. And yes even see the speed of our heartbeat.

I enjoy flying and going to airports but as a 2004 botched phalloplasty victim suffering from BPS I'm 100% certain that when I fly the airport workers are giggling up a storm the moment I get on the plane. But let me assure you here’s one story I’ll never forget where I truly wished I was being recorded on video camera for my safety.

My parents street is called Edgewood drive because it runs adjacent to the woods. There is a stone path that goes through 7

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it that I would often walk the dog on. Bella and I were going for a walk one day when this lady (whom I don’t know) played a mean prank on me that almost gave me a heart attack.99%

of the time I don’t pass anybody in this walk but this special day in 2012 would be different.

The very moment the path became “woodsy” three kids maybe 12 or thirteen on bicycles were pedaling in my direction with smirks on their faces like somebody had put them up to it. I didn’t find this funny nor did Bella the family dog I was walking. Even though I don’t have any sex charges I secretly suspected the neighborhood knew I had felons and would jump to conclusions so being around little kids always made me EXTREMELY uncomfortable unless witnesses or cameras were around.

I pulled on Bella’s leash and averted my eyes and walked past the bicyclers as fast as I could wondering if off in the distance woo woo lights would be flashing just waiting to catch me offering these smirkers a piece of bubble gum.

Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! I thought to myself. I was 100% convinced that some soccer mom that considered me a threat put her 8

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kids up to this mean prank just to get a rise out of me. I was definitely positive that off in the distance with binoculars was a bitchy soccer mom giggling up a storm telling herself

"How do you like that Blakey! You can get your convicted felon ass out of THIS neighborhood!

I could literally hear her thoughts out loud despite actually seeing a woman with binoculars patiently waiting to say hello to these kids on bicycles. I even had a conjured up face in my mind of what she probably looked like. Medusa. Everyone remembers the psycho lady in the “Rescuers” book that drove her docile husband nuts and secretly sewed diamonds into Penny’s teddy bear. Medusa had the same personality as Cruella de Vil from the 101 Dalmatians movie.

CHAPTER 3 (Who started Covid-19?) As I write this story in mid 2023 you might ask yourself this simple question. Who started Covid-19 and is it a scam?

Absolutely. If anybody remembered the H1N1 swine flu scam then surely they would know the similarities between H1N1


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and my license plate.

When the swine flu began I was still on federal parole under a lot of rules. Because so many celebrities these days catch criminal charges the only thing probation couldn’t governize us with was the ability to collect income. They could govern our travel, they could govern our weapons, they could even govern whom we made contact with. But no probation ever put stipulations on how much money you could save in your piggy bank as this would be silly.

Because I was not allowed weapons, alcohol, and other fun things I began to focus on saving money. What people didn’t realize in 2011 is that the Wu-han lab in China secretly spies on ALL our digital data which gets indefinitely stored and can be pulled up at any given minute just by a click of mousey.

Every text message, every bank transaction, every email, I’m very much convinced gets stored at the Wu-han lab in China that secretly spies on us.

At the time of the swine flu I would have built up approximately $12k in my piggy bank and the Chinese government that watches our every move considered this small form of power a threat. They flew chinese tourists out to our country with masks to confuse us and they believed it would mitigate the threat. It basically gave all the businesses 10

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in the United States more power to immediately close facilities without the public asking too many questions. H1N1 was nothing more than a National Security “test” run for an ensuing Covid-19 scare.

They purposely launched Covid-19 during when the seasons change and the fluctuation in temperature causes our annual sneezing and coughing. Covid-19 was nothing more than a ploy to give the government more power to thwart any upcoming terror attacks. It was the combination of having a nice bankroll and the chemical imbalances in my head that the government deemed a threat. They knew with this faux disease they could immediately shut down buildings if they got word from the Chinese government that spies on us that data in our smart phones was considered “alarming”.

