Climate, Cows, and Cars by Mitch - HTML preview

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Greenhouse Gases - citations

1. “Reducing Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions trends and data” produced for the International Transport Forum 2010 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Pg.6

2. Vermeulen S. J., Campbell B. M., Ingram J. S I., “Climate Change and Food Systems” Annual Review of Environmental Resources 11/21/2012

3. Moore F. C., Diaz D. B., “Temperature impacts on economic growth warrant stringent mitigation policy” Nature Climate Change pg.127-131 01/28/2015

4. Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change “Direct Global Warming Potentials” Ch.2.10.2 Climate Change 2007

5. “Oil and Gas Systems Methane: Reducing Emissions, Advancing Recovery and Use” Global Methane Initiative Sept. 2011

6. “Global Methane Emissions and Mitigation Opportunities” Global Methane Initiative

7. Kay Sumfleth “Overview of Rice Production Methods, Agriculture Production, and Methane Emissions Estimates”

8. Masanobu Fukuoka “Rice and Orchard Techniques” video

9. Reay D., Hogan C. M., “Nitrous Oxide” The Encyclopedia of Earth 10/24/2006

10. Wiki2 “Embodied Energy” definition

11. “UK: Electric and Hybrid Cars are CO2-Heavy in Production” 06/08/2011

12. Patterson J., Alexander M., Gurr A., “Preparing for a Life Cycle CO Measure” Ricardo Consultants, RD.11/124801.4 05/20/2011 pg. 46

13. Gregory Launay, “Lifey-Cycle Assessment in the Automotive Industry” 08/25/2012

14. Dr. Ben Lane, “Life Cycle Assessment of Vehicle Fuels and Technologies” prepared for the London Borough of Camden, March 2006 pg.67

15. Tim Smith, “A Life Cycle Perspective on Concrete and Asphalt Roadways: Embodied Primary Energy and Global Warming Potential” Cement Association of Canada, pg.7 09/15/2006

16. Dr. David Steele, “A Sympathetic but Skeptical Look at Goodland and Anhang’s ‘Livestock and Climate Change’” 10/26/2009

17. Damian Carrington, “Giving up Beef will Reduce Carbon Footprint More than Cars, Says Expert” The Guardian 07/21/2014

18. Oishimaya Sen Nag, “Will You Stop Eating Meat to Save the Environment?” Youth Ki Awaaz 10/06/2015

19. Michael Winship, “Naomi Klein: ‘There are No Non-Radical Options Left Before Us” Alternet 02/03/2016

20. Caroline Scott-Thomas, “How Eco-Friendly are Meat Analogues” 11/26/2012

21. Diane Vukovic, “The Best and Worst Vegan Processed Foods” 11/12/2013

22. Sun Q., Spiegelman D., Van Dam R. M., Holmes M. D., Malik V. S., Willett W. C., Hu F. B., “White Rice, Brown Rice, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in US Men and Women” Arch Intern Med 06/14/2010

 23. Rob Greenfield, “An Argument Against Veganism...From a Vegan” 07/23/2015

24. “Adverse Health Effects of Plastic”

25. Kate Good, “10 Life Hacks to Help You Cut Plastic Out of the Picture”

Image Credits

1. ‘Climate Irony’ by Assaad Razzouk

2. ‘Bestie Cow Fart’ source unknown

3. ‘Climate Change your Fault’ source unknown

4. ‘Clippy’ image created by the author

5. Hawkins T. R., Singh B, Majeau-Bettez G., Strømman H., “Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Conventional and Electric Vehicles” Journal of Industrial Ecology V.17 pg.53-64 02/2013

6. ‘Steps in the Life Cycle of a Car’ Gregory Launay

7. ‘Simon Cat Hungry’ source unknown

8. ‘Expansive Road in Perspective’ source unknown

9. ‘Why Not Both?’ partial image from edited by the author

10. ‘Wait There’s More’ source unknown

11. ‘Vegan Viking’ produced by Brian Frey used with permission

12. ‘GHG graph’ produced by the author

13. ‘This Changes Everything’ image from the book of the same title by Naomi Klein

14. ‘Unhealthy Vegan’ created by 416vegan

15. ‘Plastic Under the Waves’ by Ferdi Rizkiyanto

16. ‘We Can Bike to Work’ by Andy Singer

17. ‘Roll Over Urban’ source unknown