Breast Cancer Awareness Guide by Jamie Florian Stacy - HTML preview

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Breast cancer often occurs in stages.


Some  cancers   spread   slowly   while others spread quickly.


Therare cancers that are predictable in growt and   ther ar thos that spread unpredictably.


The cancers that arunpredictable are created by the use  of estrogen in the body.


The stage itself  will depend mainly on the  size   of the  tumor  whethe the cancer has spread or not.


Stage 0


Stage 0 refers to noninvasive carcinoma or carcinoma in situ. With this stage the cells are abnormal in the lining of the lobule but are not cancerous as yet.


Stage 1


The tumor has become cancerous and has grown to an inch in diameter but has not spread beyond the breast.


Stage 2


Either 1 of 3 things will happen:


1. The cancerous tumor grows to lesthan one inch across and has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm,


2. It has grown to be about one and two inches and has not reached the lymph nodes as yet but just leaning in that direction and


3. It is larger than 2 inches in diameter and has not moved.


Stage 3


The cancerou tumor has grown to more than two inches apart, and has reached and penetrated the lymph nodes of the underarms.


In some cases this type of cancer has been known to spread to the lymph nodes near the breastbone or other tissue near the breast.


The patient will lose most or all his or her hair and has to go through cinemotheraphy to delay the cancerous cells from spreading further.


Stage 4


The cancer becomes metastatic and fatal.


Its cells have spread beyond the breast and lymph nodes to other parts of the body. Under this stage, the patient is usually given a few months to a year to live.






Cancer is often recurrent.


This is a cancer that goes away but comes back.


Recurrent cancer usually happens when the treatment provided earlier did not get rid of all the cancer. Then the cancer just spread quickly and showed up.


You may not realize this, but what is often the case is that when medical treatment is given for cancer removal, it does not always get rid of all cancer.


Some cancer is hidden within cells and just does not get killed off.


Despite all misconception