I was fearing for my life. I didn’t want to cancel my chiropractor membership but I was certain two or three more neck adjustments was gonna land me in a wheel chair. My whole spine felt 100 years older than what it really was and I was certain if I continue chiro care I would end up with another pinch nerve. You see, I’m not actually crazy. It was not only one doctor frowning upon chiropractor care but now two highly disuading it. I could still hear Dr. John’s verbatim words 57
in the back of my mind. Chiropractors are quacks For years I had written off Doc John’s statement as “rubbish”
assuming he only said it because he didn’t like chiropractors taking business away from more educated doctors but as the grinding sounds from my neck got worse I began to question whether weekly neck adjustments was really good for the body or was it rather doing long term weakening to the spine?
I certainly wasn’t going to continue chiro care for months to find out.
So yeah, right around midnight on 05/10-2024 I cancelled my chiro membership that I had kept for more than four years.
And you wanna know this little secret? Had SPYDER WOMAN
sent me a Christmas card in 2023 I would be a dead man. Yes.
A very dead man as I mean that literally. As crazy as it sounds I am 100% sure had my chiropractor sent me a Christmas card I wouldn’t be alive right now but honestly it haunts me wondering if she secretly knew not to mail me a Christmas card as doing so would leave me penniless as I write this. Will there ever be a doozy of a Spyder WOMAN movie with a twisted plot? Perhaps the movie producers are waiting to hear of my demise before they write the scripts.
I did in fact go to a funeral today and was proud of myself still having the ability to hold back the tears. I guess I forget that 58
even the toughest of all grown men cry and as I write this with an interspersing mind I can recall being in shock watching a burly black man in Ft. Wayne Indiana that had met me for the first time have quarter sized tears rolling down his cheeks as I explained my predicament. I don’t know to this day what I said in 2017 to the man but I never thought after just meeting a perfect stranger for the first five minutes would end with incessant tears.
Bits and pieces of our conversation I can recall but to this day I wish I could recall what I said that had this burly man in tears. He was built like a football player and the only thing I can remember was him trying to help me get shelter at some sort of Veterans shelter that he was quite familiar with. I didn’t go but rather watched my savings deplete as I stayed at my motel. His tears had me confused as usually this type of stranger would be the type where I would be hiding my wallet in my sock like Pop Pop used to do.
I chose to write more to this story today because I realized that this entire book was encouraged to be written by my Russian trucker buddy Tim that he himself was heavily convinced I was mentally ill. I didn’t hear from Timmy today but what evoked writing today was attending a funeral where my lil brother’s best friend of many years had passed away. I just wanna clear things up. My brother’s inner circle isn’t 59
really in my iphone contacts. Obviously I hang out with my brother a lot but I can’t say I’ve ever been seen with his inner circle when he’s not present. I still felt compelled to show up to the funeral to show my support as I once was on the same softball team ten plus years ago so I knew the people there would remember me. So why the funeral? Why would going to a funeral cause me to continue writing this book that I hadn’t touched in a month or so?
The answer was simple. My persecutory delusions were getting the best of me and I had to be 100% sure Mitch was dead. My persecutory delusions are 100% real. For many years as a gambler I was heavily convinced that my little brother’s inner circle of cops, athletes, doctors, etc were all secretly conspiring ill will against me even though I didn’t have the slightest of evidence to back up these accusations. I believe that my lil brother gets text alerts on every sport wager I make and he subsequently sends texts to his inner circle to text “their” inner circle of athletes to see to it I lose that bet. I try to be nice around his friends but I’m heavily convinced until I figure out how to bring some lil Blakey’s in this world my brother and his friends are going to go to great lengths to devise plans to nip my wallet in the butt. So why was this funeral so important? The answer is simple.
As I sullenly walked away from the casket I heard the inner 60
voice in my head. There goes another one Blakey. Nobody is EVER gonna believe that the whole world is out to get you because another witness has passed away. Better hurry up with your story!
