Comphensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils by Dr. James Meschino - HTML preview

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3. Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Minerals

4. Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils

All four books were written to both educate and provide an easy to use quick reference to answer important questions

regarding nutrients. Users of the guide can quickly find which health conditions the nutrient can impact, proper

dosage, possible ef ects of a deficiency or the ef ect any potential toxicity associated with the nutrient. Finally any

drug-nutrient Interactions associated with the nutrient.

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Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils

Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils

Meschino Health Natural Health Assessment

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The Meschino Health Assessment is a free service created by Dr. James Meschino. The feedback in your report is

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We all know that we should eat better, exercise more and change some of our less then desirable lifestyle habits. Did

you know that 7 out of 10 North Americans are taking some form of nutritional supplements to augment their diet?

While that might sound like good news, the downside is that many people are guessing at what supplements to take!

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Meschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils

Accessory Nutrients and Essential Oils

Coenzyme Q10 ( Ubiquinone)

General Features

CoQ10 is an essential component of the electron transfer system in the mitochondria. More specifically, it functions to

shut le hydrogen electrons from NAD to cytochrome b, facilitating the release of energy required to recouple ADP with

inorganic phosphate in the synthesis of ATP. As such, CoQ10 is an integral part of the bioenergetic system that

enables cells to produce adequate amounts of ATP through aerobic pathways. ATP is the primary fuel required to

power the body’s metabolic reactions, maintain optimal function of cells and sustain life. A deficit in ATP synthesis can

compromise any number of energy-dependent cellular functions and hasten the onset of dysfunction and if severe

enough, cell death.

Although the body can synthesize CoQ10, deficiency states of CoQ10 tend to exist and are associated with various

health conditions. Moreover, supplementation studies with CoQ10 have been shown to effectively treat and sometimes

reverse a number of these conditions.

There is evidence that a decline in CoQ10 synthesis occurs with aging, predisposing individuals to a number of CoQ10

deficiency-related disorders and diseases.

Professor F.L. Crane and his colleagues at the University of Wisconsin first discovered CoQ10 in 1957. Since then, Dr,

Karl Folkers at the University of Texas (Austin) is most responsible for the ongoing research on CoQ10.1-4

Coenzyme Q10 is also a fat soluble antioxidant, which has been shown to reduce oxidation of LDL-cholesterol and the

mitochondrial DNA.5,6 CoQ10 supplementation has been shown to modulate immune system function, enhancing

levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG), in the serum of patients provided with 60 mg CoQ10 per day.7

The average person may consume about 5 mg per day of CoQ10 from foods, with the main sources being meat, fish,

soybeans and some vegetable oils. Clinical Coenzyme Q10 studies have involved daily supplemental intake levels

ranging from 60 mg to 300 mg per day; far greater than food alone can provide.8

Supplementation Studies and Clinical Applications