All the pastors, restaurant owners,etc that played into the ploy by breaking out ventilators were all slightly in the know of this 100% Republican based scam. World population also had a lot to do with it as Studies have shown the chemicals in Covid-19 vaccinations is similar to that in birth control. The world population has nearly tripled in size over the last 20

years but unfortunately planet Earth has not tripled in size to accommodate this newly found accommodation.

So why name it Covid-19?


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The answer is simple. The government launched this faux disease in 2020 just shortly after I filed my 2019 taxes. 2019

was my most lucrative year so surely there was something good going on in my piggy bank. Do you trust the Republican government that solely relies on information from the Chinese government?????

CHAPTER 4. (The Wondering Girl at the Park) I was trying to come up with a title of this book thanks to an unwanted writer’s block when a previous delusion evoked into my mind. The girl at the park. The mysterious wondering girl at the park that knew of my killer. I don’t know this girl’s exact age but I would guess she’s definitely mid twenties. So here goes this story.

Longs Park 2021

The weather was turning into fall so I could finally do my walks at the park around the pond that attracted dancing squirrels. Typically this park attracts all different types of people but despite all that the one thing us walkers will 12

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always have in common? Counter clockwise.

I try not to giggle too loudly as the little man living inside my head tells me mean jokes as he criticises basically EVERYONE

that we see at the park.

She’s too fat and needs to jump on a treadmill, he’s missing some teeth how can any woman kiss him? She talks too much how could any fella put up with a chatty Kathy like that? I think to myself as I walk the circled path around the pond.

It seems like a usual walk at the park until something goes way out of kilter. The look. The look in her eyes.

And why is she puposely walking clockwise when the rest of us are all walking counter clockwise? Why must she go against the grain?

Nothing seems right about the girl I pass every 4 minutes so I pick up my walking speed so I can pass her every 3 minutes instead.

What’s with the look of bewilderment in her eyes as if she’s 13

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toting some huge dark secret? I’m confused by this brunette.

This girl is young and beautiful yet she is purposely carrying herself as if she suffers from low self esteem. As if she’s struggling with demons taunting her. Her brown suit looks like a goodwill clearance special and it definitely doesn’t fit her properly as it is way too baggy.

Why is she doing this? I think to myself.

As she passes me a second time I insist on letting out a polite soft “hi” gesture as I make eye contact. Nothing. But gets even worse. That look in her eyes is literally exuding an entire Grisham novel. I’m quite certain that she’s using that lost look in her eyes to communicate with me telepathically.

I know who your killer is Blakey but I’m not at Liberty to say. I work for the state and I witnessed calls being made about you Blakey but my job is on the line. I know who tucked the paper receipt in your heater.


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As I pass her three minutes later her bewildered eyes continue to tell me a story. Her conscience is bothering her but she knows there is nothing she can do as I’m just not worth her giving up her state job just to pacify my TMJ issues.

I’m sorry Blakey but I just can’t tell you. Even though we have a democrat in office the republicans still have all the power and they don’t like you. I’m sorry the boogie man creeps up on you at night but I can’t tell you what I know.

I decided that I’m not gonna say hello each time we pass as I’m quite sure one and done is enough. I’m wondering if perhaps maybe the reason the brown suit doesn’t fit her properly is because she bought it in a hurry. In a weird way I almost feel bad for the girl at the park because now I know she has to live with knowing I’m NOT schizophrenic as all these doctors say and someone is indeed taunting me!

I don’t know her name but I have a photographic memory so at least now I know what she looks like. I will return to Longs Park many many more times with hopes of evoking her to come back. I’m not letting her get away so easy next time I will bring peanuts for the squirrels, lay a chock-full of them in her path so she will be blocked by squirrels and forced to tell me these deep dark secrets she knows of concerning these Republican plots of conspiracy against me!


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CHAPTER 5 (Explaining my previous book “If there was Schizophrenia”

It’s been almost ten years but it still feels like it happened yesterday. I’m pretty sure that in my non-fiction book “If there was Schizophrenia” I mention a movie theatre scene at Legacy Theatre Bristol VA. Before I had gone to the movies I remember strange alphabet people following me around at a nearby Dollar Tree. Dollar Trees were always great for mentally ill people because the entire store literally required no thinking at all. EVERYTHING in the store was literally a dollar.