CHAPTER 17 (Facing my shooter almost 5 years later) 05/14/2024
I knew I needed to stop in and see my chiropractor today but I just couldn’t steel myself to do it. The memberships were prepay so I knew I was covered for a couple weeks yet but that wasn’t why I was hiding. I’m still petrified another neck adjustment or two and I’d most likely be paralyzed. After all.
Hadn’t I learned to survive years ago prior to chiropractor care? Was my spine pains this bad many years ago?
You can take a piece of metal and bend it and it will not break.
You can bend it back into it’s original position. You can even 61
do this numerous times but if you bend it over and over until it weakens it will most certainly break. This was going to be my new outlook on chiropractor care. I was going to keep my distance from Spyder Woman because I was convinced her alpha detective friends were convincing her to maim me. The weather was getting warmer and I needed to get as healthy as possible quickly.
My neck was hurting because I had no choice but to spend the last three days staring through 1220 pages of names on my cellphone. Why? I was trying to match a name to my 11/10/2019 drive by shooter that ruined my vacation in Atlantic City and slowed down the writing of my very first screen play titled “Two Hobos and a Camera”. As a victim of a drive by shooting I felt compelled to stop writing this screen play as I was traumatized by the event.
Earlier in the day I had gotten into an altercation with a clout chasing security guard working the NJ Transit. Later that evening I got gunned down with a paintball gun walking the streets alone. I obviously was able to put two and two together. So what current issue was I having on this fine evening nearly five years later? I was convinced my orientation leader at my current trucking job was my shooter!
I finished my trucking orientation 6 days ago but the company 62
had me go home and every day asked me to re-sign the same papers over and over and I don’t even know if the job is mine yet. It’s been three months since I actually hauled a load and the sickening part is I predicted this predicament I’m in months ago. Simply put……the ENTIRE trucking industry had a hard on for me. They hate me for not having any children. I should be using this free time looking for love, not writing this book about pusecutory delusions.
I just finished a bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter and honey and I’m anticipating any second I’m going to be running to the toilet with diarrhea. Even though it’s been a year and a half it seems like yesterday when I was accosting Officer Mason Eshelman with a jar of peanut butter swearing up and down somebody had broken into my apartment and poured laxatives in it. The officer thought I was crazy but what he doesn’t know is I had the same problem over and over when I kept peanut butter in the big rig. So whom in my family has already confessed to periodically buying laxatives? Why none other than DangerousRogue. I won’t expound on this screen name I inadvertently stumbled upon on the MILF website in 2018. I’ll leave that mystery up in the air.
I’m angry. In fact VERY angry. Halfway through my investigation I realized the public NJ transit payroll records only showed names for the first quarter of 2019. I had been 63
shot in November which meant if my alleged shooter “Screwy Louie” hadn’t started working there until April Fool’s day there would be no proof in there to prove he was in fact employed as a security guard at time of shooting. Being as I had already been tipped off by other classmates about his previous felonies most likely he was like me and bounced from job to job each year.
I didn’t have the option of raising cane within my company accusing him as my shooter because then I feared I could face a defamation of character lawsuit so I had to be careful. I needed proof that “Screwy Louie” was in fact an employee in November 2019 for NJ transit.
Sure enough my plan to toss the upper half of peanut butter in the trash didn’t work because I’m now full throttle on the potty. My intruder was learning to stir the laxatives into the peanut butter! Good thing I’m in the habit of taking apart my pill capsules to inspect them for chunks of needles! Do you really think I haven’t figured out why I always have stomach pain? Curious about what happened to my six pack abs? Ask the boogie man.
-Everybody fears the boogie man but who does the boogie man fear?
Black Birds Hold Secrets
Nov 2024
The failure rate for manmade diets is 98.3%. The reason why manmade diets fail is because they are, well, manmade. Fasting does not have this fatal flaw. I wa...
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