Although not well acknowledged, some health practitioners indicate good results with various arthritic patients when
Digestive Enzymes are added to the treatment program. Dr. A. Renshaw from Manchester in England, reported in
the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases that he obtained good results with enzyme treatment in over 700 patients with
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or fibrositis. Some cases of ankylosing spondylitis and Still’s disease (Juvenile
Rheumatoid Arthritis) have also responded well to this intervention. 7 Other reports include favorable outcomes in
patients with multiple sclerosis and lupus (systemic lupus erthymatosus). The mechanism of action in these cases
appears to involve interaction with the body’s immune system. Animal and human studies demonstrated that, in
certain instances, a person can develop a leaky gut, which implies that the normal gut lining has been damaged or
is somehow defective, allowing certain partially digested food mat er to be absorbed from the gut into the
bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream these substances trigger a response from the immune system, producing
Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils
immune complexes (a type of antigen-antibody reaction), with accompanying inflammatory reaction and a
worsening of the above-noted conditions. German researchers have shown that the use of digestive enzyme
supplements in these cases can dissolve and clear these immune complexes, helping to improve the patient’s
overall condition.2,11,12