I was sitting at the Legacy Theatre alone in a corner convinced that the Harley dudes had a special way of reading my mind. I felt as though they were telepathically recruiting me to oversee the Unemployment Agency to make sure those checks went out despite not ever being able to collect some myself.

The movie hadn’t started just yet but the room has already darkened when somebody purposely used an attractive female to evoke a psychotic episode out of me. This ploy was meant to goad me into checking myself into a psychiatric hospital as this town of Bristol did not know me and most likely considered me a threat.


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The commercial ads continued as handfuls of people entered the theatre at a cheaper rate because it was a weekday mid afternoon. I was minding my own business when out of nowhere a young woman in her early twenties entered the theatre wearing only a t-shirt and pink underwear. I couldn’t BELIEVE what I was seeing.

Do these Harley guys really have to be that funny? Why are they putting their girlfriends up to this? Who’s trying to goad me into checking myself into a behavioral health unit only to have a doctor tell me I was hallucinating?

The girl smiled as she walked past me and I made a point not to stare. Years of Federal incarceration trained me to prevent myself from being caught “Wreckless Eyeballing”. Yup you heard it right. Occasionally female prison workers had to come on the compounds and believe it or not the Feds could charge you with what they called “Wreckless Eyeballing” if they felt you were gawking too long.

As I write this story nearly ten years later I have learned some things about clothing that I just didn’t know. THINGS AREN’T




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Yup. It’s been nearly a decade and numerous times I have been fooled by skin tight skin colored clothing that at first glance fools you into believing the person wearing this type of clothing is naked. The theatre obviously was dark and it took me many years to figure out that most likely I was fooled.

CHAPTER 6 (The Stinkbug/Spotted Lantern Fly Conspiracy)

I often wondered why they call it the “stink bug” until I held a magnifying glass up to it’s wings to find out. Yup. Zooming in on a stink bug you could in fact see it’s magnificent electronics. But what you don’t know? It’s not a real insect. It’s 100% pure nanotechnology made by the Chinese that literally spy on us 24/7. I am convinced that Trump knows this and Trump himself may be the only person capable of preventing our Country being overtaken by the Chinese government.


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So why call it “Stink bug?”. Because the Chinese are smart and know how to outsmart us. No typical American (Other than myself) really portrays a Stink bug as a serious threat until it is dead. That’s the whole point of course. The sneaky Chinese government designed these stink bugs to let out a putrid odor in the event you decide to squish them. The actual chemical that the Chinese inject into these bugs I do not know of but I would surmise it’s a chemical quasi to the liquid they use to make fart bombs for kids at the fair.

(My parents house 2012)

“I don’t like it staring at me mom. Shouldn’t we just kill it?”

“No because then it will let out a terrible stink” says mother.

“We should probably whisper. How do we know that the Chinese Pastor across the street isn’t secretly remotely controlling it and it’s ear hustling us?”

“Blake are you taking your medication?”

“I’m not on medication remember I switched jobs and lost my 19

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insurance. I certainly ain’t paying for it.”

Mother seems amused at this point and plays along. “Well maybe it is spying on us what do you have to hide Blakey?”

The Stink bug slows in its tracks and thinks I can no longer see it hiding in the corner. I’m even more paranoid at this point because I’m freaked out how at the very moment mommy asked this question the stink bug froze in its path as if it was patiently waiting for my reply so it could report it to the Chinese Pastor across the street.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I dunno. I was just looking out for you. This is your house after all maybe it is peeking on us with hopes of finding your nest egg.”

That seemed to quiet down mommy. I could never understand why my little brother always got to know my parents financial business but I was always left in the dark. I knew their house was paid off years ago but I often assumed they had very little money because mother never worked and my father never grossed much. It was always my little brother the police officer that assured me my folks had a huge nest egg.


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The stink bug continued to look at me funny from the corner and I engaged in my usual routine of gazing off into space.

The Spotted Lantern Fly Conspiracy

The Spotted Lantern Fly was also invented by the Chinese government but this fly of course is different from the Stink bug. Unlike the stink bug, I believe the Spotted Lantern Fly to be a tangible insect. I believe the Chinese government purposely found ways to breed different insects until they successfully biogenetically invented this creature.

I am 100% sure that the Spotted Lantern Fly is no more threat than a simple butterfly but I do in fact know why the Chinese government brought them to America. The Spotted Lantern Fly is nothing more than a glorified butterfly used as a ploy to fight vandalism that the Chinese feared would ensue from unstable people that couldn’t hold and maintain employment.

So what was the purpose of the Spotted Lantern Fly?

The answer is simple. To highten surveillance and slow down terrorists. The Spotted Lantern Fly will not actually harm property and vehicles but the Chinese government that 21

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released them over here wants you to believe so. Posters and flyers went up in nearly all businesses across the United States to warn us of this fly to keep our nation’s security from going soft. You just never know when a terrorist might slip a bomb under your stairwell but if you were in the habit of looking under things for this Spotted Lantern Fly you just might be able to locate and prevent the next bomb from going off. Need to excavate the building rapidly without causing too much alarm? Guess who invented Covid-19?

CHAPTER 7 (The airbag recall scam) I don’t care how many times Toyota sends me mail promising to repair my “Alleged” dysfunctional airbag free of charge. My family has been known to drive old jalopies for many years to save on insurance costs and even my lil brother received the same letter for his old Mazda. THIS IS A HUGE GOVERNMENT



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So you might be asking yourself

Why? Why does the government INSIST on knowing and calculating EVERY breath I take?

I have two theories to answer this question. While I am not 100% sure either answer is correct I think a lot of my answer has a lot to do with the threat of AI or better known as artificial intelligence. Believe it or not machines and computers themselves have no interest in us but the government that creates these machines does.

My first theory. China. I believe China has started all this PEEKABOO nonsense because they are finally starting to realize that the trillions of dollars we owe them they in fact stand no chance of recovering unless they become violent. I’m quite adamant in my opinion that we will in fact see one day Chinese sorties jumping out from the planes with machine guns and taking over our country enslaving us until the debt gets repaid. So yes. The airbag GPS PEEKABOO system was most likely invented by the Chinese.

Theory number 2. Power for Divorce Attorneys.


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This of course is another logical theory where the average American HAS NO IDEA how much PEEKABOO powers attorneys have in the United States that spy on us. The Divorce Attorneys insist on keeping things professional so you can guarantee if there was airbag GPS technology to know where EVERYONE is at 24/7 you can better believe they will insist on getting their hands on it.

The average American is figuring out how to go into their settings on their smart phones and turn off their location to keep spouses/employers at bay. So yes, if the Chinese government aren’t behind this furtive airbag recall system then you can bet your bottom dollar the Divorce Attorneys are basking in this PEEKABOO SYSTEM.


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CHAPTER 8 (Half tilt Bob)

My ex-boss is the reason I embarked on writing this book. I wanted to title it “Persecutory Delusions” but after a simple google research I realized the title was already taken by other doctors listing their work at unreasonable prices. I’m not going to read their work before writing this book just as I refused to research other schizophrenics prior to writing my book “If there was Schizophrenia”.

Would you like to know the delusion I suffer from more than any other delusions?

The half tilt flag.

Anytime a major catastrophe happens in this country you might notice that businesses tilt their American flags in recognition. But what if I told you this? What if I told you that the government feels so threatened by the chemical imbalances in my head that anytime I come around they lower their flags to warn other coherent people? Would you believe that? I certainly do.


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It makes me remember that day in federal court in February of 2005 when I almost made bail but a prosecutor at the last minute barged in screaming “Your honor the defendant has bipolar schizophrenia we recommend he be detained”

My public pretender tried to argue that I was a mature adult but I’ll never forget the look of fear in the judge’s eyes when the word “schizophrenia” came out of her mouth. Even though I never actually blew up anything in the government’s eyes I was a schizophrenic bomb maker and the two words

“explosives” and “schizophrenia” were just two words that didn’t go well together. Words may only be letters scrambled a certain way in the alphabet but if combined just right they are extremely powerful. For years the alphabet people have figured out how to use words to plant images in our mind.

Sure they say a picture says a thousand words but it only takes one explicit word to plant thousands of graphic unrealistic images in our minds so beware of words as they can be a weapon! Governing officials are learning to be careful around tik tokers and youtubers but there’s an old saying “the pen is mightier than the sword”.

Youtube and Tik Tok delete unwanted videos that cross boundaries all the time but deleting passages from a book is a lot more difficult.


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Have you lowered your flag like the others when I come around or is it easier for you to crank up the thermostat so we both suffer?

(The Frog on the Leash joke) HOW DID THEY KNOW?

Even though it was like ten years ago I still can’t understand why the red headed girl insisted on running over to me to tell me the frog on a leash joke. As antisocial as I usually am I stewed for weeks after hearing the joke feeling delerious as she just seemed too excited to tell me the joke. It was like she knew upfront that hearing the joke would get me giggling a heck of a lot more than a chuckle. To this day it’s my favorite joke but in a weird way my feelings are hurt replaying that day over and over again in my head of how it seemed like that joke was written just for me?

Do people really have some psychic ability to read my mind to know that my mind thinks EXACTLY like that boy’s mind holding a dead frog on a leash after the mailman had run over his pet frog?


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For more information on this joke google FROG ON THE


Chapter 9 Pastor Ravi Zacharias isn’t dead It’s all part of the Republican convoluted conspiracy plotted against me. I hate to admit it but I have good reason to suspect my Sister-in-law is behind it. She comes from a family of millionaires so of course it only makes sense she would team up with the Republicans that wish me ill will.

I don’t talk to many people outside of my family but occasionally I touch base with a guy I knew since 7th grade named Tom. His wife Becky I also knew since middle school and this couple with three children are literally setting the world record of marriage. Yes believe it or not Beky and Tom started dating in middle school and to this day of 2023 are 28

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still married with three children.

I never told anyone but my Sister-in-law that religion was a struggle for me and the only pastor I could muster up the strength to at least pay attention to was the foreign pastor on the radio none other than Ravi Zacharias. That’s right I said it.

Ravi Zacharias.

I find it odd and interesting that only months after I made this confession that somehow he has allegedly passed away. But is he really dead? Did the Republicans pay him to fake his own death? I’ll let YOU decide

I’ve been through a lot in life so I’m not very apt to listen to a pastor that I consider is “merely following the herd”. Believe it or not I’VE DONE MY RESEARCH. I find it interesting that 9

times out of ten an Amish kid is going to have Amish parents.

A mennonite child most likely was raised Mennonite. Do do I consider myself a Baptist? No. Military dog tags clearly say

“NA” for religion.

Maybe his talk was unique. Maybe it was his enigmatic stories.

Whatever it was had me occasionally listening to this Ravi Zacharias pastor as I cruised my big rig down the road. So what was their intent? Why fake the death of a widely known 29

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successful pastor? The answer was sooooo simple. The sick and twisted Republicans believed by faking Ravi’s death they were in fact mitigating the threat. The threat of my alleged mental illness!

So here is the motive in case you haven’t figured it out. There’s no proof that religion has EVER been detrimental to health! In fact quite the contrary! Doctors have often been flabbergasted to learn that the power of prayer has on occasion cured what doctors of all knowledge can’t cure! It’s rare but with enough prayer miracles beyond doctor’s comprehension do in fact happen! So if the Know it all Republicans seriously believed that my mental illness was a threat would they want me growing strength from a nation wide known pastor? Of course not! It would make much more sense to fake his own death!

So in conclusion. Is the famous Ravi Zacharias really dead or has he partook in the poisonous Republican soup!


Black Birds Hold Secrets